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Show off your flags MEGATHREAD


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Can someone please make me a flag? It would be on a black background, with the words "Jedi Space Program" and a green lightsaber. Thanks!

Is this any good for you?


It fits your description; the words 'Jedi Space Program' on a black background with a green lightsaber. I think it's pretty good, but that may be a bit of self-favouritism :P

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I dont want to offense you. But ... do you know rainbow mean gay/lesbian flag?

None taken whatsoever:-) I chose this design because my daughter loves rainbows and to show my stance on the Ugandan laws against HBTQ-persons.

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here is my awesome flags:


Oops I forgot to upload the image and I am too lazy to do it now :/







Once I reach further planets I will take more screenshots for new planet's flags

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and hopefully for future use as a decal.


I have a giant clipart gallery of logos, I don't remember where I got half of them. Time to make use!

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How's this? :P


Have you found that Unicorn lair yet? Because if you do, it will prove that the KSC was the capital (capitol?) of an ancient Kerbal civilization!

Anyway, I've been messing around with a flag-generator program, and conjured up this:


The program I used is quite good, you can find it here.

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Have you found that Unicorn lair yet? Because if you do, it will prove that the KSC was the capital (capitol?) of an ancient Kerbal civilization!

Anyway, I've been messing around with a flag-generator program, and conjured up this:


The program I used is quite good, you can find it here.

Dang it, now I can't stop designing different flags XD

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