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Kerbal Space Tycoon

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Main Objectives

This challenge will not only test your creativity, but also your sportsmanship and management skill.

Background Story & Settings

You, as an administrator of the Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration(KASA), must lead several space programs with budget-friendly, high-efficiency rockets and spaceships.

For each mission you will receive fund, and each time you succeed on a mission, you will be rewarded.

Of course, if you fail a mission, no rewards.

That being said, here are things you need to know -

0. Be honest! There is no way I(or we) can check your progress. It is you who is responsible for posting results!

1. Since there is no specific unit for currency, we'll assume Kerbal Currency Unit(KCU) as their currency.

2. Fuels and weights are measured in kg, lengths are measured in meters, unless otherwise specified.

3. At the beginning of very first mission, you will start with 10,000KCU.

4. On each mission, you will be funded with certain amount of money. However, if you fail a mission and wish to re-attempt, you will only receive 80% of what you received from previous attempt. (ie. 15,000KCU for first attempt, 12,000KCU for second attempt, 9600KCU for next, and so on...)

5. If you succeeded on the mission but do want to re-attempt for some secondary objective(s), you will receive 20% of what you received from previous attempt, since you will have plenty amount of fund by that time.

Rules and Restrictions

1. At VAB

-Read all about it : Each mission has specific design restrictions and requirements. Read them before you start building.

-Every part counts : Make sure you include every single parts in your manifest. These parts count as construction fee. As mentioned above, this challenge also tests your sportsmanship. I(or we) will not ask you to upload your craft file(s). So be honest.

-You are what you use : mods are allowed; pilot assistant, small parts or big parts, it doesn't matter. Just make sure you include these parts in your expense manifest.

-Don't worry about stabilizer. We got it : Stabilizer consider to be part of launch pad installment, so there is no need to include price for stabilizer.

-No negotiation on prices : I do understand that certain parts are very, very expensive. However, that is not a good reason to change price of a part. So far the most expensive part I've seen is MechJeb pod, which costs 15,000~17,000.

-Debugging : The only debug tool you are allowed to use is part clipping tool, and reason why is because sometimes it is necessary to make certain parts as small as possible to avoid any "wobbling".

2. At Launch Pad

-Wait a second, launch fee please : Not only you need to pay for your spaceship construction, you also have to pay for all your fuel expenses. Price for each fuel types will be down below, so be sure to check.

-Main engine ignition... and lift off! : Once the spaceship is off the ground, all you can do is stage control, in-flight reprogramming, and ship control. Do not press ESC key and go back to VAB unless your spaceship crashes or lost in the space. Every single launch counts. Double check before you launch!

3. Aftermath

-So... mission success or fail? : Each mission will have specific objective(s). If you achieved these objective(s), mission is consider to be succeeded. If any part of the objective(s) is not accomplished, mission is consider to be failed.

-Handsome rewards, please : There is a general criteria for mission reward -

*If mission success, 100% of received fund will be rewarded. (ie. If you have received 15,000KCU, 15,000KCU returns.)

*For each secondary objective(s), extra money will be awarded based on secondary objective's criteria.

-Here is your check sir/ma'am : Don't forget. You have bills to pay! Subtract any amount of expenses from total incomes.

4. General Rules

-No skipping please : Each mission is based on previous mission(s). Do not skip to other mission(s) just because it looks easy for you.


At the end of each mission, total profits you made is your score. It is your responsibility(or option) to post your result on the thread.

Remember, even if I added scoring system, this does not mean you HAVE to report your score. It is your decision whether to post your score to compete or not. However, if you do post your score, I'll be happy to put your name as top 5.

So how do we track all these processes?

It is all up to you! If you want to post your result, keep track on your results on paper or computer, whichever way you want to record your score. The whole purpose of this challenge was to simulate possible career mode and to let players design their rockets, spaceships, or probes with specific purpose(s) while having some restriction(s).

Other things before getting into missions...

Price for fuels are as follows -

*Liquid fuel is 2.5KCU per 1 kg

*Liquid Oxygen is 1.5KCU per 1kg

*Solid Rocket Booster is 1.5KCU per 1kg

*Mono-propellant is 1KCU per 1kg

-----(Mission profiles from here)-----

*Each mission contains several parts. Mission is consider to be finished when you finished all the parts of the mission!

