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The Modded Craft Repository for Version 0.20 (Updated)

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  SufficientAnonymity said:
A pair of SSTOs - there's plenty of info in this gallery. Please note that the lighter craft is an tweaked version of the cargo shuttle bundled with the B9 pack - in addition to the aesthetic changes, I reckon it performs a bit better.

Mods used:


MechJeb 2.0.x

Modular Multiwheels

Taverius' Pack

RLA Stockalike

Heavy SSTO craft file

Light SSTO craft file


Bonus Super Heavy SSTO



I've added infodrives to the craft that don't have them, which should make them easier to fly. I've also up-engined the superheavy, and slightly tweaked its wings as it was tending to pitch down with large loads onboard.

I've done further tests on load capacities, so here are some guides for payload sizes to 80km orbits:

Light: 2 tonnes

Heavy: 6 tonnes

Super Heavy: 12-14 tonnes


Ultra Heavy SSTO

20 tonnes to orbit, provided you treat it carefully and shift fuel back to the tank in the tail early on.

Very nice! and very helpful!

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  Chimochay said:
Here it is... she's a beast...

Antonov 225 Replika. A KSP replika of the largest transport aircraft in the world, and one of my favorites.

Ship Name: Antonov An-225R Mriya

Type: Transport Aircraft (Atmospheric)

Mods: B9 Aerospace Pack / Mechjeb

Description: Jet Transport Aircraft

6 CF34 Turbofan Engines w/ Reverse Thrust

Max Thrust: 1000 kN (225,000 lbs. of thrust)

Max Cruise Speed: 230 m/s (~520 mph)

Flight Ceiling: 11,000 meters (~40,000 ft)

Wingspan: 85 meters

Length: 110 meters

Vessel Mass: 76.07 tonnes (167,705.64 lbs.)

Download: http://www./download/rpbat5ixhpwotyd/Antonov_225R.craft


An-225 with it's iconic down sloped wing and split rudders.


I've been fascinated by Soviet Aerospace recently, here is one of the fruits of my interest. Enjoy :cool:. This is a replika of the massive Antonov An-225 Mriya carrier aircraft that the Soviet Space Program used to transport their space shuttle (Buran) from the high tech factories outside of Moscow where it was assembled, to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, the Soviet launch site and space center in the high deserts of Kazakhstan. Designed by the Soviet Union's Antonov Design Bureau in the 1980's, it remains the largest aircraft in the world.


- Taking off can be a little challenging, but once airborne she is a breeze to fly.

- Take off instructions

Engage brakes. engines on / throttled to max. Disengage brakes, speed to the end of the runway. The airplane WILL NOT take off when it reaches the end of the runway (Do Not Panic), pitch up and keep going. When the terrain starts sloping downward towards the beach, the aircraft will begin to "hop up". Only at this point do you stage, engaging the RATO (rocket assisted take off) and continue to pitch upwards. After a second or two the plane will lift off. Lift off should occur ~30 meters from the sea, off of the runway. Take off is a bit challenging at first, but once mastered, the plane can easily take flight both safely and consistently. Once airborne she is a pleasure to fly.

- Landing is simple, just remember SHE IS NOT A GLIDER, lower thrust under 30% at your own risk. Line up and ease your way down. Powered landings are smooth, and the gear is sufficient to handle the weight and shock. Once you touchdown engage thrust reverse and come to a smooth stop.

My...GAWD...that is f**king crazY!!!!!!

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Following on from the SSTO series, here's my interplanetary ships.

Mods used:


MechJeb 2.0.x

Modular Multiwheels

Taverius' Pack

RLA Stockalike









Probably should add some info on how to fly the things - basically, they fly like bricks in atmo. Miranda and Caliban are much more maneuverable thanks to having liquid fuel engines mounted for use as an RCS system, though you still need to allow a fair amount of time to set yourself up for a burn. Don't expect neat orbits. With hindsight, I should have added some smaller bombs in some of the magazines, though I didn't realise this until a fair way into the project, and didn't fancy rebuilding the engine block (so many struts). I'll probably build some with a variety of bombs so orbital manoeuvring is possible come the 0.21 update. The flip-side to that issue is that these craft have SSTO-to-Laythe ability (and several times over, at that), if you fly an optimal path, and should also still get there if you just point them at the target and throttle up (who needs Hohmann Transfers when you've got nukes?) Don't activate the main drive within a few km of anything else. It will destroy it unless it's another Orion craft (and only the engine will survive, even then). There are action groups to toggle engines, doors, solar panels etc - take a look at them in the VAB before launch - you can fly with panels out and bay doors open, but I feel it's a bit silly to do so when pulling 15 gees atop a pillar of nuclear flame.


And with all that, I forgot payload guides

Miranda: anything

Caliban: anything

Prospero: anything

In all seriousness, you can stick anything on the front of these things - you'll be limited by part-count based lag and strutting issues long before you run out of power.

Also, before someone asks - yes, I do name my ships after Shakespearean characters.

Edited by SufficientAnonymity
I'm forgetful at 0115
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Time to get this thread going again with the MIG-31 and Taurus cruise missile!

Here it is, folks!




Taurus 1



Taurus 2


Mods are: FAR, novapunch, lazor dll and cam, sceppie's small parts pack, and taverio's pizza and aerospace.

Craft files

Mig 31 + Taurus 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eaxbof2d81um4n/Mig-31RE%20Taurus.craft

Mig 31 + Taurus 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v06bflw5ic0g55/Mig-31RE%20Taurus%202.craft

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  Psycho529 said:
http://imgur.com/a/CxU6p#vgqN9qx SS-1 Before she unfortunately disassembled herself and was lost forever (I also have 1 image when the solar array started to randomly disintegrate) , SS-2 (I never got any images before she spontaneously exploded :P ) and I'm working on SS-3...

I made SS-3, Then the Space Krakken thought it would be funny to eat her up and leave no remains, same with MSS-1... :(

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Built a He 162 Look a like today it is flyable if you can take of. It tends to roll during take of due to the landing gear arrangement. Instead of regular jet fuel tank i had to use mini rocket fuel tank and instead of ridiculously heavy MK1 cockpit i used the space capsule that is about 600 kg lighter. I had to do this to keep CoG within reasonable limits. Also instead of 1 engine on top of fuselage i used 2 tiny engines mounted on top as i could not get the bigger engine to the center of the fuselage. For wings i used pWing and B9 control surfaces.



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Hey. You could use the radial jet engine and adjust its angle until the center of thrust is behind and center of the center of mass. And if you have the fire splitter pack you can use the little oxidizer tanks as ballast and raise the center of mass if you need to.

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