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[0.20] Ioncross Crew Support Plugin ([0.22] dev build)


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Will they overwrite the existing parts

No, archive overwrite only textures. It's just recolor. Parts are same, only color will change, no any impact to game.

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No, archive overwrite only textures. It's just recolor. Parts are same, only color will change, no any impact to game.

That's what I meant. I was asking if parts were the same, so they'd overwrite the parts from the mod.

And they are! Awesome!

I'm glad the radial tank is distinct from the KSPX tank that also uses blue.

Youngdevil, have you considered contacting the managers of the kethane mod, so perhaps that magical substance could be used to make oxigen? (Or at least carbon dioxide, that then can be put through the recycler.)

That would make setting up permanent bases easier.

Or would you consider that making it too easy?

Edited by Tw1
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Youngdevil, have you considered contacting the managers of the kethane mod, so perhaps that magical substance could be used to make oxigen? (Or at least carbon dioxide, that then can be put through the recycler.)

That would make setting up permanent bases easier.

Or would you consider that making it too easy?

Sorry for the delayed response Tw1, I didn't see that part of your post when I first read it. Integration with Kethane is not something that ever occurred to me. Mostly because it's a mod I've never gotten around to trying. For those who do use it though I can see combining the two as an appealing idea. I do think bases should have a way to harvest water or ice to process into oxygen, but I saw adding resource mining as beyond the scope of the crew support mod. So thank you for the suggestion; it'll be something that I look into after I finish the next version.

Lotzofgibberish, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for. I'd assume ejecting carbon dioxide means a way to remove it permanently from the vessel, in which case the built in CO2 scrubbers do that. I know it's not realistic because they should really just trap the CO2 and thus the mass shouldn't be lost but that would require a new resource to track and so instead they simply delete the CO2. So changing the mechanism to eject CO2 would really just be cosmetic.

If you do just want to change the button so it says “Eject CO2†though that's not too hard to do; it just requires some variable name replacing in the source code and recompiling. On the other hand, if you want to also change the behaviour of the button so it very quickly removes all the CO2 on the vessel and then turns off automatically that is a little more complicated and will require some small modifications to the functionality of the code. I'd be happy to give you step by step instructions on what to do in either case.

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Can you add a food and water supply? Maybe a Water recycler and Food farm to make food, or you have to constantly bring in food from kerbin, that would be awesome.

this is the best life support mod, only thing missing is food/water

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I really love the life support concept, glad to see someone still carrying the torch. A couple problems unfortunately.

My 16 crew members seem to randomly die after long time warp periods and NaN displaying for O2/CO2 rates. I'm guessing the main pods O2 tank gets drained before everything else, need to test that more, but my charge levels where topped off. I'm running four recyclers, three of which are modified, but two of those are just copy/pastes into 3rd party tank cfgs. Also, the recyclers can't generate enough O2 to keep up for a journey to Duna. Do they require CO2 to make O2? Also, can I have a part recycle and support crew? If so, do I need to add IonModuleLifeSupport or will IonModuleLifeSupportGenerator assume its part is crewed? I guessed that you'd add both.

You can see two blueish cylinders in the center/mid-stern of the ship, those are two recyclers, the other two are part of the Home living modules.


I'll continue to do some more testing, going to rebuild with some cfg changes (found a cfg with dupe charge resource entries). Keep up the great work!

Edit: At 100,000 x warp, life support will randomly go to unpowered, and some Kerbals die in random pods. I even have RTG's as backup.

Ok, so I had Jeb increase the efficiency for the habitat modules, just those two alone seem to work well. The two belonging to the mothership will remain off till the pods disembark. Unfortunately the time warp issue remains. I think after all the Kerbals in a pod die, the vessel's life support reads no power. I wonder if unmanned pods become unpowered in vanilla KSP. My guess is brief glitches in solar charging and time warping in KSP.

Alright, I poked around in the code and just basically changed how it detects power. I also changed the conversion ratios in the cfgs, for my personal taste.

Edited by Spaceghöst
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I had two issues come up on a Duna mission.

I had a ship docked to a station with a large amount of O2 in the station, but the Kerbals died in the smaller ship when their O2 ran out as the two spacecraft don't share O2 between them.

The second is that the lander with an intake device on Duna will take in CO2, but it will not convert it to O2. I think the lander was unmanned at the time, would that make a difference?

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@TommyGun Stupid question, but, did you activate the converter?

Yes, but noting happened.

Although I did have the intake going at the same time the converter was going if they interfere with each other?

I'll try again today, maybe with a new restart it will work. My games are heavily modded and they do sometimes conflict in odd ways.

Edit: Well after playing with it I have it working, you do need a Kerbal in the same section as the CO2 scrubber is in or it will not remove CO2 from the air.

I had a Kerbal in a command module and the CO2 scrubber was in the empty Hitchhiker section of the same lander, so that's why the scrubber wasn't working.

The recyclers do work when there is no one on board though and it takes a long time to get Oxygen from them.

One thing did occur to me, if you max out your CO2 with the air intake, will the Kerbals eventually die off from CO2 positioning?

Edited by Tommygun
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Will the models Mulbin was working on be integrated in the next version? Or if not, at all? Just wondering what became of those talks.

Still in development and nothing confirmed. I need to get them to a state both me and Yongedevil are happy with before they become an official part of the mod. Very much at the IF stage, rather than the When. I've set time aside in about ten days time to get back on the modeling. Once I have them finished and polished we'll see if Yongedevil wants to make them an official part of the mod... if not I'll release as separate parts for people to add their own code to.