Mission Package 1 : Launch Vehicle Project

KASA is eager to send their satellites and spaceships, but they first need to design launch vehicles that can be used over time.

At the end of this mission, you will have total 12 different launch vehicles.

  1. Small Lift Launch Vehicle - Construct SLLV with following requirement(s) & restriction(s)
    • General restrictions & Rules
      • Payload cannot exceed diameter of 1.25m
      • To test, dummy weights must be used. Dummy weights does not count as part of construction fee.


  1. A1 Model must be able to send 2.5t payload up to LKO and 1.0t payload up to GTO(Optional)
  2. A2 Model must be able to send 2.8t payload up to LKO and 1.1t payload up to GTO(Optional)
  3. A3 Model must be able to send 4.5t payload up to LKO and 1.75t payload up to GTO(Optional)
  4. A4 Model must be able to send 5.5t payload up to LKO and 2.1t payload up to GTO(Optional)


  1. For A1, 30,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
  2. For A2, 35,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
  3. For A3, 40,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
  4. For A4, 45,000KCU will be provided for the first time.

[*]Medium Lift Launch Vehicle - Construct MLLV with following requirement(s) & restriction(s)

  • General Restrictions & Rules
    • Payload cannot exceed diameter of 3.75m. (If able)
    • Payload stage must be able to hold 1.25m diameter payload.
    • To test, dummy weights must be used. Dummy weights does not count as part of construction fee.


    1. A1 Model must be able to send 9.1t of payload up to LKO and 4.5 up to GTO(Optional)
    2. A2 Model must be able to send 12.2t of payload up to LKO and 6.0 up to GTO(Optional)
    3. A3 Model must be able to send 13.4t of payload up to LKO and 7.0 up to GTO(Optional)
    4. A4 Model must be able to send 22.5t of payload up to LKO and 12.0 up to GTO(Optional)


    1. For A1, 35,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
    2. For A2, 45,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
    3. For A3, 60,000KCU will be provided for the first time.
    4. For A4, 65,000KCU will be provided for the first time.

Extra awards for Mission Package 1 : Tier system & GTO achievement

Obviously, KASA do want their launch vehicles to go higher than LKO. So they decided to adopt the Tier System.

  • Each and every model can challenge for tier(s).
  • Tier System will measure launch vehicle's capability of sending a payload to certain orbit, beyond LKO(LKO is considered to be 80km).
  • If higher tier was challenged before lower tier, then the launch vehicle receives both higher tier and lower tier (ie. If Tier-3 was challenged and succeeded, Tier-2 and Tier-1 is automatically achieved.
  • For each tier achieved, 10,000KCU will be awarded.
  • There are 4 types of tiers
    1. Tier-1 will be given for launch vehicle(s) that can send specified amount of payload up to 100km orbit.
    2. Tier-2 will be given for launch vehicle(s) that can send specified amount of payload up to 200km orbit.
    3. Tier-3 will be given for launch vehicle(s) that can send specified amount of payload up to 300km orbit.
    4. Tier-4 will be given for launch vehicle(s) that can send specified amount of payload up to KSO.

    [*]For Tier-4, LKO model must be used, and it is allowed to send launch vehicle up to GTO first, then perform transfer up to KSO. If Tier-4 challenge fails but made up to GTO, LKO model do receive GTO Achievement.

    [*]If GTO model was used for Tier-4 challenge, Launch vehicle does not receive any tier but do receive GTO achievement award of 5,000KCU.

    [*]For GTO achievement, launch vehicle must be able to orbit 100km then perform transfer up to KSO. However, if transfer fails but 100km orbit succeeds, GTO model do receive Tier-1.

Mission Package 2 : Satellite Project

KASA is ready to step up on their mission scale.... Maybe a little bit.

At the end of this mission package, you will have total of 5 satellites.

  1. Broadcasting Satellite - Construct three broadcasting satellites with following restriction(s) & requirement(s)
    • General Restrictions & Rules
      • Satellite must be able to launched by SLLV A1 Model
      • Satellite must orbit between 80 to 100km.
      • Satellite must be operational when orbiting over night side. (Which means it must be operational without solar charges)
      • Satellite requires to have 3 antennas, one facing outward, and the other two facing Kerbin.


