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[0.20] Ioncross Crew Support Plugin ([0.22] dev build)


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The red valves are somewhat silly

Yes they are. This is a mod for KSP... not Orbiter. KSP is meant to be somewhat silly... did you miss the little green men and cartoon rockets? :)

Also that's a very good idea, you can repair, activate various things in EVA already, would be great if you had to manually turn on a damaged tank!

Edited by Mulbin
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Yes they are. This is a mod for KSP... not Orbiter. KSP is meant to be somewhat silly... did you miss the little green men and cartoon rockets? :)

Also that's a very good idea, you can repair, activate various things in EVA already, would be great if you had to manually turn on a damaged tank!

Perhaps if you didn't use a "Strong Contrast" it wouldn't be so noticeable (Hey, the oxygen has to get in there SOMEHOW, and I'd love to "go outside and ride [err, fix] an Oxygen Tank" ;p)

i.e. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rZ8AJJiUPfE/TI6qGgxX14I/AAAAAAAAANs/Y93O9WcARR8/s1600/tertiary+colors.jpg

I think you're BG + RO

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The AC? Even if a pod was heated evenly to 700*, nothing describable as "AC" would cool it fast enough to be relevant.

Depending on what passive insulation is available, this is utterly untrue. Of course your cabin will have passive insulation; otherwise when the skin reaches 700C, the inside also reaches 700C within a few seconds. But if instead it takes a few *minutes* for the temperatures to equalize, then temperature is only rising by about a tenth of a degree per second or so - and the cabin's active temperature regulation system (which you can describe as AC, or heat pumps, or whatever you want) can keep up with that easily if it's heavy-duty enough. Of course, if the hull is damaged, the passive systems might stop working, and then the AC gets overwhelmed.

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Yes they are. This is a mod for KSP... not Orbiter. KSP is meant to be somewhat silly... did you miss the little green men and cartoon rockets? :)

Also that's a very good idea, you can repair, activate various things in EVA already, would be great if you had to manually turn on a damaged tank!

What are you repairing in EVA? I wasn't aware of ANY repairable parts.

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What are you repairing in EVA? I wasn't aware of ANY repairable parts.
AFAIK the only "repair" you can do in EVA is repack parachutes at the moment.

Not so... damaged rover wheels can also be repaired, solar panels can be deployed manually if your power has run out, ladders can be deployed...

I'm always surprised so few people seem to know about the rover wheel repairs.... it's saved a couple of missions from failure for me, as has opening solar panels that can't open themselves.

Edited by Mulbin
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Yes they are. This is a mod for KSP... not Orbiter. KSP is meant to be somewhat silly... did you miss the little green men and cartoon rockets? :)
"We placed the oxygen tanks outside the ship because inside is already too cramped with our big heads and everything."
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May I ask, how does one add Ioncross functionality to new cockpits? I'd love to add it to the B9 parts and crew compartments. I would love any advice :)

Also, B9 seems to have something that conflicts with Ioncross. It's easy enough to fix, but the Sabre engines stop working. Any idea what might be causing it?

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May I ask, how does one add Ioncross functionality to new cockpits? I'd love to add it to the B9 parts and crew compartments. I would love any advice :)

Also, B9 seems to have something that conflicts with Ioncross. It's easy enough to fix, but the Sabre engines stop working. Any idea what might be causing it?

I do! The ModuleManager plugin is interfering with the ExsurgentEngineering plugin. There's a fix coming.

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Is the modulemanager .dll inclduded with this the one you have to use? It seems to have disabled my modular fuel tanks.

This mod comes with ModuleManager 1.01, which as of this post is the current version. I believe the Modular Fuel System mod comes with the same version but don't see it directly mentioned anywhere. My guess is this is another problem with the comments in MonduleManager_Squad.cfg in the Ioncross mod like Mulbin had. I'm strongly considering just removing them for the next version. If you can try removing them yourself to see if that is in fact the problem. They're the lines that start with “//â€Â.

When adding resources, what would be an accurate density for food and for water? Based on the current 0.0004 for Oxygen.

That's difficult as the rate of oxygen consumption isn't any any way based on reality. A quick Google search and some calculations suggests a human consumes about 24 kg of oxygen a day (so really oxygen should have a density of 0.001 since Kerbals consume 1 per hour and I think the game uses the tonne as its unit of mass). Another quick search suggest people eat about 1.3 kg of food a day. So very roughly, food consumption should be 1/20th of the oxygen consumption. For water again quick searching suggests between 2 and 3 litters (2-3 kg), call that 1/10th the oxygen consumption.

