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Trouble redocking

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Hey guys,

I'm having bit of an issue docking with a station I've decoupled from.

Nothing much to add really. I have decoupled, adjusted my rotation, could not dock back. So I got some distance from it...over 100 meters. Came back in, nothing. Docking ports just ignore each other.

Would really appreciate some insight on the matter, thanks :)

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I was going to say "take some distance before coming back" but you already did that.

So it's strange.

You did go 100m away from the Docking ring itself right ? not "100m" of the center of the station but only 1m away from the dock ?

I don't have a better idea than try going back to the Space Center and back to the ship.

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It's not a problem; it's an intended function of the game. The docking ports deactivate after undocking so that the two vessels don't immediately bounce back together. To reactivate them you have to reload the vessels into physics. The easiest way to do that is to switch to the Space Center, then switch back to the vessels via the Tracking Station. If you want to move away and come back, you have to get out of physics range, 2.2 km.

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NO. The dockingports are deaktivated after undocking, but will reaktivate if you back up a couple of meters (100m is more then enough there). You don´t have to get out of physics range to get the dockingports to work aggain, unless exactly this happens. Or the countless dockings I had done with my spacestation to align the ladders correctly were actualy bugged...

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I think the distance is more like 5 meters, maybe 10 at most, I've done this many times to get things rotated correctly. Just make sure you retarget the station's docking port. If it still doesn't work then maybe something is wrong or bugged and you should switch back to the tracking station.

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I think the point is they SHOULD in theory disable themselves for a few meters to let you get away and then kick back in so you can just nudge a few meters backwards then redock... but sometimes they just refuse to re-engage, in which case reloading physics (switching to space center and back) should do the job.

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You can also reset the docking ports by saving/reloading (F5/F9), if backing off a few meters doesn't reset them like it's supposed to do.

This too, but in my experience you have to actually be a few meters away when doing it. You can't just back off 10cm, save/reload, reset the target and have it immediately dock. There seems to be some minimum distance required before you can select the target and have the docks activate.

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