  • KABS-01 must orbit LKO~100km, with 0 degree inclination.
  • KABS-02 must orbit LKO~100km, with 45 degree inclination.
  • KABS-03 must orbit LKO~100km, with 135 degree inclination.


  • SLLV launch fee will be provided by KASA. (Not a part of the reward)
  • Construction Fund of 40,000KCU (For each satellite launches, does not get deducted if re-attempted)
  • Satellite Fund of 15,000KCU (For each satellite launches)

[*]Scientific Research Satellite - Construct two satellites with following restriction(s) & requirement(s)

  • General Restrictions & Rules
    • Satellite must be able to launched by any launch vehicle with GTO Certificate.
    • Satellite must be operational when orbiting over night side. (Which means it must be operational without solar charges)
    • Satellite requires to have 3 antennas, one facing outward, and the other two facing Kerbin.
    • Satellite must have minimum of 2 scientific devices.


    • KASS-01 must orbit GTO, with 45 degree inclination.
    • KASS-02 must orbit GTO, with 135 degree inclination.


    • Launch fee will be provided by KASA. (Not a part of the reward)
    • Construction Fund of 40,000KCU (For each satellite launches, does not get deducted if re-attempted)
    • Satellite Fund of 20,000KCU (For each satellite launches)

[*]Secondary Objectives - Perfect Orbit Altitude Challenge

  • All satellites are eligible for this challenge.
  • Perfect Orbit Altitude (POA) will examine how close did a satellite reached to a target altitude.
  • POA will examine both AP and PE altitude for KASB and AP only for KASS.
  • POA starts with 20,000KCU, and depends on how close did a satellite reached, amount of award changes.
    • For KASB satellites, if difference between AP and PE is less than 5km, you receive 100% of the award.
      1. If 5~10km, 50% of the award
      2. If 10~15km, 25% of the award
      3. If 15km~, 0% of the award

      [*]For KASS satellites, If difference between AP and projected GTO altitude(2868.75km) is less than 5km, you receive 100% of the award.

      1. If 5~10km, 50% of the award
      2. If 10~15km, 25% of the award
      3. If 15km~, 0% of the award

Following images are to aid Mission Package 2

1. Example satellite design for KABS-XX


2. Example satellite design for KASS-XX


3. Map view of finished Mission Package 2 (Does not need to be same)


Mission Package 3 : Interplanetary Survey Satellite Project


-----(End of Mission profiles)-----


Only top 5 will be shown on the scoreboard

  • Mission Package 1
    1. sgt_flyer with net profit of 422,554KCU
    2. (Pending)
    3. (Pending)
    4. (Pending)
    5. (Pending)

    [*]Mission Package 2

    1. (Pending)
    2. (Pending)
    3. (Pending)
    4. (Pending)
    5. (Pending)

p.s.1 : Isn't 30,000KCU too much? Nope. I spent 36,923.75KCU for my first SLLV and failed :P

p.s.2 : Comments, thoughts, and concerns, I'll read them since this is my very first challenge to post.

p.s.3 : English = hard.

Edited by CSX_Ind
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When you say fuel is X KCU per kg... I'm assuming that is per "Tonne" of weight? Or is it per unit of liquid fuel?

Let's take Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank as our example.

It can hold 1440 units of Liquid Fuel and 1760 units of Oxidizer.

Since units for fuels never mentioned in anywhere, it is kg.

If it was tonnes, I'd specify as per ton.

Also on Settings-

"2. Fuels and weights are measured in kg, lengths are measured in meters, unless otherwise specified."

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Very interesting challenge, i may give it a go. One question though, will there be any bonus for reusable parts? e.g. We could use parachutes for ascent stages (SRB's, liquid tanks) like the space shuttle did.

edit: When you say dummy weights what do you mean? I don't want to use any mod parts at my ships.

Edited by kookoo_gr
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I think a tycoon is really fun.I used to play Roller Coaster Tycoon back in the day, the management for that was ridiculous as well as Sim City, oh man. Great job, but I think you should work on the display of your thread, its very clunky. A format rewrite is necessary :)

I will be doing this, when I finish reading it of course as this message is written half way finished reading XD

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Very interesting challenge, i may give it a go. One question though, will there be any bonus for reusable parts? e.g. We could use parachutes for ascent stages (SRB's, liquid tanks) like the space shuttle did.

edit: When you say dummy weights what do you mean? I don't want to use any mod parts at my ships.

