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MechJeb help please

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Hey guys, newbie here.

I was having trouble getting a perfect orbit, and my orbits were always about 50k difference between apogee and parigee. This alone made space stations and the sort difficult to build. So I decided to download Mechjeb to help me in my learning curve.

So I downloaded the zip, extracted files, opened the plugin, and dragged the .dll to my KSP folder. When I dragged to my KSP folder I noticed two distinct things from the tutorial videos I have seen, first no plugins folder, secondly I do not have a "plugindata" folder, nor a "Patcher_data" folder. So I went ahead and made a "plugins" folder and dropped in the .dll plug in. I then went to the parts folder (in the recently downloaded zip) and dragged all of the parts (folders) into the "Parts" folder on KSP. All looks well, the "mumech_mech...." folders all show up in the parts folder.

However, when I start the game I see in the loading bar all the mumech_..... parts flash as they load and as the bar goes by, yet when I build a rocket none of the parts show up. They don't shop up in "control" or any other folder.

Any Idea what I did wrong or what I may be missing? :cool:

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  • 1 month later...
I was having trouble getting a perfect orbit, and my orbits were always about 50k difference between apogee and parigee. This alone made space stations and the sort difficult to build. So I decided to download Mechjeb to help me in my learning curve.

So I downloaded the zip, extracted files, opened the plugin, and dragged the .dll to my KSP folder. When I dragged to my KSP folder I noticed two distinct things from the tutorial videos I have seen, first no plugins folder, secondly I do not have a "plugindata" folder, nor a "Patcher_data" folder.

Those tutorials probably date from before .20 (just a couple of weeks old now), when the game's folder structure was changed.

Just drag the MechJeb folder from the .zip file and drop it into the GameData folder.

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