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Painting in Blender, help.

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Ok. I think I'm not getting a mesh collision in Unity (the lines should turn green if it worked?). I also noticed in the Inspector I have Default (Mesh Filter), and Mesh Renderer. Should those be there?

I read something about making a node_collider in Blender, the tutorial never mentioned it. Do I need that to?

Lastly, on the bottom of Unity it says, "The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid." what does that mean?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks for all the help.


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Ok. I think I'm not getting a mesh collision in Unity (the lines should turn green if it worked?). I also noticed in the Inspector I have Default (Mesh Filter), and Mesh Renderer. Should those be there?

I read something about making a node_collider in Blender, the tutorial never mentioned it. Do I need that to?

Lastly, on the bottom of Unity it says, "The hull has more than 255 polygons. This is invalid." what does that mean?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks for all the help.

No, the node_collider is obsolete, you do not have to make it in Blender. That fooled me too.

In my original explanation, I said:

I make a new empty game object in the Hierarchy panel, drag into it the PartsTools from Projects/Assets/Plugins/KSP, drag into it my Projects/Assets/Blender file.

Click on Projects/Assets/Blender file. In Inspector panel:

click Model button

set scale to 0.1 or 1, depending on how long 1 meter is in Blender units in your Blender file

checkbox Generate Colliders

checkbox Generate Lightmap UVs

click Apply button

You have to have Generate Colliders checked.

Then in each object, in the Inspector pane, in the Mesh Collider, the Mesh will be, for instance obj_anchor (that is, same name as the object) instead of default as is in your screen capture. (Mesh Filter) should also say obj_anchor (that is, same name as the object) instead of default .

I think that Mesh Renderer should be unchecked, but I'm not sure.

I have no idea what the error message about 255 polygons is all about. Sorry.

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I have the Generate Colliders checked, but I am unsure how to rename the mesh collider and mesh filter (where it says "default"). I can change the name of mesh collider in the Hierarchy panel, but no where else. I can't change mesh filter at all. Unless I am missing something?

I also am unsure what to name it. My model is named FuelBall, so would the mesh collider name be "FuelBall" or "FuelBall_anchor"?

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Unity names the object for you. It uses whatever you named the various objects when you created them in Blender.

Ummmm, I have to ask, when you checked Generate Colliders, you did click the Apply button?

You do not name the mesh collider, you select it.

In the Inspector window, in the Mesh Collider section, where it says Mesh next to the box that says Default, there should be a tiny bulls-eye icon. When you click it, a dialog box will appear. See if any of the items there has the same name as the name at the vary top of the Inspector pane. If so, select it. You should see a green transparent mesh surround the object in the scene window.

I'm still new to Unity, so I'm not sure if I'm doing everything correctly.

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Yes, I am clicking apply when I check Generate Colliders etc.

I think my mesh collider is named default and it pre-selects it (it is the same shape as my model). I noticed if I choose "cylinder" for a mesh collider it gives me the green lines, but default doesn't. I have no idea why.

Here is the .obj files (from Blender) if you want to look at it, maybe that will help. I am at a loss here. FuelBall


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Looks like some funky importing on unity's part, there's no default object in the obj file when I import it into a modelling program.

I would delete the 'default' GameObject entirely and add a sphere/mesh collider to the main model. You also want to delete the MainCamera object, or at least move it out of the hierarchy.

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Ok, so I tried using the pure Blender file in Unity (instead of converting it to .obj) and that gave me a named mesh collider, but turned 90degrees on its side, and it still doesn't work.

I also used a generic sphere mesh collider and that did turn green on the model in Unity, but it still didn't have collision in the game (can walk through it, can't attach things except at the nodes, can't grab it once it's placed in the VAB).

I am lost. Here is the Blender file, texture, and part config. If someone could look at it and see whats wrong I would greatly appreciate it. (Please don't fix it for me, just tell me how it needs to be fixed. I want to learn, not have it done for me.) URL deleted.

Thank you.

:DEdit: I fixed it!!!!!!!! I created an empty game object in the hierarchy and placed my mesh in it and was able to rotate it correctly. Then I made that game object a child of my model and it worked. I'm so happy right now. Thank you everyone that helped me get this far! :sticktongue:

Only problem left is that the part is a little laggy in the game, I'm not sure why. Does anyone know what causes part lag?

Edit 2: I fixed the lag. In Unity my model had an animator component. Since I don't have animations, I removed it and now the part doesn't cause lag.

Some time tomorrow I should have the part up on SpacePort (have to name it and make a description).

Edited by Fiddlestyx
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