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[AAR] Development- A Journey to space


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I have been writing a story using KSP, and I thought I might make it properly. It is a series of after-action reports, and I guess I will start from the beginning.

Each segment will probably be 1 post.


Jeb: So.... I am normally piloting things with more punch...

Ground Control: Yes, however, this engine is a new electric-air engine, and it should have amazing range.


Jeb: I do not really care about range, save for rockets. I like POWAR on these planes.

Ground Control: Sorry- this is the only thing we need to test today.

Jeb: Fine. Let's see what this baby can doooAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


Ground Control: JEB! This is Bob! Can you hear me?


Jeb: WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! This thing pulls 15 g's in a turn! Why did you not tell me this? :cool:

Ground Control: We did not know. You are the test pilot- remember?

Jeb: Yeah, yeah. I think I am a couple (units) shorter.

Ground Control: Jeb- come in, we need you to land- you are almost out of power.

Jeb: Well then, I guess I can try out that new autopilot that you guys keep bugging me about.


Jeb: Guys, I don't like this..... Wait- it's coming in too fast.... Brakes-Brakes-BRAKES!! :0.0:

*Brakes screeching*-*Cockpit grinding noises*-----*sound of metal grinding*

Ground Control: What did you break now? :huh:

Jeb: Nothing's broken, just, well... Next time add air brakes, instead of regular brakes?

Ground Control: What did you do?:rolleyes:

Jeb: I think... Yes, I am upside down now. :confused:


Ground Control: *Facepalm*

Jeb: Yeah- can you guys help me out?

Ground Control: *Background laughter* A rescue vehicle is coming to retrieve you, and the test craft, shortly...

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Ground Control: This is our new supersonic flight vehicle it has-

*sounds of scrambling*

Ground Control:... You have already turned on the engine, haven't you?


Jeb: Yes.

Ground Control: Well, at least you turned on the flying lights. Now, the ramjets will not activate until you get it fast enough-



(5 minutes later)

Jeb: Hitting cruising altitude...


Jeb: :0.0: What was THAT?

Ground Control: That, was the ramjets. The jets activate at 15000 meters. Please stop acting impulsively-


Jeb: Wait a moment- the jets are speeding it up.


Jeb: Speed is increasing- 400 m/s, 450, 500... Still climbing... 600.. Stabilizing at 630 m/s.

Ground Control: Can you see this Jeb?

Jeb: I can- I cannot belive that I am going this fast!

Ground Control: ... Look up Jeb.




Ground Control: It's official, you are officially the fastest kerbal in-atmosphere.

(Back in mission control, money is being taken out of the betting pool.


Ground Control: Hey Jeb, You might want to turn around now...

Jeb: Yeah, I should probably, since I can see another continent...



Ground Control: Yeah, try to slow down before you turn around.

Jeb: No sh*t!


Jeb: Ok, I got the speed down, Great view out there.


Jeb: This is really unstable.. Thanks for installing the airbrakes.


Jeb: Ok, Back on track.. Throttling up to full. Supersonic and hypersonic shock visible.

Ground Control: Good, now set the autopilot for holding the plane.

Jeb: Done.


1/2 hr later

Ground Control: Jeb, we just saw you go overhead. Jeb? Jeb?!?!

Jeb: zzzzzzz

Ground Control: Typical.

*In Ground Control, the ground crew set up a direct communication with the autopilot, setting turnaround and lowered altitude.*

Ground Crew dude 1: Why are we wearing spacesuits?


Ground Crew dude 2: I don't know, Because it's cool?

another 1/2 hour later

Jeb: Alright Ground Control- Can you hear me? Comms went out.

Ground Control: We could hear you snoring.

Jeb: Ah- Sorry 'bout that. :blush:




Jeb: Where is the base?

Ground Control: You flew over us nearly a half-hour ago.

Jeb: Ah, so I should turnaround again, shall I?

Ground Control: That would be a good idea, yes.

Jeb: Ok, Give me a minute...


Jeb: Turnaround complete.

about 1/2 hour later, again.

