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The Water Challenge

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UPDATE: Due to some small bits of revived interest, here\'s the newly updated challenges! Do them in order, as I have arranged them from easiest to hardest.

Challenge 1: Construct a rocket boat that goes at an appreciable speed.

Challenge 2: Get back onto land from the water. Or, you can use C7\'s heavy RCS for getting out. If you do that, you can skip the first portion of Challenge 3.

Challenge 3: Take off from land and get into a stable orbit. Bonus appreciation for getting the Kerbals back safely.

Restrictions: Stock parts, C7 Flight Pack, and the sideways parachute from the DERP CO. Pack.

Please submit screenshots and/or videos for this challenge, for the purposes of validation.

Current Leader:

JupiterII, with a plane that can successfully land and take off from the water!

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Oh, hey.

Can only get mine up to around 10 m/s that I\'ve seen, but..


..Yes, this was one of the first things I did. You need to land with power at under 4 m/s for whatever reason (At least, I do), but they work. RB-M doesn\'t have much fuel, and RB is a pain to control. But they work.

All vanilla parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was playing around with this tonight, checked to see if it were a challenge and lo and behold here one is. The main hurdle is that you can only go so fast in the water before the resistance makes my pod go kablooie. Still, it\'s fun to float around. Even more so if you make the motorboat sound with your lips.

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