I have thought about it and it will be added to upcoming mission packages. At this point, KASA does not know SRBs are reusable :P

Dummy weights are test payloads that serves no particular purpose but only serve as weight.

Think of a used fuel tank. It is empty, there is no need to keep it, therefore, a dead(dummy) weight.

+Do remember though that since they are dummy weight, you cannot use fuel tanks or mono-propellant tanks as dummy weights since they can be used during ascent.

Edited by CSX_Ind
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ok, another question. i made an SSLV that can deliver weight of 3 tons (2x Rockomax Hubmax Multi-Point Connector) to geostationary orbit with a cost of 30610, at which category does it classify A1 or A2? Maybe the specs of each rocket should be up to x tons and from x to y tons? Also do we include the cost of launch calmps?

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The units of measure in KSP for weight is metric tonnes, and fuel and oxidizer in litres

Well it used to say L, I think most of them have now switched over to U (units presumably).

They are undoubtedly volumes though, as the game automatically calculates fuel mass from the density parameter in the config file in the resource folder (mass in tons per unit of resource).

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interesting challenge.

a few questions though :

could you detail how the 'handsome rewards please' works ? it's not very clear at the moment :)

Dummy payload - can we use full fuel tanks in the payload decoupler ? it's easier to have weight with it (as long as we do not use any fuel from it, it starts full and will remain full until the payload is released) example payload : 1 FLT-200 tank + 1modular girder adapter, total weight 2.5t

mods -

Engineer redux :

i just use it while in the VAB, then i restore the engineer part - (it's 160 KCU) is it counted into the total price, or is the total price only what ends up on the launch pad ?

also, can we use the cost listed in engineer redux ? (saves time for cost calculation, like that : remove the payload and the stability enhancers, and substract 160 KCU to the cost given by Engineer redux (that the price of the engineer redux part,which will not stay on the rocket))


the SLLV A1 and A2 payloads are really close one to another. can we use the same base rocket for the 2 payloads ?

in the test i made, my 3 stage rocket (2 stage asparagus ascent + 1 orbital transfer stage) is powerful enough to lift one payload or the other (on it's maiden flight, it pushed the 2.5t payload to a 100km orbit, the to GTO, then in geosync orbit, then on escape trajectory - all that in 38450 KCU(fuel cost included :P) - the same rocket, on it's second flight, pushed to full Geosynch orbit the 2.8t payload before escaping kerbin SOI with the payload.

so if i do the maths correctly, (still during mission 1, as an example) before 1st launch : 10000 + 30000 KCU. : A1 launch : 1550 KCU remaining. Tiers accomplished : all 4. so the reward : 40000 for the 4 tiers, and that's what i want to know about handsome rewards : do we get 30000 credits now, or after the SLLV A2 A3 and A4 finish their missions ?

I'll just post my first missions profile (the two first missions did similar flights, with A1 and A2 payload)

Rocket parts :

Orbital transfer stage :



1xocto strut

1x1.25m ASAS

1xz500 battery

1xOKTO core (the big one :P)

4xOX-STAT solar panels

1xTR18A stack decoupler

Core Rocket Stage :



3xTT-38K Radial decoupler

1xTR18A stack decoupler

Asparagus Booster (i have 3 of them around the core stage, all dropped at the same time):



2xEAS-4 Strut connector.

Total weight without payload : 44.4t

Mission Profile :

Ascent on full thrust till 10000m, then begin the G-turn.

few moments after beginning the g-turn, the asparagus boosters will empty - dropping the boosters.

continuing with the G-turn(turning till reaching horizon at 50000m altitude), then pushing the Apoapsis to 100km.

at Apoapsis : pushing the periapsis at 22000m, then droping the core stage.

circularize at 100km with the orbital transfer stage.

push to GTO.

on GTO apo : Circularize to geosync orbit.

(then for the fun and the remaining fuel onboard the orbital transfer stage, Escape kerbin SOI with the payload.)

