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Will the GameDatabase Loader improve stability when running with lots of mods?


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I run with quite a large number of mod parts, having put KW + NP + KSPX + DSM in the part count is pretty high and then there are some other smaller parts pack, like DR, Kethane, Bobcat, Firespitter which I also use. Things have been ok, I get occasional out of memory crashes, but recently I tried to put the new B9 pack in and now I get a out of memory crashes at almost every 2nd launch. First launch always works, the 2nd launch generally crashes with an out of memory exception in the crash logs. I think I've just hit a part count limit.

Will the GameDatabase improve this? From what I've heard (which is not a lot) this will enable more efficient loading and organising of parts, but once parts are loaded will the memory usage still be the same, or will it also unload unused parts from memory when going to load the flight scene?

Will the Loading Buffer Scene help with high numbers of installed parts?

I was going to write a post about what I feel is a GC (garbage collector) failure in KSP.

[for non-code geeks] A GC is a necessary part of stable software, it essentially clears up parts of memory which are no longer needed but are still loaded in RAM.

I get the feeling that KSP's GC is not doing its job correctly which would explain why it never has out of memory exceptions on the first launch after loading, regardless of what craft you load, but will then get more and more sluggish with each subsequent launch. It feels like memory is getting more clogged with each launch/scene load, instead of being reset between scene loads.

I'm very excited about these two upcoming features but I might be misunderstanding what their intent is. What is everyone elses understanding about what they will bring us?

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