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Hello from Nottingham, UK


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I just wanted to say Hi, and thanks for producing such a fun and itelligent Indie game.

I\'m so impressed I\'ve just paid my first $7 donation. Which is only the 3rd time I\'ve been drawn to pay for an Indie game.

I have both a question and a suggestion for you people. First the question; at precisely what height does my rocket break out of earth\'s gravity. As for the suggestion. My fiance has been watching me play, and asked mentioned that she thought it awesome if you could make this multiplayer. We really like the idea of flying space missions between us.

Anyway keep up the good work guys, I can\'t wait to see where this project is going.

BTW my current rocket has managed to get to 4500 k and is still rising. Woot.

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Nice work! Not sure where the gravity cutoff is, but it\'s probably posted somewhere in the forums. I\'ll have a quick check...

According to Harv, atmosphere model drops at 65,000m and after that, gravity will decrease slowly. Eventually gravity will 'end' but I\'m not sure where.

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First the question; at precisely what height does my rocket break out of earth\'s gravity.

Never, obviously: gravity does not have a limiting range ;)

It does have a finite potential though: which means that if you get above a certain speed, the gravity of Kerbin will never manage to bring you back, even if you will continue decelerating ever so slightly (you will have 'a finite velocity at infinity')

The escape velocity from the surface of Kerbin is about 3300 meters per second, if I remember correctly. There are tables on the wiki and in this forum. The wiki also has this: http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/~kerbalsp/wiki/index.php?title=Orbital_Mechanics_for_Kerdummies

Happy flights ;)

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