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A new challenge please!


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I'm looking for new challenge in new game I've started yesterday. So far I was just testing new mods I've selected and I'm using only handful of them so it wont be so messy.

So I was thinking if any of you would have some cool ideas about what to do in my next space program, since this all is layed down already:

This is what I've done last time in "scheduled" space program (in scheduled order):

[B]PHASE 1[/B]

MKO - 260 km (inclination 75°) | Maping/kethane searching satellite READER

HCKO - 1600 km > Kerbin GPS satellites (0;60;120;180;240) (heading 45;135;225;315) Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

GKO - 2868 Km going 1009.1m/s > Kerbin RemoteTech system - Sarah, Amy, Eve, Jane, Kes

LKO - 160 km | Kerbin ISS
(1power module), (5re-fuel modules-tanks), (1tug - BOB), (1science module), (3crew module), (1escape pods), (1robotic arm module), (1docking module), (1Mun Train - FRANK)> bring crew (2x3)

[B]PHASE 2[/B]

11400 km - (inclination 0°, velocity 542,5m/s) 2x RemoteTechcomm satellite - Ingrid (3250 km ahead), Ivone (3250 km behind Mun)

75 km - (inclination 75°) Recon (Mapping/kethane probe - Goldfinder)

40 km - (inclination 0° | Mun ISS
(power module), (crew module - 2x4), (storage module - Fuel, MP, oxygen), (docking module - 5x port)

[B]PHASE 3[/B]

Building of Mun Base (Monday - coordinates [-2N;40W])

Power unit
Drilling unit (8x drill + converter unit)
Tanker (Big John Tanker - Mun <> mun ISS)
2xStorage unit (orange tanks)
1xStorage unit (mp+Oxygen only)
Crew unit (mkV garage, habitat+home command pod, lander can+observation module+science instruments)
mkV rover (Dodge MkV)

You can see that I haven't left Kerbin system at all, so logicaly I will try to reach other planets of course but what there? Classic building of RemoteTech network > orbital station > planet station?

Any ideas?

PS: I also want to avoid (somehow) docking or flying for hundred times while having 2 FPS, since that always so decreases gameplay experience :/

Edited by elkar
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