In theory it shouldn't matter if you chose similar rates to oxygen and use lighter resources or similar densities and slower consumption. Either way you need to lift x amount of mass to keep the kerbals alive for a given period. In piratical terms though a good idea keep the rate numbers in the same order of magnitude to limit floating point errors.

May I ask, how does one add Ioncross functionality to new cockpits? I'd love to add it to the B9 parts and crew compartments. I would love any advice :)

Also, B9 seems to have something that conflicts with Ioncross. It's easy enough to fix, but the Sabre engines stop working. Any idea what might be causing it?

There's been reports of a conflict between ModuleManager and the plugin that B9 uses for the Sabre engines. Until these two mods start playing nice together the only thing I can tell you to do is to manually add the crew support module to the part.cfg files for the appropriate parts. Go bug ialdabaoth and bac9 to get their mods working so it stop breaking everyone else's stuff :D

To add the functionality to new cockpits you'll need to either add it to the part.cfg file by Adding the IonModuleCrewSupport module and Oxygen and CarbonDioxide resource entries as shown in the code below.

name = IonModuleCrewSupport

name = Oxygen
amount = 300
maxAmount = 300

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10

Or you can create a new ModuleManager.cfg file and add the changes there. You should look at the ModuleManager thread for the syntax used in it but very quickly you just want to add the following code for a part, replacing <PartName> with the the name of the part as it appears in the part.cfg file. This obviously won't work for B9 until the mod conflict is resolved though.

name = IonModuleCrewSupport

name = Oxygen
amount = 100
maxAmount = 100

name = CarbonDioxide
amount = 0
maxAmount = 10

EDIT: Looking at page 39 of Advanced Life Support Baseline Values and Assumptions Document it looks like my estimates for oxygen were way off. In part I made an error on the units using kg instead of g but it looks like my starting values were off too. From the document:

oxygen / crewmember day = 0.835 kg

carbon dioxide / crewmember day = 0.998 kg

food / crewmember day = 0.617 kg

water / crewmember day = 3.909 kg

Edited by yongedevil
revised consumption estimates
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In case your in need of larger oxygen supplies for your extended voyages:


[RCS logo has been removed from the oxygen tanks since this screenshot was taken - and the tank at bottom is the large fuel tank with original colors]

I edited Talisar's Spherical Fuel Tank mod to also have it's own oxygen tanks for use with this mod. They come in both full and empty versions (in case launching weight is an issue).

I recolored the banding to fit in with the existing Crew Support stuff.

I left the descriptions the same as the existing large O2 tank except I updated the No. of days each tank would supply.

The download link is on the main post in Talisar's thread.


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(there I tell something but too long, nevermind. So that is it, it looks strange, not fit, and have some model and constuction flaws but that is what was born, I'm rarely model a things. Even to sort out how to put things in ksp was lot of time( but it is easy after).

S2fbdIT.jpg If some one else need it then can to use it by any way without ask. http://rghost.ru/46555369

It must work on it's own at light and consume electricity when no light(doors intended to be just cosmetic) and to be self sufficient supply for two kerbals. It's big thing so you will not take it to moon mission or even interplanetary, its intended for permanent things. So I decide to make it to be a solar panel and it must consume same amount electricity what can produce, so when it can't produce, it will take electricity somewere else .Fist step of plan seems of work - game calculate it's luminosity and give electricity, but I don't know how to make it "always ON", it should not to be electricity suply when "generator" is disabled, and you can't just turn on\off plants - they will die. And it share elecricity anyway, isn't it? So things will stole from it and it will not work balanced and and also provide some potato electricity.

So, anyone know how to make it behave as intended, or better way?

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I think this would be awsome if like you teamed up with the guy who did the "amp year" mod, and the deadly re-entry mod. combining the features of electricity management and life support, along with deadly reentry. would be great

Edited by betaking
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The greenhouse looks awesome. What it needs to work as you described is some additional resource types, say "Biomass" and "Light" that are configured not to flow between modules. The pseudo-solar panels produce Light resource instead of electricity, and the module can also convert electricty into Light. Then the biomass resource decays at a fixed rate, while there's a reaction: CarbonDioxide + Light -> Biomass + Oxygen

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I tried to not multiple enities but it's sounds cool. Only flaw what I see is a bunch of temporary resurces in resurce tab.

I tried to make "panel" to produce "light" and it's surprisingly works. But how to run such processes? Electricity to light it's let it be button, ok, I see how to make it. But decay must be allways and reaction too, I don't see instance

of somesing like this. ION_SUPPORT_POD_RESOURCE is doing something like this but I don't understand how to turn it for my needs.

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