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Can you change the mode of the navball manually?

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Hey everyone,

I've been doing a lot of rendezvous and docking in Kerbin Orbit recently (trying to build a new station, recently retired my old one) and I always end up making somewhat last-minute correction burns, because my navball doesn't enter target mode until I'm <100km away from the station. Is there a way to manually change the navball to target mode when I'm further away?

If it matters, I use 100% stock parts, no addon parts except for the LAZOR camera mod (which is quite useful and interesting, check it out of the SpacePort http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-cam/ and http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-docking-cam/)

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Just left-click on the navball where it says "x-m/s", and it should change between surface and orbit (and target if you have one).

Edit: Ninja'd

Edited by 1001sd
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  • 5 months later...

I play on a laptop and when I go to the map mode what REALLY irritates me is that the navball goes away! I play on windows and I don't like full screen mode so when I want to open the navball I can't click on the arrow at the bottom for 2 reasons, the window is kinda messed up when its not full screen, and 2 KSP's buttons SUCK! they are so odd to press! And I don't have a numpad, or a numlock key on my laptop so I can't open the navball! I used to use an on-screen keyboard but 1: that makes my computer run slow 2: its kinda a waste of time 3: I DONT CARE!!! please help me! I looked in the keybinds and I can't find the navball toggle keybind! I remember seeing it somewhere but I can't find it!

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