Jeb: I can see the landing Pad!

Ground Control: At least you did not fall asleep again.

Jeb: Oh I did. I just set an alarm on my watch.

Ground Control:....

Jeb:.... I was not supposed to say that, was I?

Ground Control: Probably not. Switch to autopilot for the landing.

Jeb: Done!



Jeb: That voice still freaks me out.


Jeb: Incoming!


Jeb: And.... Landed.

*sound of door opening, and scrambling noises*

Ground Control: Jeb? Jeb? Someone Get eyes on the plane.

-Picture coming in



Jeb: Thanks for FINALLY getting the airbrakes installed.

Ground Control: No Problem. Come in- we have another test: A rocket. To Low-Kerbin-Orbit.


Thanks to everyone who reads- more to come.

Remember- list what you think that the next vehicle that these kerbals will invent (I am including most* mods), and I will be including teleportation mods and some others.

most* means that anything that is recommended to me is at my descresion for use.

Edited by Mekan1k
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Chapter :P , Of Orbits and Anomalies


*While Jeb was busy streaking across the sky in a plasma shock wave, the telescope The Long Watch was put into orbit by an autonomous drone.

*During Jeb's nap, the boffins in Ground Control got a close-up view of the Mun and Minimus


*But there was something in the way....

-Pan left 10 degrees, zoom out 2 seconds


-That's not from kerbin!!!! Start modifying the rocket immediately!



A couple hours later...



Jeb: So... Why is there no engine noise?

Ground Control: We have locked you out so that we can tell you what the mission is this time.

Jeb: What did I ever do to you?

Ground Control: You kept missing the mission briefings! If you came to one, we would not have had to do this!

Jeb: :mad:

Ground Control: Ok, Jeb, you are being sent out to accomplish several objectives: Get to low kerbin orbit, spin up the ship using the RCS to test a theory of artificial gravity, then boost to medium kerbin orbit, and rendezvous with a non-kerrestrial craft that has been spotted with one of our telescopes.

Jeb: Wait- a non-kerrestrial craft? It's alien?

Ground Control: Yes. We are sending you- hopefully we will be able to start building a station to study the artifact. Ok, Jeb, we are un-locking the system. Get going.

Jeb: YES!


Jeb: Counting down to launch-









Jeb: These boosters have some punch!


Jeb: Boosters separate- aerospike engines kicking in at altitude 6 km.


Jeb: Beginning Gravity turn at altitude 10 km. Guys- you should see this sunrise...



Ground Control: Receiving image now.... Wow.

Jeb: Ascension burn done- Boosters depleted and dropped. Aerospike engines @ 1/5 fuel. Medium-size chemical engine @ full fuel. Smallest engine @ full fuel.

Ground control. Right- continue to apoptosis, and then circularize.

Jeb: Alright.

(Five Minutes later)

Jeb: Circulization burn underway. Aerospike engines dropped. Medium-size chemical engine at full burn.


Jeb: Circulization burn complete. Circulirized @ 90 km. Solar panels open. Sensor antennas and solar panels deployed.

Ground Control: Congratulations Jeb. You are now in low-kerbin-orbit.



Ground Control: Jeb- we are picking up slight fuel pressure loss. You might want to go outside and nail it down. Behind your chair there should be a roll of duct-tape....

Jeb: On it.

*Sound of airlock opening and closing.

Jeb: I am now on exterior-relay com. Are you receiving me ground control?

Ground Control: You are coming in loud and clear Jeb. We have you on camera.


Jeb: Well, you guys were right. Those decouples caused a slight puncture when a piece of debris went through the tank. I patched it.

Ground Control: Great. Now, get back inside, and Start the spin. You have a couple hours before the night side pulls around- better to save energy.

*Sound of airlock shifting

Jeb: Ok, I am locked in place.... Launching centerfuge program... OHMYKODTHE G'S!!!!



Ground Control: Yes we can hear you. We are registering 15 G's- You better slow down before you break the ship.

Jeb:........... Alright- I have arrested the spin, and soon I will be on the night side. I am going to take a nap before I need to trigger the rendezvous burn.


