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Are you space nerd :-)


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I'm and i'm proud of it:-)

I also have AS.

It's bit ironic because at school i have lot of problem with math, i just hated it, but on other hand i love physic.

I never liked math equations, but I liked experimenting physical, chemical, etc.

When, i first time played i feel like BSDM enthusiast, It's a joke :)

I need to refresh my knowledge of celestial mechanic form my high school,

frankly it's the only branch of mathematics that I liked and understand a bit.

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It depends if you have dreams about KSP. And I do have dreams about KSP.

I had a dream about 0.20 coming out, and I got excited, but then I woke up, checked the computer and got sad. ;.;

So far nothing like that has happened to me. I have had Minecraft dreams though. I was dreaming about this server I go on called Pingcraft (has a faction world), and on of the faction I was fighting (Survival) got disbanded. When I logged onto the server, Survival wasn't disbanded.

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Umm..... one of my mother's favorite stories to tell about me was when I was four, I apparently told her to write NASA a nasty letter for not inviting me along on the Apollo-11 mission. I didn't stop collecting space books and such until 9th grade or so when I saw my first computer (a TRS-80 Model I).

Yeah, KSP is like returning to my forgotten childhood :-)

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