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DS-12 Toybox

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After the catastrophic failur of a 247 part ship, the Solar Sailer 2, the 100km orbit of Kerbin is in full blown Kessler syndrome.


I wanted to see what all this debris would do, that and several parts of a Munar base count as "debris" when not being towed by the Munar Prime Mover, so setting the debris slider to 0 was a bit problematic...until I remembered my favorite space manga: Planetes. Gentleman, Ladies, Kerbals, I give you the Toybox DS-12.




The Toybox rendezvouses with debris and uses the Kerbal Attachment System to reel it in. It can be left on the hooks/magnets and then adjusts to a sub orbital trajectory before ejecting the debris and reboosts itself. 3 LV-N engines provide the main maneuvering power while a Lv-45 is available for when larger TWR is needed for say....Reenacting Fee's nicotine deprived heroics. The Toybox has quite a job ahead of it, but for now I'm going to be taking apart a copy in the VAB to determine all the mods needed before posting the craft file. A quick assessment is MechJeb, B9 Aerospace, The latest version of Kerbal Attachment System, Empty Tanks, and KSPX. I should have wrote it down as I was building, but i was on a roll.

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Thought about them, but Kerbal EVA packs have quite a bit of delta-v. Might dock them with KAS and store them inside the cargo bay. I'm sure a better builder could make it look more true to life, but I'm proud. But I do have seats from the DEMV MK2 motorcycle.

Here's the craft file:https://www.dropbox.com/s/5f7z3titlype2cp/Toybox%20DS-12-2.craft

You'll need B9 Aerospace, the latest version of Kerbal Attachment System, Mech Jeb 1.9.8, Empty tanks, and possibly KSPX. The Nova SHLLV was used to put it into orbit.

If you fill the top 3 tanks you might experience some center of mass shift that causes the craft to want to pitch up under thrust. I only fly with the 4 small tanks full as the LV-N's barely sip on them. The LV-45 feeding only from the FL-400 was a happy accident. It rations fuel to it for me so I don't accidentally gobble up a huge amount of fuel while I'm keeping my eye on the Navball.

Edited by MaddPhish
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