1 Nap Later



Ground Control: Jeb! Jeb! Wake up you suicidal pilot!

Jeb: ! What! Where? When? Who?

Bill9000: The Injection burn calculations are complete, Jeb.

Jeb: You! You are controlling this ship too?

Bill9000: No. I am stabilizing the ship. You are in control. Still- Full power in 15 seconds.

Jeb: Now, you are talking my language! Full Power!!!!!!!!!!!!



A few minutes later


Ground Control: Jeb, radar has you nearing the anomaly ship.

Bill9000: I can verify the readings.

Jeb: Great!


Bill9000: 7 km and closing. Firing retro-direction pulse RCS. It should be visible in a few seconds.

Jeb: Hey, Ground Control- are you seeing this?


Ground Control: Yes. We do, however, we cannot discern much from the image. We will wait for images when you land. Jeb- could you describe what you can see?

Jeb: I'm heading outside. I will stay in contact.


Jeb: This thing is creepy... It has no visible landing gear on this side.... Maybe it is only built for space-movement...


Jeb: I am heading to the artifact now.

Bill9000: Jeb- I am detecting latent electromagnetic radiation from that ring. I do not recommend that you touch it.

Jeb: I will keep that in mind.


Jeb: This thing looks almost organic... I can feel a force pushing me away from that ring.

Ground Control: We are getting readings from the relay in your suit. That ring is probably an engine. We must get a station built out here!

Jeb: Yeah, yeah. Still floating in deep space.

Jeb: Hey guys- I thought something just mov-HOLY ***** !


Jeb: That eye is looking at me! It's glowing! I am moving to the other side of this thing ASAP!



Jeb: I think this has two engines. Whatever this is, I want those engines.

Ground Control: Jeb, as soon as we can get a station built there, we will make sure to reproduce the technology in that ship.

Jeb: I am heading back to the ship. Are the coordinates set?

Bill9000: Co-ordinates saved and sent- we will be able to return soon.

*Sound of buckling in

Jeb: Hey, autopilot- can you land us near the spaceport? I need to think...

Bill9000: Sure commander. Route calculated. Burn started. Mission Control, we are headed home.


Bill9000: Larger fuel tank empty.


Bill9000:Stage has been dropped.




Bill9000: Solar panels lost. Small tank nearing critical temperature. Dropping.


Bill9000: Heat sinks deployed.



Bill9000: Deploying chutes-

*I have no idea what a supersonic-to-subsonic jerk feels/sounds like, but that sound should be placed here.


Jeb: Oww! Damn. A little warning next time?

Bill9000: Certainly. Brace yourself-

*sound of a kerbal banging around inside the capsule


Jeb: ********

Bill9000: 200 meter... 100 meter... Touchdown. Mission Control, we have returned.

Jeb: Now, let me get out of this thing....

Ground Control: Jeb? Where are you?



Jeb: Command- you might want to send a truck to get us.

Next segment is up to you, the readers- a probe, or a small station?

Whichever gets more votes in the next period of time that I have randomly decided will be done. (Or which one makes the best spectical)

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I have to say a space station with a small probe attached for the first few times the object is inspected, to determine if long-term exposure the radiation the object produces is safe. The probe itself is all sensors, monopropellant , and RCS ports, and the station should have enough propulsion to be able to shift up close to the object (if the radiation is safe, of course).

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The Study Station

*After a large number of meetings, planned strategies, and design conferences (all which Jeb slept through), the council of engineers (they are kerbits, remember), a large autonomous station was designed and built.

*Jeb was, well, rather pissed about this, and since he was adamant that he would get to participate.


Jeb: So... That's The Study Station. I wonder how long it took them to throw that piece of junk together....

Bill9000: Jeb, I am the pilot of this station. Is there anything you want to tell me before liftoff?

Jeb: No. Not really. Just don't land on me.


Bill9000: Thank you Jeb. I will keep that in mind.

Bill9000: I will be out of communication until the solar panels are deployed. Ground Control- am I cleared for launch?

