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Some Kinda Engine [WIP]


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dunno, feels like it needs something more.

I am sort of going for the 50's style scifi or steampunk-ish.

Nice man, Im not far off a steampunk rocket release either, I saw all this cool stuff people were making in a steampunk style, like simple stuff, watches, bracelets etc and I thought,

man that would be cool to build steampunk rocket and then mix it with hooligan labs airship. It depends if you want to go complex steampunk or not,

If you want to go more steampunky, add more copper, more brass and more gears! I based my rocket on the designs I found on google:


All my engines are animated with lots of gears and things, I should have it out soon, finishing off dropship first. I would upload it to spaceport if spaceport wasnt broken :(

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