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Blender is impossible for me to use, help please?

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I'm trying to use blender to make a rocket engine with a gimbal.

I want to make a nozzle using the beizer curves and revolving it, but I can't select the point on the curve.

I'm really, really frustrated at blender: no matter what I do I cannot move the curve point and instead move the entire curve.

Since there appears to be nothing on the internet that pertains to this problem (i.e. using blender to do anything) would someone please tell me step-by-step how to select the curve end point. Please remember that blender has blended my brain so you'll have to spell everything out the long hand.

Any and all help is appreciated.

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Well, if you have added a curve, selected it, and hit the TAB key to enter edit mode, you should see the two end points, connected by the curve (which has arrows along it). Each end point has two control points, that is, the point will be at the center of a line connecting the two control points.


Placing the mouse over one of the end points, then clicking the right mouse button should select it. The point should get brighter, a circle appears around it, and maybe some colored arrows. In the diagram, point B is selected.

Be sure to select the point, not the control point.

If right click does not do it, hit B key and move mouse near point, hold left mouse button and drag a square over the point, then release.

In a newly added and edited curve, move the mouse over the 3D window, and hit the 7 keypad key (to get the top view). You can see that the control line for Point A is skew. You want it pointed along the line connecting it to point B. To fix it, select point A with a right-click, R key (for rotate), move the mouse so that the line spins until it is aimed at point B, then hit the Return key to set that rotation.

For your manipulations, it will be easier if you only use either the top, left, or front views (7 keypad, 1 keypad, or 3 keypad).

Move control points by selecting them, hitting the G key, moving them with either the mouse or arrow keys, then setting it with the Return key.

Add new control points by selecting two points (right click on first point, hold shift key while right clicking on second point), then hitting "Subdivide" (several ways but you can go to "Curve" menu at bottom of screen, select "Segments", then select "Subdivide". This points a new point inbetween the selected points.

Change the sharpness of the curve around a point by selecting the point, hitting S key (for scale), moving the mouse while watching the curve, then return to set the scale.

Change the angle of the curve by R key.

Once you have the curve the shape you want, hit the Tab to exit edit mode. Then go to the Object menu at the bottom, select Convert To, select Mesh.

Hit Tab key to re-enter edit mode. The object is now a series of vertices.

Go to the view centered on the axis you want to spin the object around (probably 7 keypad). Make sure the cursor is on the spin axis (probably want it at origin, Shift-S select Cursor to Origin). Make pivot point the 3D cursor (pivot point control on lower menu, select 3D cursor). Select entire mesh with A key, so entire thing is lit up. Open mesh tool tray on left edge of window, if not visible hit the tiny gray "+" on left edge. In Mesh Tool section "Add", click on Spin button. On lower part of mesh tool tray will be the spin controls. Set the steps to what you want (probably 12), the angle to 360, and be sure the Dupli checkbox is NOT checked. Do A key to select entire thing. In mesh tool tray go to "remove", and click "Remove Doubles."

You are done.

Feel free to ask questions.

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