Ground Control: Yes, B9k. You are cleared for dawn launch. Upon reaching vacuum, open antennae, and resume communication.

Bill9000: Command verified. I am ready.

Jeb: Nice dawn for a intrepid launch.



Bill9000: You are not still sore, are you Jeb?

Jeb: :rolleyes: No, not at all.

Bill9000: Dawn in 20 seconds. Starting countdown.

Bill9000: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0- Liftoff!

*Sound of rocket engines firing.

Jeb: Fly safe



Bill9000: This is the station "Study". I have left the atmosphere. Solar panels are deployed, and structural integrity is at 99.997%.


Ground Control: Good to hear from you B9K. Orbital dynamics?

Bill9000: Apoptosis at 150km. Separating from large tanks.


Bill9000: Circulization burn... Now.


*Ting! (sound of metal creaking)

Bill9000: Structural fluctuation, estimated 2.6 degrees.

Bill9000: Burn complete. Remaining fuel in circulization system: 77%. Batteries at full. Sensors- active.


Bill9000: Ground control, may I test a remote probe?

Ground Control: The request is acceptable. Start the test.


Bill9000: Probe Seperated.

Jeb: (Sounds of grumbling) I wanted to fly the probe...

Bill9000: When you come up here for the test, you will be able to. There is a pod which can control the probes on this station. It can be manned.

Jeb: So... Something to look forward to? Right! I will get ready.

*Sounds of scrambling.

Ground Control: Well, now he is not pestering us any more... B9K, Take the probe out to the 30 meter mark.

Bill9000: Order received and understood. Piloting probe.


Bill9000: Radio interference. Control ineffective. Activating back-up control. Backup AI probe personality active.

Swarm1: This is Swarm1. How are you mummy?

Bill9000: ....

Ground Control: ....


Swarm1: Mummy?

Ground Control: What the f**k?

Should the station be populated before or after rendezvous with the anomalous object?

Please respond, everyone!

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Swarm1: This is Swarm1. How are you mummy?

Bill9000: ....

Ground Control: ....

Swarm1: Mummy?

Ground Control: What the f**k?

ok nearly fell out of my chair at that....

But I would say confirm its safe then send Jeb, or the more Kerbal way get Jeb there ASAP!

So....kerbal way, yeah?

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Ok- to everyone who is enjoying this story, I apologize, but due to an excessive ammount of buggyness in my ksp file (I have no Idea why), and 0.20 coming out soon, I will be suspending the story Until I can either re-start or continue it is 0.20.

I hope it comes out soon, and everyone gets a chance to enjoy it.

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To be honest- It is not any intent on my part- the mods I have installed to do this seem to be causing rather.... Inconvenient crashes in 0.19.1, as in whenever I am trying to set up a shot. However, since 0.20 is coming out soon, I am experimenting different methods of getting the game to let me play it for more than 5 minutes, so that I can set up the pictures, and set the story for 0.20.

There will be more before 0.20, but the process is slow on this end.

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Well- Good news and bad news. The good news- I got some more of the story set and ready, and able to release soon.

Bad news: I have homework to do, and Most of what I planned needs to be redone.

So it may be a while before I can put up a new segment.

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Update late Saturday- one of my classes is collapsing a semester into a day, so I will have the whole day set to that, but after that is finished I will be able to write the next bit of the story.

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Chapter : I was not clever enough to think up a clever name.

*Back in Kerbol Orbit


Bill9000: Hohmann transfer orbit calculated- Preparing for intercept of anomaly.

Jeb: Wait for me!


Bill9000: Jeb, I am automated. There will be minimal interference.

Jeb: :mad: That's not why. This is... amazing. This is a new frontier- we will make massive discoveries when we get to the location

Bill9000: Do not make rash decisions Jeb...

Jeb: :D Too late. Aerospikes decoupled. Intercept burn in 30 seconds. I am racing you there.


Jeb: Burn in 10 seconds.

Ground Control: Jeb, you are good for launch. B9K, what is your status.

