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Part File Explanation


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So, I've been doing some editing of part files for the sake of spicing up my own game (mostly changing thrust, fuel, and sizes)

I've tried looking for an in depth tutorial on all the parts of the cfg files, but the best I can find is the wiki page, which seems to be out of date now that .19 is here. So I was wondering if anyone out there could explain all the values and parameters that can be in a part file (I know that's a heavy request.) For instance, what is ignitionThreshold? and why is it that some parts list breakingForce, but others do not? Are they unbreakable?

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Config files are setting the variables of objects in game, the variables in the main section set those of the module = XXXX object (typically Part these days) and any in MODULE{ } blocks set those of the object whose class is named in the name = XXXX field of that block. These classes can have variables that can't be set in the config file (they're generally outputs for plugins to use).

Anything not set it assumed to be a default value, not all variables have default values but those that don't are generally the ones it doesn't make sense to omit.

Some of the variables in the stock config files are outdated and no longer appear to have any use.

ignitionThreshold is a floating point variable (e.g. a single non-integer number). I don't know what it does and unless the devs have said somewhere it's a matter of trial and error to find out as we're not allowed to look at the code. I would assume it's something like the minimum resources needed to start the engine.

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