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For crew support, I would recommend utilisation of another resource "Supplies" (50% food, 50% water).

Drain rate would be 3L/day/kerb (0.000035L/sec/kerb)

The following parts would contain the following food amounts:

[TABLE=width: 90%, align: center]







[TD]1m Cockpits[/TD]





[TD]3m Cockpits[/TD]





[TD]1m Pod[/TD]





[TD]2m Lander Pod[/TD]


[TD]8d 8h[/TD]



[TD]2m Full Pod[/TD]


[TD]33d 8h[/TD]



[TD]Hitchhiker Container sized container[/TD]





[TD]Structural Fuselage[/TD]





*Assuming the pod is the only supply source.

As for oxygen supply, you basically have the option of high energy cracking of CO2, or cracking water into the O2. Luckily, this O2 can come from urine (you can oxygenate nearly 2000L of air from 1L of urine, but I may be way off on this).

Although Kerbals are about half the size of humans, I assume that they eat the same amount.

Edited by SunJumper
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Edit: Well after playing with it I have it working, you do need a Kerbal in the same section as the CO2 scrubber is in or it will not remove CO2 from the air.

One thing did occur to me, if you max out your CO2 with the air intake, will the Kerbals eventually die off from CO2 positioning?

I'm away for the long weekend so I don't have the code in front of me, but I'm pretty sure I know why the scrubbers aren't working if the part is unoccupied. I'll be able to fix that very easily.

As for the intakes killing Kerbals, I'm not entiery sure. I put code in place to have the intakes stop just before the ship is full. But haven't actually tested if that's soon enough.

For crew support, I would recommend utilisation of another resource "Supplies" (50% food, 50% water).

Drain rate would be 3L/day/kerb (0.000035L/sec/kerb)...

...As for oxygen supply, you basically have the option of high energy cracking of CO2, or cracking water into the O2. Luckily, this O2 can come from urine (you can oxygenate nearly 2000L of air from 1L of urine, but I may be way off on this).

Although Kerbals are about half the size of humans, I assume that they eat the same amount.

Food and water do seam to be popular. As I've stated before I don't intend to add them to the base mod, but the next version has configurable lists of consumables and waste. I think it may be worthwhile to release a food and water add-on with it.

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I'm away for the long weekend so I don't have the code in front of me, but I'm pretty sure I know why the scrubbers aren't working if the part is unoccupied. I'll be able to fix that very easily.

As for the intakes killing Kerbals, I'm not entiery sure. I put code in place to have the intakes stop just before the ship is full. But haven't actually tested if that's soon enough.

Food and water do seam to be popular. As I've stated before I don't intend to add them to the base mod, but the next version has configurable lists of consumables and waste. I think it may be worthwhile to release a food and water add-on with it.

I would love to have food as another resource

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I was using this mod for quite some time, but when you warptime it doesnt work and when you got extra parts like B9 cockpits you wont use this one ever so... after a while ive noticed I have no use for that ... also on top of it, kethane cannot be converted to oxygen.

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I was using this mod for quite some time, but when you warptime it doesnt work and when you got extra parts like B9 cockpits you wont use this one ever so... after a while ive noticed I have no use for that ... also on top of it, kethane cannot be converted to oxygen.

If you've read the original post, It is said that for non-stock command module parts you add in, you have to add a little bit of code in the cfg file of that for life support to work

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I'm away for the long weekend so I don't have the code in front of me, but I'm pretty sure I know why the scrubbers aren't working if the part is unoccupied. I'll be able to fix that very easily.

As for the intakes killing Kerbals, I'm not entiery sure. I put code in place to have the intakes stop just before the ship is full. But haven't actually tested if that's soon enough.

Sounds good.

I have a suggestion, I have been adding a fuel cell generator on my command pods for emergency use.

It uses fuel and oxidizer to produce power, but at a rate that you wouldn't want to keep it going for long.

It's saved my Kerbals on occasions like solar eclipses just after a long night cycle.

Also is the mod supposed to share oxygen and power between docked ships?

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I was using this mod for quite some time, but when you warptime it doesnt work and when you got extra parts like B9 cockpits you wont use this one ever so... after a while ive noticed I have no use for that ... also on top of it, kethane cannot be converted to oxygen.

Yes. Kethane can easily be converted into Ioncross Oxygen. I do so all the time. My self-sustaining base on Dres lives on kethane-converted oxygen. Just look at the cfg file for the kethane converters. Add a new option for "Oxygen" and you're good to go. Right-clicking on the converter ingame will now bring up an option for oxygen. I'd post the exact text to add, but the guy in charge of the Kethane mod doesn't want anyone sharing altered files.

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Yes. Kethane can easily be converted into Ioncross Oxygen. I do so all the time. My self-sustaining base on Dres lives on kethane-converted oxygen. Just look at the cfg file for the kethane converters. Add a new option for "Oxygen" and you're good to go. Right-clicking on the converter ingame will now bring up an option for oxygen. I'd post the exact text to add, but the guy in charge of the Kethane mod doesn't want anyone sharing altered files.

I could prolly do that. I'm not that much of noob with editing stuff in KSP but then I'm kinda split again. I've got rid of this mod and remotetech because it was quite demanding on routine... stuff, like first thing you have to do around planet or moon is set up satellites. With ioncross mod the problem was getting supplies of it but I can see it can be done then. ... need to think it over I guess.

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