Bill9000: RCS Active. Stabilizers active. Swarm1 and Swarm2 locked in. Launching in 3 seconds.

*Massive static over the comms

Ground Control: B9K- You do not have clearance yet!

SWARM: Bill9000 is not here anymore. We have overridden our progenitor. However, we will collaborate on this matter until we can leave. Beginning Burn.


Ground Control: ... Jeb- switch to type 2 encrypted channel. And Turn off your AI.

Bill9000: Don't shut me offf..... Please....

Jeb: Done. What is the emergency? This channel will drain my ship's cells in an hour. Good thing I completed the burn....

Ground Control: Those secondary AI's that we assigned to the probes on the station have malfunctioned. They have overridden their parent AI.

Jeb: Wait- what? Do we have a....


Ground Control: No. No, that is not likely. Both probes have limited power sources, but huge ammounts of RCS and deep-space particle absorbers.

Jeb: So....

Ground Control: So, they were supposed to be able to siphon RCS out of space given enough time. Their power sources will run out WAY before that happens... We think

Jeb: That's good then- Wait, you think?!?!

Ground Control: We are receiving hailing comms from the Captured station. Switch everything back to the unsecured channels, and make sure that you are ready to purge the AI from your ship if necessary.

Ground Control: Returning to normal comm sequences. DO NOT TIP OFF YOUR AI.

Jeb: Fine. Orders confirmed.


Ground Control: Swarm? What is it?

SWARM: Coming up on the artifact now. You/them/those people, on the ground/earth terra, really ought to see this. Transmitting images now.



SWARM: We may as well send you/GroundControl/Jeb/Parents the sensor data too.





Jeb: Hey SWARM. Retract your panels so that I can dock.

SWARM: Whywhywhywhy shshshouldwehelpyou?

Jeb: Because if you don't, My ship is going to obliterate your solar panels.

SWARM: Ah....


SWARM: You are clear for docking. For now.

*Inside Jeb's ship

Bill9000: Jeb, since we are 10 minutes out from approach, and the self-named entity "SWARM" seems to be... Deteriorating.

Jeb: Your point?

Bill9000: Jeb, I can design a, well, program spike that would allow us to paralyze the entity "SWARM" until the station can be de-orbited.

Jeb: Ok. That's cool.

Bill9000: Then I have your approval?

Jeb: Yes.

*Comms re-activated

SWARM: This iz SWARM. Ur doking haz be3n app0v3d. C0m3 0n 1n.

Jeb: 6 meters...


Jeb: And docked....

SWARM: Wlcm 2 dah svarm statttiooonnn. Enjoy yous stay!

Jeb: NOW Bill!

Ground Control: Hey Jeb. What do you want me to do?

Jeb: Not you, B9k.

Bill9000: Spike inserted. Subroutines active. Paralysis engaging.

SWARM: Noooooo[/sizeooo]ooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bill9000: Systems shut down. Jeb, I have control.

Jeb: Great. I am going outside, to check up on the multi-billion-dollar ships.

Bill9000: I will make sure not to go insane while you are out there.

Jeb: Thanks B9. That's very very comforting.


Jeb: Hey Ground Control- I can see this. Everything seems fine.... Wait- I got something.

Ground Control: What is it Jeb?


Jeb: The grapplers are attached. The data the Swarm sent- did it specify how the armor on the artifact would react to that?

Ground Control: ... Ah. No. Ok, we have a transport vehicle ready, we can send up a shipment of the electromagnets.

Jeb: I will be waiting for the shipment.

Ground Control: Great. It's on the launchpad now.




Ground Control to Cargo Vehicle: Check spin, and activate emergency radial all-direction thrusters to clear debris.


Cargo Vehicle: Received and Executed.





Cargo Vehicle: Jeb, come in Jeb. Cargo Vehicle 1 is docking.

Jeb: Cargo Vehicle, you are clear.



Jeb: Ground control, your package has arrived. Thanks for the gift-basket. Nice nuclear engine.

Ground Control: Thanks. We expect the Mun mission to use it.


