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Tips about SSTOs?

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As you can see, I've been here a while. I know almost everything about rockets, and I've decided to build an SSTO that can be reused. This, of course, requires knowledge of spaceplanes. I have built a successful SSTO that has a lot of fuel left after orbital insertion, but I really would like a few tips when designing them (I went through ~20 major variations to find one that worked)


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hey 3_bit, welcome aboard, but I remember you from before the crash... and this seems in the wrong thread...


SSTO's are very difficult which is why there are none in real life. you can build a simple rocket SSTO with out much trouble if you make it have about a 1.2 TWR on ignition and atleast 6000 m/s of vacuum deltaV and 4000 atmospheric detlaV. planes might be harder as you need to have the wings and what not balanced along with intakes for atmospheric flight.

Enjoy B787

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The SSTO's i've made were all VAB launched. I aim for a TWR of >1.8 and a dV of about 5200. This is enough to get something to a 150k orbit easily. Of course the bigger the payload the bigger the launch stage will need to be.

I have a variation on this design


The SSTO version has the three columns mounded to a central spine. At the bottom of the spine is a lander can while the top of the spine has the decoupler to release the payload. It all goes to orbit, lets the payload go and returns to KSC in one orbit, so about 30min pad-to-pad. (btw, that payload is about 60t)

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