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[0.90] LazTek SpaceX Launch, Exploration, Colonial Transporter & Historic mods (1/25/14)


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You mean around 147 MB all together would still be less then some mods out there IMO, I say bundle it and just have your HD and what ever.

EDIT- And is there a fix for the Mesh tensor error on the cargo pod only spam logs with them open if you close them it's all good.

lol beside keeping them closed.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Okay, interesting mod. I maintain a multiplayer modpak that is so heavy that only my own computer can run it. 8P

I tend to reject mods that either re-create historical missions or are so exacting that they can only be used one way. This mod is marginal on both those accounts but is still on the pass side.

1. Tweakscale, etc, have standardized on a 7.5m standard because it follows the existing patern. (My modpak adds a 10M standard that supports the lab module in Stanford Torruses....)

2. The lab module does not actually have any kind of laboratory functionality, either stock or StationScience or [???]. I suggest looking at the Umbra/MKS paks for ideas about what kinds of modules to support.

3. What is the point of your dragon docking port?

4. SpaceX is a trademark, what is your affiliation with the owner of said trademark?

5. that upper stage docking ring/interstage shroud is very non-obvious. =\ How is it supposed to be used? How does it relate to the KW 3M docking ring, the most useful part in my entire pak? The name of the game here is versitility, each part should have several dozen valid uses. =P

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  AlonzoTG said:
Okay, interesting mod. I maintain a multiplayer modpak that is so heavy that only my own computer can run it. 8P

I tend to reject mods that either re-create historical missions or are so exacting that they can only be used one way. This mod is marginal on both those accounts but is still on the pass side.

1. Tweakscale, etc, have standardized on a 7.5m standard because it follows the existing patern. (My modpak adds a 10M standard that supports the lab module in Stanford Torruses....)

2. The lab module does not actually have any kind of laboratory functionality, either stock or StationScience or [???]. I suggest looking at the Umbra/MKS paks for ideas about what kinds of modules to support.

3. What is the point of your dragon docking port?

4. SpaceX is a trademark, what is your affiliation with the owner of said trademark?

5. that upper stage docking ring/interstage shroud is very non-obvious. =\ How is it supposed to be used? How does it relate to the KW 3M docking ring, the most useful part in my entire pak? The name of the game here is versitility, each part should have several dozen valid uses. =P

1. - All my parts fit the existing scales within KSP. I'm not understanding the issue you're having.

2. - You are correct. The lab simply looks cool right now and might have functionality in the future depending on what we actually get in the game from Squad in the 1.0 release.

3. - It is the same port used by the existing real life Dragon Cargo capsule, so I guess the point was to make it dock to whatever it is that the real Dragon Capsule thingy docks to when it goes into low Earth orbit. You can use a stock port if you want.

4. - I have none, whatsoever. Just a big, big fan. My mods are free, promote the world's most successful private space enterprise, profit me in no way whatsoever and Elon Musk thinks Kerbal is awesome.

5. - First try at something new. Sorry it wasn't as cool as another part you seem to like to use but that's why there are a lot of other mods to play with.

Edited by LazarusLuan
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Nice modpacks, really like that you made these parts. :)

Just wondering on something though, are these parts (of the ones that exist in real life) the same size size as their real life counterparts,

or are they scaled to fith KSPs (3.75m, 2.5m, etc) standards? (size and performance, weight)

Also, how muny of the parts have you "invented" the designs yourself, how much are they based on real life parts/illustrations?

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4. SpaceX is a trademark, what is your affiliation with the owner of said trademark?

Why matters? if he is not profiting with this.


Somebody knows how the center core first stage is reusable in the falcon heavy?

You should left the second stage before achieve orbit, then ignite engines with almost dry mass on the center core in prograde to complete the turn and go back to the the pad? Meanwhile the second stage completes orbit or goes to GTO.

That is how the original center core stage would come back?

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  Lurven said:
Nice modpacks, really like that you made these parts. :)

Just wondering on something though, are these parts (of the ones that exist in real life) the same size size as their real life counterparts,

or are they scaled to fith KSPs (3.75m, 2.5m, etc) standards? (size and performance, weight)

Also, how muny of the parts have you "invented" the designs yourself, how much are they based on real life parts/illustrations?

Thanks for your comments. All my models are modeled at full scale and scaled down to 85% in each part's configuration file, resizing them for 1.25m/2.5m/3.75m/5m/7.5m diameter Kerbal standards. Whenever a part is only in a proposed state, such as the lower landing gear was for almost a year before revealed to the public, I design it myself. After the actual design is publicly known, I duplicate the real thing as closely as I can. Currently, most of the parts in the SpaceX mod kits are models of parts in use by SpaceX. Parts I designed include the Dragon Habitat and its landing legs, the Falcon Solar Panels, Mini Solar Panels, Dragon Retractable Ladder, the Falcon Upper Landing Legs, the Falcon Heavy Decoupler, the Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine with protective cowl, the Falcon Tanker, the Colonial Transporter, the Falcon XX Launch System, Colonial Laboratory, Retractable Ladder, Retractable Ramp, Large Parachutes and Colonial Transporter Landing Legs.

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If I might make a request: I would like the bottom part of the Dragon Docking Trunk to be removed as I believe it would be more aesthetically pleasing and the same function (for those that want it) can be performed by the decoupler. Alternatively, just a new part similar to the Dragon Trunk but without the umbilical.