I flew the SLLV missions A1 and A2 with the same rocket, and had the same mission profile for both.

Edited by sgt_flyer
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i will agree with sgt_flyer about dummy loads, with the current diameter restrictions the only options for the SLLV A series rockets are full fuel tanks. Also if you have made a sound rocket design you can use the same design for two categories, my A1 rocket can deliver A2 payloads to GEO orbit and return for a crash landing, the same thing applies for the A3/A4 design.

Question. Which stock parts are 3.75m? I believe that the FLT tanks are 1.25 and the Rockomax tanks are 2.5m, am i correct?

Also i believe you should rename the series at the various categories, e.g. A series for the SLLV, B series for the MLLV and C for HLLV

Edited by kookoo_gr
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ok, another question. i made an SSLV that can deliver weight of 3 tons (2x Rockomax Hubmax Multi-Point Connector) to geostationary orbit with a cost of 30610, at which category does it classify A1 or A2? Maybe the specs of each rocket should be up to x tons and from x to y tons? Also do we include the cost of launch calmps?

I should have specify this. What you see is the maximum payload limit. If it says 2.8t, then it should not exceed 2.8t

There is no privilege for sending more than what profile specifies.

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but when i read the optional weight that says e.g send 2.5t payload up to LKO and 1.0t payload up to GTO(Optional) do you mean 3.5 tons or 2.5 tons and be able to send 1 ton to GTO at e separate launch?

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interesting challenge.

a few questions though :

could you detail how the 'handsome rewards please' works ? it's not very clear at the moment :)

Dummy payload - can we use full fuel tanks in the payload decoupler ? it's easier to have weight with it (as long as we do not use any fuel from it, it starts full and will remain full until the payload is released) example payload : 1 FLT-200 tank + 1modular girder adapter, total weight 2.5t

mods -

Engineer redux :

i just use it while in the VAB, then i restore the engineer part - (it's 160 KCU) is it counted into the total price, or is the total price only what ends up on the launch pad ?

also, can we use the cost listed in engineer redux ? (saves time for cost calculation, like that : remove the payload and the stability enhancers, and substract 160 KCU to the cost given by Engineer redux (that the price of the engineer redux part,which will not stay on the rocket))


the SLLV A1 and A2 payloads are really close one to another. can we use the same base rocket for the 2 payloads ?

in the test i made, my 3 stage rocket (2 stage asparagus ascent + 1 orbital transfer stage) is powerful enough to lift one payload or the other (on it's maiden flight, it pushed the 2.5t payload to a 100km orbit, the to GTO, then in geosync orbit, then on escape trajectory - all that in 38450 KCU(fuel cost included :P) - the same rocket, on it's second flight, pushed to full Geosynch orbit the 2.8t payload before escaping kerbin SOI with the payload.

so if i do the maths correctly, (still during mission 1, as an example) before 1st launch : 10000 + 30000 KCU. : A1 launch : 1550 KCU remaining. Tiers accomplished : all 4. so the reward : 40000 for the 4 tiers, and that's what i want to know about handsome rewards : do we get 30000 credits now, or after the SLLV A2 A3 and A4 finish their missions ?

I'll just post my first missions profile (the two first missions did similar flights, with A1 and A2 payload)

Rocket parts :

Orbital transfer stage :



1xocto strut

1x1.25m ASAS

1xz500 battery

1xOKTO core (the big one :P)

4xOX-STAT solar panels

1xTR18A stack decoupler

Core Rocket Stage :



3xTT-38K Radial decoupler

Asparagus Booster (i have 3 of them around the core stage, all dropped at the same time):



2xEAS-4 Strut connector.

Total weight without payload : 44.4t

Mission Profile :

Ascent on full thrust till 10000m, then begin the G-turn.

few moments after beginning the g-turn, the asparagus boosters will empty - dropping the boosters.

continuing with the G-turn(turning till reaching horizon at 50000m altitude), then pushing the Apoapsis to 100km.

at Apoapsis : pushing the periapsis at 22000m, then droping the core stage.

circularize at 100km with the orbital transfer stage.

push to GTO.

on GTO apo : Circularize to geosync orbit.

(then for the fun and the remaining fuel onboard the orbital transfer stage, Escape kerbin SOI with the payload.)

