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It's Kerbal Space P(y)rogram! (TF2)

Dr. Muttonstache

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Any of you play Team Fortress 2? If not, go play it, its free. Anyway, I got a neat idea to create a Kerbal Pyro in Tf2, and i've gotten a few lines along "Go home Jeb, you're drunk" from more than a few people.


I still need to name the Bubble Pipe and the Sight for Sore eyes, get creative!

Feel free to add me on steam if you'd like to play some TF2 with me, or just talk about Kerbal Space Program, i'm around alot!

Edited by Dr. Muttonstache
Manmelter got it's name, other items need names!
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  CalculusWarrior said:
Maybe one of the engines? Those could put some serious hurt on someone :P NERVA? LV-T45? Maybe an SRB? That would definitely complete Jeb's costume!
The Manmelter isn't big enough to be an engine, it's pistol sized. The poodle is enough engine for now.
  Itsdavyjones said:
it looks like the rockomax 24-77


So for me, that seems like a logical name.

My thoughts too, scratch that one off!

Looking to name the other items (Bubble pipe, Sight for Sore eyes too, doesnt need to be named after a part)

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