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[It's finally here!] Apollo Replica "MUNBUG XII" Saturn V, CSM, Lander, Buggy

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MUNBUG XII - UPDATED - 15th September 2014

Finally the dust has settled with our new baby and I can resume work on my ships! Munbug XII is the first to make use of the ARM patch components allowing the creation of the most accurate Munbug yet!


Completely new Saturn V

Working interstage

Retro and ullage motors

S-IVb now has the Apollo auxiliary control system pods (acts as RCS and lunar crash thrusters for S-IVb)

Authentic Saturn V performance - appropriate TWR and DV for each stage (adjusted a little for KSP scale and atmosphere).

Authentic early inbound engine cuttoff


Replica Apollo "Spider" lander (with stowed buggy)

Replica CSM

Authentic 4 panel fairing between lander and CSM that work like the real thing - NO DECOUPLER BETWEEN LANDER AND CSM!


If you fly this correctly and attain a Free Return Trajectory using the third stage there will be no space debris at all from this craft.... all fairings, the third stage etc will all return to Kerbin after orbiting the Mun and crash into the surface! Alternatively to mimic later Apollo missions use the auxiliary control system on board the S-IVb to crash it into the Mun!


Before launching hit hotkey 1 twice then hit hotkey 2 twice, this will disable the RCS on the lander and CSM during launch. You will need to activate them again later.

The fuel tanks on the lander are switched off by default to prevent the verniers in the S-IVb aonctrol system stealing fuel. You will need to activate the fuel flow on the lander tanks manually at any time after you have retrieved the lander from its fairing.


1 - Toggle CSM RCS

2 - Toggle LEM RCS

3 - Toggle Antenna

Esc - Fire escape tower

10 - detach escape tower and open chutes

HOW TO LAND ON THE MUN! This is the old munbug but this is still the most efficient way to land ANY lander...

The Craft File!

Mediafire Download - http://www./view/24jl3zrnez9ze3p/Munbug_XII.craft

Get my custom flag here! - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48679-Mulbin-s-Flags-Custom-mission-flag-collection


Some pictures of Munbug XII in flight.












Older Versions of Munbug

Munbug I

Munbug II

Munbug III

Munbug IV

Munbug V

Munbug VI

Munbug VII

Munbug IIX

Munbug IX

Munbug X

Munbug XI

My other craft, click images to go to each thread.


"The Space Race" is my ever growing super thread where I recreate the entire space race from the 1940s onwards in one save game... ship, by ship, month by month!









Edited by Mulbin
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your rockets are the most efficient, easthetically pleasing, and most of al functional peices of work i have seen done in ksp, so to all the devs tha are reading this, i suggest that you get mulbin to re-design and design other stock rockets.

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  GusTurbo said:
Just curious, what's the part count?

591 or something like that.

I saw the first picture and the first words out of my mouth:

"What the hell?"

Then I saw the lander... The kind of language that statement included is not allowed here...

Downloading if for nothing else to gawk at that sweet, sweet lander up close.

Edited by Fredonia
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Well first off you know its a good rocket if it lags my computer lol. S-IVB fuel tanks arn't connected to the rocket so when i was mid burn i had to scramble to move the fuel from the full tanks to the empty one that fed the rocket. Also shouldn't you use a stack seperator instead of a decoupler between the CSM and the lander its also a pain in the butt to dock the two, so much so i had to cancel the mission right there, and i was so looking forward to using that lander oh well, I really like it though

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  gigaforce90 said:
S-IVB fuel tanks arn't connected to the rocket so when i was mid burn i had to scramble to move the fuel from the full tanks to the empty one that fed the rocket.

Hmm, I'll check the fuel lines! I might have forgotten to put them on after an adjustment.

  gigaforce90 said:
Also shouldn't you use a stack seperator instead of a decoupler between the CSM

I don't... I use a decoupler... If what you mean is you would rather have a separator there is a reason that I use a decoupler.

To separate the CM and Lander...

Separate decoupler, releasing CM.

Switch to Lander, turn slightly and "undock" from decoupler.

The decoupler will now drift off into space without getting in the way.

Note that on the next Munbug I will likely remove the decoupler completely and simply undock from the Lander... working on a new way to jettison the fairings to allow this.

  gigaforce90 said:
its also a pain in the butt to dock the two

Not planning on removing the docking... it was a big part of the Apollo mission. What is giving you trouble?... just a standard docking maneuver.

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  GusTurbo said:
Just curious, what's the part count?

As Fredonia said, 591... a lot of that is concealed struts. There are a lot of bugs to iron out with this one as I've completely changed the design of the whole thing. Will be refining the lander and doing an excess part strip for the next one to bring the weight and part count down a little while keeping it looking the same! If you go into the editor and look inside you'll see there is a lot going on under the surface!

Won't be too long before Munbug VI !

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Wow, Mulbin, that is a sexy Saturn V. Totally blows my small Dres V out of the water! In part count as well as looks... ;P

One quick question, has it got the same flight profile as the real thing? (Finishing the orbital insertion on the S-IVb, all TMI with it, etc...).

Rune. I must say, though, I preferred the old lander's cabin.

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  Mulbin said:

Note that on the next Munbug I will likely remove the decoupler completely and simply undock from the Lander... working on a new way to jettison the fairings to allow this.

Check out the newest version of my Loki Program. Maybe you can use it's fairing technology :wink:

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  Rune said:
One quick question, has it got the same flight profile as the real thing? (Finishing the orbital insertion on the S-IVb, all TMI with it, etc...).

Actually it has far more DV than it really needs. You can just about get a stable orbit just from the second stage. S-IVb has plenty for Muna Transfer with fuel to spare. I'll look at balancing the fuel for the next update, anything that can potentially bring the part count down without ruining the look is good!... perhaps a slightly shorter second stage. In early testing before the weight started stacking up the first stage went so fast that after about 20 seconds it was on fire!

I'll also be experimenting with different payloads including a Skylab inspired station, as well as perhaps a Jool 1B rocket for lighter payloads.

  Rune said:
I must say, though, I preferred the old lander's cabin.

I know what you mean... I think there is a new mini lander cabin out soon (0.20 possibly?) which might help matters. The large one is just the wrong shape!

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Boy am I glad I uploaded this. Just accidentally wiped my game and lost all my ships! Sad thing is I had just perfected a complete space station to attach to the same launcher... but at least I've saved the Munbug!

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  Mulbin said:
Boy am I glad I uploaded this. Just accidentally wiped my game and lost all my ships! Sad thing is I had just perfected a complete space station to attach to the same launcher... but at least I've saved the Munbug!

Oh no! What happened?

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