I flew the SLLV missions A1 and A2 with the same rocket, and had the same mission profile for both.

Dummy payload can be anything pretty much. As long as it does not supply any fuel, yes, you can use it.

Construction cost is what you used for your rocket/spacecraft. If you removed a part from the rocket, it doesn't count.

As for Engineer redux, if it is easy for you, you can use it :)

A1 stands for "Alternate 1". Which means if you used A1 base for A2 and worked, you don't need to make two seperate rockets. However, you need to pay for construction cost for A2 and launch cost also.

As for mission income, each type counts as seperate mission. Which means you will have minimum of 1 launch for each type.

If you spent 38450 to finish SLLV A1 mission and succeeded -

1. 100% of total fund received : which means 30,000KCU (that is, if you made it on the first attempt)

2. All 4 tiers : 40,000KCU

That gives you total 70,000KCU as an income, and since you've spent 38,450KCU, your total fund before SLLV A2 mission is now 31,550KCU.

As mentioned on mission profile, mission is considered to be finished when you finish ALL part of the mission package. Which means SLLV A1 is part 1 out of 12 parts.

Remaining fuel on your launch vehicles will be needed for upcoming mission packages, so be sure to save them :P

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but when i read the optional weight that says e.g send 2.5t payload up to LKO and 1.0t payload up to GTO(Optional) do you mean 3.5 tons or 2.5 tons and be able to send 1 ton to GTO at e separate launch?

2.5t is for LKO launch. 1.0t is for GTO launch. These two count as separate. So if you'd like to test for GTO, put 1.0t payload instead of 2.5t. GTO payload is to achieve GTO Achievement. Nothing more.

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Dummy payload can be anything pretty much. As long as it does not supply any fuel, yes, you can use it.

Construction cost is what you used for your rocket/spacecraft. If you removed a part from the rocket, it doesn't count.

As for Engineer redux, if it is easy for you, you can use it :)

A1 stands for "Alternate 1". Which means if you used A1 base for A2 and worked, you don't need to make two seperate rockets. However, you need to pay for construction cost for A2 and launch cost also.

As for mission income, each type counts as seperate mission. Which means you will have minimum of 1 launch for each type.

If you spent 38450 to finish SLLV A1 mission and succeeded -

1. 100% of total fund received : which means 30,000KCU (that is, if you made it on the first attempt)

2. All 4 tiers : 40,000KCU

That gives you total 70,000KCU as an income, and since you've spent 38,450KCU, your total fund before SLLV A2 mission is now 31,550KCU.

As mentioned on mission profile, mission is considered to be finished when you finish ALL part of the mission package. Which means SLLV A1 is part 1 out of 12 parts.

Remaining fuel on your launch vehicles will be needed for upcoming mission packages, so be sure to save them :P

So, the 'funds' noted into the mission package are just the rewards (you should change funds by rewards in your post)

i originally thought that those funds where provided before launch (so you'll start with 10000 + 30000) then, in case of success, you have a reward :)

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So, the 'funds' noted into the mission package are just the rewards (you should change funds by rewards in your post)

i originally thought that those funds where provided before launch (so you'll start with 10000 + 30000) then, in case of success, you have a reward :)

Oh yes, 10,000KCU is just what you start with at the very beginning of this challenge, not like every single mission.

And yes, I should edit my post :P

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sooo :) i completed the SLLV part of the challenge

i'll put in a first report of my progress in this challenge :)

(you tell me if i calculated correctly the rewards) :P

Initial Phase : 10000 KCU

A1 Funding : 30000 KCU

A1 launch | A1/A2 SLLV rocket | launch cost : 38450 KCU

result : 2.5t Payload brought to full geosynchronous orbit on first launch. (tier 4)

no fuel remaining after sending the transfer stage on kerbin escape trajectory.

reward : 70000 KCU

Balance : 71550 KCU

A2 Funding : 35000 KCU

A2 launch | A1/A2 SLLV rocket | launch cost : 38450 KCU

result : 2.8t Payload brought to full geosynchronous orbit on first launch. (tier 4)

no fuel remaining after sending the transfer stage on kerbin escape trajectory.