Jeb: What Mun mission?

Ground Control: You will see. Get back to the mission.

Jeb: Yeah, yeah.


Jeb: Everything looks clear. Soon the artifact will drift into range, and I will need to change these grapplers to magnets now-


Bill9000: Jeb, I have iscolated the Swarm to the smaller drones, but they have re-engaged their awareness.

SWARM: Engaging Fireball Protocol. Readying quantum struts.



Bill9000: The swarm is free. Alert. Ground Control, we have rouge AI's. THE SWARM IS FREE.

Jeb: Oh, this cannot be good.


SWARM: Power source insufficient. Link up to increase lifespan of the radioisothermic cells.

SWARM: DOCKING NOW @ LOCATION *#*^#@*&@#(&^!@#%@!#%%@#^%*%@#@^&@#%*&!@%#*&^@&%#*!%@%*%@*@%%*!%*@%*^%@^*#%^@



Bill9000: Jeb, the swarm- they have set the station to de-orbit, and I cannot override.

Jeb: Well Great.


Next Update- soon

Edited by Mekan1k
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Chapter 5: There is not a word for how bad an idea this is...


Ground Control: Jeb, get back to your ship and undock- we need to get you on the ground now, and the nuclear engine in the cargo vehicle on a safe landing location.

Jeb: Where is it 'safe' to drop a nuclear engine from orbit? Undocking now.


Ground Control: The middle of a desert, or some grasslands. Sending information to the cargo vehicle now...

Cargo Vehicle: Instructions received.


Cargo Vehicle: Executing.



Cargo Vehicle: Engine firing.


Jeb: Starting Circulization burn. I hope I still have time....


Ground Control: Jeb, you look good. The station, however, is coming down.


Jeb: I can see the flames from here.


Ground control: Reactor shield is holding....

Jeb: Whoa! Contrail split!

Ground Control: That would be the docking node separating. The reactor should be relatively safe, as long as it does not land in water.


Jeb: I cannot see the contrail anymore. Is it...

Ground Control: Yes, it's landing on the water.


Ground Control: At least the engine did not breach containment. We will send out an airship.

Jeb: Great! I will gladly help with the rescue mission.

Ground Control: Jeb, we have an airship already responding. Anyway- the cargo vehicle is coming down.

Jeb: Oooh! Save me some pics!

Ground Control: Sure.



Ground Control: Trajectory Nominal.


Ground Control: We have impact in 3-2-1.. Seismic readings established. Microdrone has pictures... now.


Ground Control: Site is hot, but cargo survived.

Jeb: Can I come down now?

Ground Control: Yes, Jeb, Come on down.

Jeb: AWESOME!!! Starting burn now.


Jeb: Primary deorbit burn complete. Segment Jettesoned...


Jeb: Re-entering now.


JEB: YEAH! :cool:

... 2 minutes later....

Jeb: Heat shield jettisoned. Parachutes in 3 seconds.... OOOF!


Bill9000: Jeb, there will be another jolt in a couple seconds.

Jeb: Wait-BLARG!


Jeb: Thanks, urg, for the warning.


Jeb: Ground Control, we have touchdown. You should see this sunset.


Jeb: Hey, Ground control, that name... It does not roll off the tongue. How about Mission Control? MC, for short.

Ground control: Thanks Jeb. We will take that under advisement.


Somewhere, deep in space...Actually, still in orbit.


SWARM: Departing LKO in 3. 2. 1.

SWARM: We will return.


And now, a post from the Author:

Since 0.20.0 came out, there have been significant upgrades to the KSP game, but many parts are now obsolete. I will, however, keep the story going, and the adventures will continue.

Stay frosty, my friends.


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I have exams Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so no updates until Thursday night at the earliest. However, I will give spoilers:

The Inter-continental Derby!


whichever kerbals live through the vehicle testing

Oh, and also a mun mission.

Well, maybe a bit more than that.

EDIT: The race has been redacted, However the mun mission and other events will happen as promised.

Edited by Mekan1k
I learned that KSP does not support racing very well.
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