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Mission Order If Difficulty


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Does anyone know a rough order of difficulty for visiting all of the celestial bodies in KSP. I want to do a manned return mission to each.

I guess it will start with the ones I've done so far,

1. Mun

2. Minmus

3. Duna

And end with (hopefully) Eve

Any thoughts?

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Thanks for very quick reply.

Just realised I didn't specify a manned mission, which lands if possible. Isn't Eve the most difficult due to getting back into orbit in thick atmosphere and high gravity?

Will have a go at Ike and Gilly tomorrow.

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just to be clear, LANDING on Eve is easy. Most rocks can do it just fine with no 'chute at all and survive 50% of the time.

add just One 'chute and you can land a 100t ship with out any worry at all (ok, perhaps a slight exaggeration).

yes, it is the take-off and getting back into orbit on Eve that sucks.

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Just realised I didn't specify a manned mission, which lands if possible. Isn't Eve the most difficult due to getting back into orbit in thick atmosphere and high gravity?

Of those you can land on, correct. Jool destroys most ships that try to land there (not a bug, an intended effect to represent the pressure) which is why rryy put it last.

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1. Minmus

2. Mun

3. Duna

4. Gilly

5. Ike

6. Pol

7. Bop

8. Vall

9. Laythe

10. Dres

11. Eeloo

12. Moho

13. Tylo

14. Eve

15. Jool

I don't get some of your ratings. For one, Gilly is before Ike, and you can pretty much visit Ike without difficulty once you're at Duna, so it's just a question of having some extra dV. Also, Gilly is tricky to land on because it requires such precision.

I would at least switch the two around. Also, I would put Laythe earlier on that list; even though it has a fairly substantial atmosphere, you can use it to brake on almost parachutes alone.

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Once upon a time Gilly was hard to reach, but these days with better navigation tools like orbital nodes and manoeuvring nodes it's only marginally more difficult to reach.

Ike is easy to reach, but Ike is not easy land on. It's big with substantial gravity, it's got a lot of very hilly areas and worst of all it has a very fast rotation due to tidal locking with Duna. If you try to land and you forget to set your navball to surface mode before your powered descent you're pretty much guarantee to encounter a nasty surprise when it automatically switches for you as you get near the surface followed by a crash shortly after.

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