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  LazarusLuan said:
Thanks for your comments. All my models are modeled at full scale and scaled down to 85% in each part's configuration file, resizing them for 1.25m/2.5m/3.75m/5m/7.5m diameter Kerbal standards. Whenever a part is only in a proposed state, such as the lower landing gear was for almost a year before revealed to the public, I design it myself. After the actual design is publicly known, I duplicate the real thing as closely as I can. Currently, most of the parts in the SpaceX mod kits are models of parts in use by SpaceX. Parts I designed include the Dragon Habitat and its landing legs, the Falcon Solar Panels, Mini Solar Panels, Dragon Retractable Ladder, the Falcon Upper Landing Legs, the Falcon Heavy Decoupler, the Merlin 1D Vacuum Engine with protective cowl, the Falcon Tanker, the Colonial Transporter, the Falcon XX Launch System, Colonial Laboratory, Retractable Ladder, Retractable Ramp, Large Parachutes and Colonial Transporter Landing Legs.

Thanks :D

Was about to ask you about realism overhaul for the exploration pack, but the remembered that you probably isn't the one making those configs ;)

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I have solved a few issues with the pack that I think some people will benefit from. Here are the 3 un-fixed issues.

1. The Falcon has a poor center of mass to thrust ratio causing the ship to roll. This is also multiplied by poorly gimbaled engines.

2. The ablative shields do not ablate

3. The Draco engines on the Dragon 1 are suppose to have a viable TWR to de-orbit the capsule. They only have the thrust of a typical RCS thruster.

I will release the config below that will bug fix these problems. Stick this in your Laztek folder. Thank you your welcome.


1. Added reaction wheels to the lower tank to solve the mass problem

2. Change the shield code to make the Dragon ablate material and protect craft from re-entry

3. Changed the thrust of the draco engines (v1) to conform to SpaceX standard in de-orbit

4. Added bonus tweaks

-Increased thrust of the SHERPA to allow 1 large payload or 6 smaller payloads

-Changed the SHERPA decoupling point to the top which will allow dual-tug style deliveries

-Added more gimbal power to the Merlins to compensate for steering loss

-Remote Guidance unit increased SAS power

-Docking port on Dragon uses less magnetic force and is KAS grabbable to combat the docking bug and to also mount these ports to a space station after the fact.


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Please post which of the SpaceX mods you are using when you get errors so I can try to recreate them. I've created 4 large downloads at Kerbal@Curse to see if users like the simpler selection of downloads more:

SpaceX Launch Pack by LazTek

SpaceX Exploration Expansion by LazTek

SpaceX Historic Archive by LazTek

SpaceX Colonial Transporter by LazTek

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Hi, i just downloaded three packs (all but the historic vehicles one) and the 7M parts dont work, when i launch them, even with supports they just fall apart, the engines come off instantly etc... what could be the problem?

Game Version: 0.90

Mods installed:

Ferram Aerospace

Real Solar System with 4096x2048 textures

Deadly Reentry

Active Texture Management

KW rocketry

B9 aerospace

Kerbal Engineer

some minor part mods (just rescales and such)

Edited by micheal rosen
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  LazarusLuan said:
All my latest mods are now up at KerbalStuff.com:

[removed link to defunct website]

I believe this also makes them available through CKAN, correct?


I am working my way slowly through the packs, with LaunchPack and ExplorationExpansion finished as of now... I hope that all twelve packs will be available this time tomorrow.

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  LazarusLuan said:
Please post which of the SpaceX mods you are using when you get errors so I can try to recreate them. I've created 4 large downloads at Kerbal@Curse to see if users like the simpler selection of downloads more:
I am using the Launch, Exploration, and Historic Pack. All standard, no HD/reduced. Whenever I try to use the parts, they explode on the launch pad, create physics errors etc. I am not using 64 bit KSP. If you are able to help me with this that would be great, I really like this mod, but at it's current state it is unusable.
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  MysteriousSteve said:
I am using the Launch, Exploration, and Historic Pack. All standard, no HD/reduced. Whenever I try to use the parts, they explode on the launch pad, create physics errors etc. I am not using 64 bit KSP. If you are able to help me with this that would be great, I really like this mod, but at it's current state it is unusable.

Mod list or even better a log file might help him.:wink:

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  MysteriousSteve said:
I am using the Launch, Exploration, and Historic Pack. All standard, no HD/reduced. Whenever I try to use the parts, they explode on the launch pad, create physics errors etc. I am not using 64 bit KSP. If you are able to help me with this that would be great, I really like this mod, but at it's current state it is unusable.

Obviously, I've experienced none of these problems or I wouldn't have released the mod or have been able to create the videos I've posted on YouTube, so I'm at a disadvantage because with over 40 hours of career mode play over the past weekend and today, I can't recreate ANY physics or "exploding on the launch pad" errors. I can post video to prove this, but it doesn't help those of you having issues. I am only using MechJeb and Environmental Enhancements in addition to all my SpaceX mods installed at one time. Are there other mods I should install to try to recreate these problems?

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The Colonial Transporter pack contains the Dragon Dock from the Launch Pack as well. I filter them out during the installation via CKAN, but it would be really helpful if the archives are strictly seperated.

Sooooo, could you maybe removing the Dragon Dock from the Transporter and ask people to install the Launch Pack as well?

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  LazarusLuan said:
Obviously, I've experienced none of these problems or I wouldn't have released the mod or have been able to create the videos I've posted on YouTube, so I'm at a disadvantage because with over 40 hours of career mode play over the past weekend and today, I can't recreate ANY physics or "exploding on the launch pad" errors. I can post video to prove this, but it doesn't help those of you having issues. I am only using MechJeb and Environmental Enhancements in addition to all my SpaceX mods installed at one time. Are there other mods I should install to try to recreate these problems?

Hmm that's weird, I've almost always had problems with is mod specifically, it's just my computer then. Well, thanks for trying!

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