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Landed vehicles/probes/etc..Set as Target?

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I've seen several screenshots of ships in landing descent with another previously landed vehicle on the surface set as a target so that the pink reticules show up in the gimble. How is this achieved? I've clicked like mad on ship icons in the orbital map at every level of zoom and I get no option to set target.

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I believe they have to be close enough to your rover/lander/ship/whatever that you can actually 'detect' them without going into the map. i.e. when you look in their direction you see a small diamond, you double click that and it targets the object in question, at least that's what experience has taught me.

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alternatively mods like haystick can help too.

I've gotten sever fps drops when targeting landed probes with haystack when they are out of range. I may have been outside the SOI of the body the probe was on (was targeting my Mun probe). I'll have to test it some more to see for sure what caused it.

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