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A very stupid question, but with dinosaurs inside (Is it possible to ...)


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Hi all,

I have a very stupid question about the core mechanism of kerbal.

Is it possible to change the orbit of the 'not created by kerbals' objects ?

Or are they on some sort of rails and can't move from their expected trajectory ?

Mainly, for some obscure reasons, I hate eve (all that pink ! no more pink ! it burns !) and want to crash gilly into it (dinosaur's style !).

I known that it will need a lot of work to put a huge reactor on gilly, and we will need a divine intervention to boost up reactor thrust.

But just in theory, is it possible in kerbal ?

or just a sweet dream ?

that's all.

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Not going to happen. At least in foreseable future. All celestial bodies are on rails. And even if they were not, the difference in mass means that no amount of engines placed on one of them would change its orbit noticeably. Well, maybe the Magic Boulder - but it annihilates anything trying to touch it. So no - not possible.

Maybe in full game, if there will be procedurally generated asteroids or comets.

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True, but 19 million years seems a bit excessive to wait for a fizzle of a failure when you can take a fraction of that fuel, strap a few Kerbals to it, and watch the fireworks today!

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