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Sooooo is there a Stream today?


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The Friday Community Stream was usually run by myself, but I am unprepared to restart at this time. I've been given the all clear to stream again, but we won't be having the devs on again until we can get some guidelines in place to prevent a repeat of why these streams were stopped in the first place.

I'm also working on getting KSP-TV online. This will become our official channel once it's up and running. There will be the official programming as well as shows from popular streamers/youtubers that have been vetted and approved to broadcast. More details including how to apply for a spot in the schedule will be coming in the next weeks.

Rest assured, I know how much these streams have meant to the community and I have been pushing to get back online ASAP. Other than that it's been out of my hands until now. Hopefully things will start to get back to normal next week.


Capt'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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As for the dev streams, we've been thinking about changing the format for that a bit. I think an hour-long video full of us going 'uhh' and 'ehh' isn't the best way to present new things in any case, and even though we had a lot of viewers, the vast majority of community members didn't have the time to sit through such a long thing, to pick out the good information.

We want to do a more condensed thing, still in video format, but where we're able to showcase the new things in a more clear and compact manner.

The details for that aren't yet figured out though, and actually getting the first of these up is probably still going to be a while. In the meantime, everyone is very welcome to follow our dev blogs and articles, where we brag about the stuff we do just as much as on the streams. :)


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The reason I was excited about the live stream is that the blogs are pretty barren.

Regardless, I'd rather leave you all to work on the game at your own pace then pull you away to show stuff off. Thanks for all the awesome work.

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  HarvesteR said:
As for the dev streams, we've been thinking about changing the format for that a bit. I think an hour-long video full of us going 'uhh' and 'ehh' isn't the best way to present new things in any case, and even though we had a lot of viewers, the vast majority of community members didn't have the time to sit through such a long thing, to pick out the good information.

We want to do a more condensed thing, still in video format, but where we're able to showcase the new things in a more clear and compact manner.

The details for that aren't yet figured out though, and actually getting the first of these up is probably still going to be a while. In the meantime, everyone is very welcome to follow our dev blogs and articles, where we brag about the stuff we do just as much as on the streams. :)


You could release a KSP weekly video on youtube where you resume what you have done and reply to some questions and suggestions people make here on the forums. :)

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