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Wings of Honneamise Rocket (SS-6 "Sapwood" -Russian R7-)

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Yes, Wings of Honnêamise, That awesome Anime that came out back in 1987, but wasn't released to North America till late 90s.

It is one of my favorites, and a fellow KSPer, named NAO has inspired me & rekindled my love for it, so I built it!

I present to you....


Engineering Notes:

- All stock parts.

- "1" extends antenna.

- Abort function working with an escape tower, just in case

- Original has only 4 engines on each stack, but I thought it would look cooler with 5, if you don't like it, you can remove it.

- When the 4 rockets separate, they might explode, so maybe put on more separatrons? XD

Craft File: Click here for link

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