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What has KSP do to change your regular life

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Minecraft and F1 2011 are collecting dust now. KSP uber alles. And as I am trying to fall asleep at night, can't stop planning ahead on the next design change that will work to get a satellite into Minmus orbit.

Same here only F1 is GMod

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KSP has been quite an educational tool for me. :D

I've learned 3d modeling with Blender, including UV mapping and texturing, import/export with Unity 3d, and furthered my C# knowledge (coding in general). It's also my first for collaborating with other modders.

Thank you, Squad. And all those who assisted me.

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I rebought from Ebay my old PG Tips 'Race into Space' tea cards and album that I had as a kid and my old Observer's book of Manned Spaceflight. I watch more scifi on TV. And I spend far too much time on forums.

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I, probably not so subtly, try to bring up space related conversations at work in the vain hopes that they will lead to an opportunity for me to try to teach them orbital mechanics.

I did that with my dad recently. he was like... how you know all dis

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I've been only brushing the teeth on one side of my mouth, "I've got symmetry on for the rest."

Half kidding.

But with symmetry on you're entirely kidding, right?

One time I was watching a TV show on my laptop, and I tried hitting . to warp through the commercials.

And I tend to, while driving, think about how fast I'm going relative to other cars.

Hurtling down the highway at 65 MPH: "Wow, I'm barely moving!"

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As a child I wanted to be an astronaut and go to space, not knowing how and why to do it, I just read a lot about the moon landings especially apollo 11 in our old encyclopedia we had lying around, But I just really looked at only the pics and some captions, because I was too little then to undestand it all, that's even before I got to school.

Then the interest(or fantasy) was lost while I grew up (I'm 19 now), while I still liked space things, like the x series, galciv, star wars, etc, I never really got into that real astronaut stuff until KSP,

I remember back then when I tried a program called Orbiter and I tried to go to the moon manually and headed straight toward it and obviously I failed and I never tried Orbiter again. KSP taught me how and I might try Orbiter once again.

KSP opened my eyes about real space navigation and I'm seriously into it. Now I try to introduce it in all of my friends, and even my dad, to try to "awaken them", So I'm kind of "the real space navigation prophet"to them. lol

Edited by lyndonguitar
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As a general rule, I am a bit of a knowledge sponge and whilst I have always liked space ("Cosmology" was my major at Uni after all), I never knew a bunch of stuff about rockets and the like. If I could pick one little thing that "blew my mind", it is the idea that in order to increase orbit you have to go faster and in order to de-orbit you have to go slower. I mean, in hindsight it is so self-evident, but when I first got to learn about this I was like ... "huh?" Hands up who pointed straight at Kerbin after wanting to get back to the surface at first?

OK so ... how has it changed my life? I would not quite say it has taken over my life, BUT I have gotten into some very new habits as a result of KSP. I am way more active in the Steam community for starters. Oh and ... met some new friends as a result. :) Best of all, it is the first game ever that I actively promote and feel proud to do so. (<---read that as: I have become a "fanboi"!)

Edited by Murchadh
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So true. I've had to set up an alarm on my phone to remind me not to stay up too late

I've learned how to operate on 4.5 hours of sleep for the last month or so. Along those lines, caffeine is like delta v for your brain...

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When I put things in my boat, I'm much more mindful of my centre of mass. Boat rides have been much smoother. I also wonder when I get petrol how long the pump would take to fill up one of my rockets. I also wish that there was a mechjeb for everything.

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When driving...

-I attempt to go extra slow over bumps in my car to avoid structural failure.

-I refer to the fuel gauge as my "Delta-V Remaining"

-I refer to the speedometer as "Altitude ASL"

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