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101+ Impossible/stupid requests

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202. Jeb actually builds and flies a working rocket that doesn't blow up.

Actually, 202 is 203 (or so) :)

204. In order to assure AAA+ quality and timely updates, EA should be made publisher ASAP!

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202. Monacles and Clothing for my Kerbonauts purchasable with real money.

(wait, this is a terrible idea for another game...)

'Tis an awesome idea, my dear lad. I would greatly appreciate the capability to purchase outfits for my brave astronauts. Squad could charge $.99 for each item in a special online mall. A grand name would be Exchange for Astronauts. Comes with a clever bacronym too.

/sarcasm and that awful accent I read that in.

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'Tis an awesome idea, my dear lad. I would greatly appreciate the capability to purchase outfits for my brave astronauts. Squad could charge $.99 for each item in a special online mall. A grand name would be Exchange for Astronauts. Comes with a clever bacronym too.

/sarcasm and that awful accent I read that in.

205. Offend me.

Oh, I guess that already happened. Better 205: Kerbal Olympics.

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203: have a simulated paperwork aspect of the sim, where health and safety risk assessment forms need filling in and submitting before each flight.

206: All paper signing must be done with Surgeon Simulator style controls.

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That's already a feature

Current failures are not *that* random, and tend to be fixable with some thought.

205: have a simulated paperwork aspect of the sim, where health and safety risk assessment forms need filling in and submitting before each flight.
I like this. Not as a game feature, but creating some silly forms and posting them on the forums would amuse a lot of people.

208 (I think). Duct tape. As a new part in addition to struts.

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212 (yay, palindrome!)

I want birds. I want them to sing, and I want to be able to tag and track them. This adds nothing to anyone else's experience, and belongs in a different game, but I want to do it on kerbin.

They're's so much you can do in this game, why stop at rocket science?

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213) where are all the fish? They should like jump out of the water and tow your ship to KSC, but they have health and have to eat krill, so they have to stopp every once and a while.

214) Kerbals should have wings so they can fly.

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