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Unofficial Kerbal Space Program Model Rocketry Thread


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I decided just to start a thread about model rocketry, because its the closest most of us can get to real-life KSP. Model Rocketry and KSP go hand-in-hand. So this thread is just for discussing this,

Lets get started!

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This is something i never did as a kid, and now as an adult the prospect has peeked my interest.

Some thread popped up a while back, and one of the posts was about homemade "rocket fuel", and the idea of mixing this stuff and stuffing it into homemade rockets--- failing miserably and trying again is very exciting to me.

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NAR member, and L1 (soon to be L2) cert, Model rocketer reporting in.

I have actually been thinking "I suck at 3d modeling, but I should be able to pull off building 'balanced to ksp' verisons of basic solid propellent engins (such as H128, I250, J, K, L, M? N? O?) It shouldn't be too difficult to get the ISP's right. and basic "model sized" rocket parts.

What I don't know is if KSP can handle item weights in the range of 0.0003 of a ton.

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I'm totally bookmarking this thread, +1, and I will probably start building a rocket out of thin sheet metal and paper towel tubes.

Although the NAR states that you can't make your rocket substantially out of metal, so if you wanted to do that of sheet metal, you would need a FAA waiver to fly, it would be classified as high powered.

I would recommend fiberglass,good ol' plastic, or balsa. (there may be more but i don't know)

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You lucky people, living in countries where such a hobby is actualy legal. Here in Norway, it falls under fireworks, and rockets are considered explosives, and explosives must be handled like, well, explosives, in bunker-grade storages. And since there´s next to none of those available to comercial interests, there is no legal way of aquiring model rocketry engines here without setting up and getting the licenses for importing it myself. Expensive as that might be (we´re talking either buying a porche, or launching a couple of estes model rockets), so making the fuel and building the frame myself will be the only practical sollution. I.e. papercraft, reinforced with plastic sheets on the inside, filled with R-candy made using amonium nitrate instead of kalium nitrate, yeah, should be fun XD

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for those interested in some 3d files, and also 'construction' of model rockets,


Rocksim files are the 'go to' file type for 3d Rocketry Models, someone may be able to convert them into KSP part files. (but it may not be easy at all)

I have not checked yet to see if ksp can handle parts measured in 1-10 cm in dimention, and 0.0001 of a ton in weight.

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Here is a video of my friend Scott and myself building and launching rockets! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6GNAfk4rjo Videos are very well made, thanks to Scott. Be sure to watch the second episode too! Tell us what you think.

First of all, having metal screws in your rocket, especially around the engine - really dumb. These things do, occasionally, explode. And then these screws would have become shrapnel. Think about that for a moment.

Second major safety hazard is lack of parachute. Did you see how far the rocket buried itself in the ground? Now picture that with someone's car. Or worse, head. Not terribly likely, but these things happen. That's why certain safety rules exist.

I strongly recommend you read the Safety Code of the NAR and try to stick to it.

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I did a couple of launches when I was younger. I really do not think I need another hobby, but KSP made me wonder whether I could do something more.

Maybe I will build some robotic rovers instead :)

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Lol xzxvrx. I am going to build my own rocket. I kinda hope it fails.... I am also going to try and parachute a rc rover out. It will be a 3 stage rocket with 8 engines on bottom, 4 engines on second, And one on top. It's brobably going to fail though. Also I'm going to try and build a liquid engine. FUN!

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It will be a 3 stage rocket with 8 engines on bottom, 4 engines on second, And one on top. It's brobably going to fail though.

Probably. I've done one launch with a 2 stage rocket, 3 engines at the bottom stage. Even with synchronized ignition, which was not easy, the thing went flying in a loop. Second stage still managed to launch, but it fired horizontally, so it never even had a chance to use the recovery 'chute.

So I wouldn't wast a rover on this one until you can test the rocket itself and know that it flies true.

Also I'm going to try and build a liquid engine. FUN!

Also very dangerous. You practically have to use metal parts for that one, and they will explode, send out shrapnel, and set things on fire. What are you planning to use for oxidizer? That stuff tends not to be friendly either.

If you have no experience with it, I would strongly recommend starting with an air-breather. A valveless is relatively easy to build, and you can even find some instructions and demos on Youtube. These aren't as likely to go boom, and aren't as likely to severely injure you if they do. Plus, you only have to worry about fuel with these, and you can just buy a small propane tank used for cooking or welding. Then you don't even need to worry about a complicated pump or injection system.

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Finally, my Estes Taser arrived, see you in the skys!

I have a Taser as well. but I replaced the nose cone with a manned capsule instead. The rocket and the capsule are separate components with separate parachutes now.

The Capsule:


Rocket & Capsule with parachutes out:


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I have a Taser as well. but I replaced the nose cone with a manned capsule instead. The rocket and the capsule are separate components with separate parachutes now.

The Capsule:


Rocket & Capsule with parachutes out:


Eh, my fins are taped on till i get 'round to getting some plastic cement on there. It's a pretty nice rocket, planning on upgrading in probably a month or two.

P.S. Walgreens bag? :P so kerbal

P.S.S Also, what do you mean by "manned", do u put insects or something in there?

Edited by Rockhem
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If you ever need to build custom fins, what worked out great for me in the past is making them out of balsa wood. Sheets about 1/8" thick, cut into shape, superglued on the sides. Usually, I'd also add a line of hot glue along the seems to make it hold better. With the right design, I've had these fly more true than the store-bought rockets. Balsa isn't terribly impact resistant, however, so you'd have to fix the fins after nearly every launch, depending on how good your recovery system works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done quite a few rocket launches, and I'm getting back into it after a 5 year hiatus.The second launch that I did recently had my first data logger inside, so I got some telemetry & stuff.


Here's the rough flight profile uploaded from the GPS inside.

Highest height: 1013 feet

Highest Speed: 124 mph

Rocket details:

Height: 20''

Weight: 45 oz

Engine type: C-6-5

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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