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What are your plans for release 1.0?


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My plan for release 1.0 includes going straight to sandbox, building a massive colony on the Mun, complete with building supplies, then shipping out to Duna, and expanding throughout the Kerbin system in a series of gigantic leaps

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The game's already this good, and we're not even up to release 0.20 yet! I can't imagine what Squad will put in 1.0. I'm sure Career mode will make for radically different playing styles, though Sandbox will always be a great place to be for just having fun designing rockets and exploring without the pressures of money/time.

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  Camelotking524 said:
Trying to complete the campaign on time and under budget.

I've gotten the impression from the dev chats that there won't be a campaign. Career mode isn't a campaign, and almost every time I've heard them talk about career mode or achievements, they've emphasized that they're not talking about anything like a campaign.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm impressed this thread could be found. It is extremely old, and much of its content is from well before KSP was very far through Beta. Was KSP even in beta this long ago? I can't remember. That's how old it is! :D

Please direct any 1.0-related discussion to the existing threads or the comments section of HarvesteR's article for now; there are a few too many threads here already.

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