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[0.20] Advanced Radial Nacelle Engine


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here's an example of something i was throwing around a week ago or so. most of the original wasn't saved, but it was basically exactly the same as the image except it didnt have the outer shell. I'm definitely not going to use these exact ones. I like the image though because it gives a chance to be used as a cap for the rear of the ship, with the rounded edges. i originally was thinking only along the lines of having the capability to stack on either end.

and JeBuSBrian, I haven't missed your post, I will go over it soon.

Edited by trekkie_
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Looks amazing, can't wait to see a final concept or finished piece. And if you do end up using that fuel design you mentioned, it sounds like it will balance it a little more and make it potentially one of my favourite mods... Def my favourite mod part

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Those things are enormously powerful! Twin nacelles easily shot my craft from Kerbin to Duna in the best of 90 days. I don't dare put them on larger craft, unless they're heavily strut reinforced, though, I've already lost 9 Kerbals just accelerating.

Still, very well done, sir.

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I've fiddled with the numbers a bit more and here's where I'm sitting currently.

Nacelle with a full range of fuel options:

name = ModuleEngineConfigs
configuration = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer (4000 Thrust, 3000 Isp)
modded = false
name = LiquidFuel+Oxidizer (4000 Thrust, 3000 Isp)
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 4000
heatProduction = 350
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 3000
key = 1 3000
name = LiquidFuel+LiquidOxygen (4285 Thrust, 3045 Isp)
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 4285
heatProduction = 350
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.85
DrawGauge = True
name = LiquidOxygen
ratio = 1.15
key = 0 3045
key = 1 3045
name = LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen (3715 Thrust, 3760 Isp)
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 3715
heatProduction = 350
name = LiquidH2
ratio = 1.73
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1.27
key = 0 3760
key = 1 3760
name = Kilithium+AntiMatter (5000 Thrust, 4000 Isp)
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 5000
heatProduction = 350
name = Kilithium
ratio = 0.02
DrawGauge = True
name = AntiMatter
ratio = 0.99
name = LiquidH2
ratio = 0.99
key = 0 4000
key = 1 4000
name = ModuleAlternator
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 1.0
name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
ehxaustDamage = false
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 4000
heatProduction = 350
name = LiquidFuel
ratio = 0.9
DrawGauge = True
name = Oxidizer
ratio = 1.1
key = 0 3000
key = 1 3000

A fuel tank for testing purposes:

RESOURCE = LiquidFuel
RESOURCE = Oxidizer

name = ModuleFuelTanks
volume = 400
basemass = 0.125
name = LiquidH2
name = AntiMatter
name = Kilithium
name = LiquidOxygen
name = LiquidFuel
name = Oxidizer
name = LiquidH2
amount = 198
maxAmount = 400
name = AntiMatter
amount = 198
maxAmount = 400
name = Kilithium
amount = 4
maxAmount = 400


name = LiquidH2
density = 0.001
transfer = PUMP

name = AntiMatter
density = 0.001
transfer = PUMP

name = Kilithium
density = 0.0435
transfer = PUMP
name = LiquidOxygen
density = 0.00713
transfer = PUMP
name = LiquidFuel
density = 0.005
transfer = PUMP
name = Oxidizer
density = 0.00875
transfer = PUMP

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Hope to see this updated soon for 0.20!!!

works with 0.20 just fine without any changes. the mod doesn't use any attachment nodes, and I already use a default scale factor of 1 in my work. seems to attach easily with the update too.

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This is a great looking part that gets you where you want to be with minimum effort :) It's, um, quite high powered though, auto-pilots tend to rip ships apart with the 8000 thrusts you get from having to radially attach two for balance. I hope you don't mind but I've made a half sized/quarter thrust version for my personal use - do you think something like that should be included in the pack?

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Actually, it still uses the legacy mod loading methods. While it works, it doesn't use the new mod loading functionality, so it could still use an update to implement that.

it will be, I just have to take a look at how they implemented it in order to make the changes. I'm not sure, but all you may need to do is just copy the file over to the gamedata's parts folder.

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I can update it for you. Give me a few minutes then I'll upload it.

Here you go. Unzip that and put it in your GameData folder and it should be golden. I couldn't think of what to name the mod folder, so I just called it kerbtrek. As far as I know you can rename the folder to anything and it should work fine.

In case you were wondering the only thing I needed to do was to wrap the part.cfg file in a PART tag and then put the warp1 folder inside the kerbtrek/Parts folder.

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Is it possible you can create a thruster port of similar power?? It'd be nice for creating a ship that can hover close to a planet, Your mod made my "Heavy" designs actually launch-able from the ground. I've got ideas of making a 400-500ton spacecraft that can make planetfall and hover near any base modules I might place so I might retrieve them with something like KAS......

(Made a quick and dirty edit to the lv-909 that made it similar in power, still waiting on some of my other mods to be updated before testing it, wish it had a matching model...)

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all of the life stuff has been keeping me busy lately, but I should have more time to work on modding now.

to do list:

create a smaller, weaker but unique version of the engine.

fuel tank design

determine how the fuel mechanics will work

I'm also working on several other things, which includes a fully functional personal jetpack for kerbals, some port thruster designs, and some docking ports that are not only designed to look good but also make docking easier and more stable with 'male' and 'female' connections that act as a 'hook' to catch each other and interlock, for those times when you're close but just miss the target. it should work well for matching speeds for when you're whizzing by at 0.3m/s.

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I looked at them, and my initial designs were similar but a bit larger of a funnel, but I'm working on something more like this


basically it's where if you align yourself to any two prongs, the complimentary port on your ship will catch them both on top and bottom.

also working on a wall of docking nodes and an animated radial docking tube.

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Issues I am having, Attachment is bugged no matter of the position I put it in it always reorients to being inside the craft till I fight with it. Also with it loaded my clock goes yellow on the pad for some reason and the lag doesn't go away till past 20km.

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Issues I am having, Attachment is bugged no matter of the position I put it in it always reorients to being inside the craft till I fight with it. Also with it loaded my clock goes yellow on the pad for some reason and the lag doesn't go away till past 20km.

press 'W' twice as soon as you pull the part out, it'll orient it into the correct position. with larger tanks, it generally attaches more easily. try it with symmetry on or off, or snap alignment on or off, even if you have to stick it to another part, once it sticks, you can pull it off and generally place it anywhere with ease after that.

no idea why your 'clock' would go yellow on the pad. are you sure it isn't something to do with the update? my models pretty standard stuff, and there really isn't anything in there that should affect anything like that, it's not like it uses plugins.

as for the lag, it may just be the update, or may just be because it isn't running from the gamedata folder yet. this model isn't very high poly, only around 1600 polygons. in comparison, a half life 2 character was something like 5000 polygons back in the day. it shouldn't take much to render the model in the game.

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