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How make interplanetary inaction using MechJeb 2


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Under the maneuver planer window there is an option for interplanetary burns.

MechJeb 2 calculated interplanetary burn in t- 120 days, with is little suck because on orbit i cannot have use maximum time warp factor

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MechJeb 2 calculated interplanetary burn in t- 120 days, with is little suck because on orbit i cannot have use maximum time warp factor

You could just go to a higher orbit so you have maximum timewarp. (Above 600000m for Kerbin i believe)

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I usualy make the interplanetary injection burn myself using the phase angles calculator (http://ksp.olex.biz/) and use Mechjeb 2 to fine tune aproach at the ascending node. This saves loads of time since Mechjeb usualy plans the burn hours or even days later.

In my case it was 120 days

My target Eve has phase angle at 54, i launched probe earlier, i think MechJeb 2 do the burn right away since phase angles was almost perfect but it set in 120 days :(

With was not cool.

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My major complaint with the interplanetary transfer window is that it seems to need to be a little too precise, as missing the burn window by one minute will require you to wait another few hundred days for the planet's to line up again. For this reason, I use ksp.olex.biz, as it's not much more work than Mechjeb.

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My general complaint about MechJeb is that its often enough a matter of just surrendering yourself to its wisdom. It would be nice if you could have a whole list of burn windows to choose from with corresponding DeltaV requirements, time-to-go, transit time, phase angle, etc.

As it is you either get to do everything manually and maybe use mechjeb to accurately burn to a pre-determined Apoapsis or something, or you just go all in and hope it doesn't screw up. I'm a picky bugger, I want it both ways.

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If I don't like the answer M-Jeb comes up with, I just go for it on my own. M-Jeb is the co-pilot, but I am the CMDR! Seriously, M-Jeb is a computer and has to have everything so freaking precise. I like to "wing it". We usually fight it out and meet in the middle somwhere

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