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Rover launcher going out of control during takeoff


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So... I built 6000 D\V rocket with 3 Jambo tanks + 3 long solid booster + 1 Quarter Jambo tank with Nuclear engine attached to it, that is for the deep space traveling (4s stage)

the first stage drops 3 long solid boosters,

the second stage drops 3 Jambo tanks,

the third stage drops middle Jambo tank

and final stage launching the nuclear engine

So at 12k after dropping the first stage and starting inclination, my rocked suddenly goes out of control (only during inclination).

I tried to add wings, same result, spinning out of control.

It looks like the rover on top of the entire structure is VERY heavy (stock rover build) and it pulling the nose down hard

Anyone got any tips on how to overcome this issue?

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Spinning is frequent when there isn't perfect (or nearly) symmetry in height

I suppose you misplaced the solid boosters, or it lacks sufficient control surfaces to keep pointing where you want.

Try checking these out.

You could always try placing ASAS if you don't already (which is pointless without control surfaces).

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When I launched this guy for the first time, I placed some rockets a little bit out of line and it span and ripped away, I then fixed that but forgetting some stages will require me to lower thrusts or it will spin until I get out of the planet.

Review your Centre of mass and lift and try little tweeks during launch and builds. This little guy was my second one now I solved my spin issue and can build larger and smaller ones without a spin.


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ummm, do you have asas and sas installed? also what kind of pod are you using? I've noticed the unmanned pods just don't have enough omph to get the job done once you start the gravity turn (even with asas and sas), so i use an empty manned pod (typicall mk1 or lander can) on larger unmanned rockets.

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If you're having a lot of issues with control and have RCS on board, try enabling that, it can help get a rocket back under control. What engine(s) do you have powering that stage? If you are using an engine that does not gimbal, your rocket will be very hard to control.

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