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We owe the devs/CMs/mods an apology


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  Trux said:
I think this is the point in which you take this discussion to private messages. I don't want to see an argument myself and sure others here wouldn't as well. Now a civil discussion on the other hand... :P

I believe you have to define a "civil discussion" for some of our eager members to prevent another flare up there Trux

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  Trux said:
I think this is the point in which you take this discussion to private messages. I don't want to see an argument myself and sure others here wouldn't as well. Now a civil discussion on the other hand... :P

That's Stealth2668's whole intent. Looking at his post history he's obviously a troll; nothing but trying to rile people up.

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The conduct of some of the people in that other thread (and Im asuming a minority in this thread.. 10 PAGES+ I have not read.) was disgusting. Could some of you guys be any more obnoxious? The people at Squad dont deserve to be treated like crap.

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This thread began with a noble idea, but I fear it will go the same route as its unfortunate predecessor.

I'm sure people feel bad enough for getting out of hand already, having them say so is nice but redundant. After the first few pages this entire thing just declined in quality, it might as well be locked now that it has run its course.

Let's get back to playing spaceships, people!

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  Stealth2668 said:
Are you dumb? First, it's not a "less-than-$20 game" and second, if you are selling this as an alpha with the promise of it getting completed, it's safe to expect it to get completed. How was I disrespectful giving my opinion? You are the one out of place. I say my side of the matter and you start throwing useless arguments about stuff I wasn't even talking about.

But the game will be completed just like they always said. A possible expansion pack which has not even been announced will come after the game has reached finished stage. It was all nothing but a missunderstanding.

I dont see how anyone expected to get a possible expansion pack that might not even happen for free. It was just devs thinking loudly about some possibilites after KSP has reached finished state which is still a long way off so there will still be loads of free updates before this game reaches 1.0~

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  itsme86 said:
That's Stealth2668's whole intent. Looking at his post history he's obviously a troll; nothing but trying to rile people up.

You're basically saying "anyone I disagree with is a troll" here.

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Thank you for the positive suggestions.

Honestly i thought you guys were better than that thread. This is a forum of geniuses, brilliant designers and gamers alike. a place where an Indie game could really come alive. But now I see a handful of people unceremoniously corrupting and destroying our very bases, that a good game relies on its fan support. Now that support has turned cowardly in anger towards the developers, who are the heart and soul of the game. Without them, there would be no KSP. This malice comes not from any people who have dedicated real time to the improvident of the game, only a few loners who wish to make as much noise as possible. Control your anger. try to solve problems on your own, and help the devs. Ask not what the devs can do for you, but what you can do for the devs. Negative words and saber rattling only help to tear the hard built (and still unfinished) bright, shining tower that KSP is.

That is all i have to say.

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  Pedonymous said:
You're basically saying "anyone I disagree with is a troll" here.

No, I'm basically saying that I read Stealth2668's post history and saw a bunch of inflammatory comments, thus concluding that he's a troll. In fact, that's not even basically what I'm saying. That's almost exactly what I said.

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It's not a crime to disagree. It is however unacceptable to express it in a manner than is not concurrent with civil behavior. Your original post in question was fairly civil but people are over sensitive right now. some of your concurrent posts have been outright antagonistic, even after you edited them, so I'd conclude that you too are over sensitive regarding this subject.

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  itsme86 said:
No, I'm basically saying that I read Stealth2668's post history and saw a bunch of inflammatory comments, thus concluding that he's a troll. In fact, that's not even basically what I'm saying. That's almost exactly what I said.

Oh really, which of my comments were "trolling" to you then? Please tell.

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  Stealth2668 said:
Are you dumb? First, it's not a "less-than-$20 game" and second, if you are selling this as an alpha with the promise of it getting completed, it's safe to expect it to get completed. How was I disrespectful giving my opinion? You are the one out of place. I say my side of the matter and you start throwing insults. Get out.

I don't believe there was ever the promise of it getting completed. That's what alpha means, its software in development and the shocking statistic is that 9 out of 10 software projects fail. You have not bought a game here, you bought into an alpha development program/cycle, you have paid for the privilege of being a test user and getting to trail and influence something before it is complete (if it is ever complete). At best there was a promise that Squad would continue developing it, but that is not the same as saying someone promised you they would complete it. If Squad goes under (Jeb forbid) then we don't get our money back just 'cos it didn't get finished, we are investors and that's the gamble we took.

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  Trux said:
Give up, argue all you want. ;.; It was nice when (if) it lasted.

If we all sit back and watch, maybe they'll turn on each other. Popcorn, anyone?


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  firegeek83 said:
Might as well do it then. Before teams start forming..

Really, teams? Why can't we all just get along? THERE IS NOTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT. No one has done anything wrong (except for the malicious comments which have no grounding whatsoever.) and this has no relevance to the forum.

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  Camelotking524 said:
How about we take all the negative energy in this thread and put it towards something constructive, like an Eve Lander.

Everyone! Just think instead of complaining! You guys could be playing this amazing game these Devs provide us with....

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  katateochi said:
I don't believe there was ever the promise of it getting completed. That's what alpha means, its software in development and the shocking statistic is that 9 out of 10 software projects fail. You have not bought a game here, you bought into an alpha development program/cycle, you have paid for the privilege of being a test user and getting to trail and influence something before it is complete (if it is ever complete). At best there was a promise that Squad would continue developing it, but that is not the same as saying someone promised you they would complete it. If Squad goes under (Jeb forbid) then we don't get our money back just 'cos it didn't get finished, we are investors and that's the gamble we took.

Pretty sure they did.

"During development, KSP is available for purchase at a discounted price, which will gradually increase up to its final retail price as the game nears completion. So by ordering now, you get the game in its current state, and you'll get all future updates for free."

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