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Fellow Explorers


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Good day Space-enthusiasts!

This is a re-make account, I did not survive the April Server Meltdown.

I, like yourselves, am an avid lover of all things Space. I consistently follow all the news on the subject and am excited for when we will have regular flights up to the first Commercial Space Stations.

Searching feverishly for good space games, I discovered this game about a year ago, but left uninterested because it was still in it's infancy.

Just a month I ran into this game again, and boy has it been a treat! I am very pleased to see where this game is going and have been obsessed with it ever since.

This game is right my alley and even with Sandbox mode I can think of all the endless possibilities. It's kind of like Minecraft in space! =D

If I could program, I would totally help the team out to speed up the development. Alas I cannot.

But what I will endeavour to do is promote this game and spread the good news!

I have thought about making some youtube videos,maybe a review, though there are some good ones out there already.

I wish you Good luck, Developers, with the creation of this awesome experience with so much potential!

Thank you for creating this game! :D

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