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Farewell Anthony


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Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know that as of today (May 1st, 2013), Anthony Keeton will be leaving Squad as Community Manager.

Kerbal Space Program and it’s community owe a great deal of their success to the helmsmanship of Anthony. He has helped us grow and mature to the lively community we have today. He’s been instrumental in growing from an ad-hoc group of people testing to large organized testing teams. He brought KSP to social media and saw the creation of our presence online. His efforts in promoting KSP via Twitch live streaming proved an invaluable tool in expanding the user-base of KSP.

Squad would like to thank Anthony for his hard work and dedication and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.

Thank you, Anthony!

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And as a note to this. We are currently working hard to reshape the Community Management and Social Media team so we can get back on track on all our communication channels. Capt'n Skunky will be in charge of things around here until the new team is announced. Thank you everyone for your patience and all the moderators for their support.

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