Reward : 75000 KCU

Balance : 143100 KCU

A3 Funding : 40000 KCU

A3 launch | A3 SLLV rocket | launch cost : 44915 KCU

result : 4.5t Payload brought to full geosynchronous orbit on first launch. (tier 4)

Remaining Fuel in transfer stage after Deorbit burn: 41.61 fuel / 50.86 oxy

Reward : 80000 KCU

Balance : 218185 KCU

A4 funding : 45000 KCU

A4 launch | A4 SLLV rocket | launch cost : 56067 KCU

result : 5.5t Payload brought to full geosynchronous orbit on first launch. (tier 4)

Remaining Fuel in transfer stage after Deorbit burn: 29.92 fuel / 36.56 oxy

Reward : 85000 KCU

Balance : 292118 KCU

Here are the 3 launchers i used for the SLLV part:


basically, there's a 1500ms delta/v transfer stage below the payload with a TWR between 0.5 and 0.9 - the asparagus staged rocket below the transfer stage is just there for Kerbin ascent to a 100km apoapsis. I only drop the central core when i raised my periapsis near 22km, the transfer stage then circularize on it's own after, before heading to geosynchronous orbit and releasing the payload there, before deorbiting the transfer stage -i like to keep space clean (no remaining debris in kerbin orbit apart from the payload itself:p)

Edited by sgt_flyer
correcting rewards
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Well, since I've finished part 1 of Mission Package 1, I'll go ahead and post this as an example + progress report.


  • Incomes Total : 117,000KCU
    • Profit from last mission : 10,000KCU
    • Initial Fund : 30,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Fund : 6,000KCU (1st attempt succeeded, 2nd attempt was for the GTO Achievement)
    • 1st Attempt Reward : 30,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Reward : 6,000KCU
    • Tier-3 Achievement : 30,000KCU
    • GTO Achievement : 5,000KCU

    [*]Expenses Total : 91,787.52KCU

    • 1st Attempt Construction Fee : 36,445KCU
    • 1st Attempt Launch Fee : 9,448.76KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Construction Fee : 36,445KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Launch Fee : 9,448.76KCU

    [*]Profit Total : 25,212.48KCU


  • Incomes Total : 144,212.48KCU
    • Profit from last mission : 25,212.48KCU
    • Initial Fund : 35,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Fund : 7,000KCU (1st attempt succeeded, 2nd attempt was for the GTO Achievement)
    • 1st Attempt Reward : 35,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Reward : 7,000KCU
    • Tier-3 Achievement : 30,000KCU
    • GTO Achievement : 5,000KCU

    [*]Expenses Total : 105,107.52KCU

    • 1st Attempt Construction Fee : 36,355KCU
    • 1st Attempt Launch Fee : 16,198.76KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Construction Fee : 36,355KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Launch Fee : 16,198.76KCU

    [*]Profit Total : 39,104.96KCU


  • Incomes Total : 170,104.96KCU
    • Profit from last mission : 39,104.96KCU
    • Initial Fund : 40,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Fund : 8,000KCU (1st attempt succeeded, 2nd attempt was for the GTO Achievement)
    • 1st Attempt Reward : 40,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Reward : 8,000KCU
    • Tier-3 Achievement : 30,000KCU
    • GTO Achievement : 5,000KCU

    [*]Expenses Total : 111,257.52KCU

    • 1st Attempt Construction Fee : 37,405KCU
    • 1st Attempt Launch Fee : 18,223.76KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Construction Fee : 37,405KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Launch Fee : 18,223.76KCU

    [*]Profit Total : 58,847.44KCU


  • Incomes Total : 201,847.44KCU
    • Profit from last mission : 58,847.44KCU
    • Initial Fund : 45,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Fund : 9,000KCU (1st attempt succeeded, 2nd attempt was for the GTO Achievement)
    • 1st Attempt Reward : 45,000KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Reward : 9,000KCU
    • Tier-3 Achievement : 30,000KCU
    • GTO Achievement : 5,000KCU

    [*]Expenses Total : 104,627.52KCU

    • 1st Attempt Construction Fee : 32,065KCU
    • 1st Attempt Launch Fee : 20,248.76KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Construction Fee : 32,065KCU
    • 2nd Attempt Launch Fee : 20,248.76KCU

    [*]Profit Total : 97,219.92KCU

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