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Land, Sea and Air!

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I am not sure if this has been put forth as a challenge so I figured I would post the idea anyways to see if it generates any interest. I have attempted this myself using stock parts and have come really close to being able land in water using VTOL and no parachutes. Since I have not successfully landed in water yet I have not attempted a water rescue.

The Challenge:

Launch four(4) kerbal's in random directions and land them safely on Kerban. Then, build a rescue vehicle that can venture out and bring back all four(4) Kerbal Astronauts. Mods are allowed but there is a bonus if you can do it without.


- Must have controlled flight capabilities. (5 points)

- Must be able to land and takeoff in water. (20 points)

- Must be able to be driven on land similar to a car, rover, etc. (10 points)

- Rescue two(2) Astronauts from land (Two separate locations, at least 1000m apart) (20 points)

- Rescue two(2) Astronauts from water (Two separate locations, at least 1000m apart) (40 points)

- Must be able to return all Kerbal's safely to the Space Center. (20 points)


- Rescued all in single trip. (20 points)

- Used stock parts only, no Mods. (50 points)

- Look Ma, No parachutes! (20 points)

Questions, comments and feedback are always welcome.

Thanks and have fun!

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