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Collaboration Chronicles - Many Photos


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Collaboration Chronicles


On March 26, 2013 a joint mission to investigate each celestial body in the Kerbol System began.

Launch Engineers Involved:

Project Lead:


Mission Reports:


Flight Coordinator:


President of ‘Things that Sparkle’:


Chief Button Presser:


Head Disembodiment Surveyor


Lead of Creative Differences:


KSC Coroner #1854:


Mission Plan:

We each get 36 earth hours to add to a save game before the save gets handed off to the next person in line, starting with the Project Lead and downwards. All players have the option to send their save earlier than the planned 36 hour window, if they desire or find it necessary to not hold up the continuity of the project.

This mission is being done with only the KW Rocketry mod to liven things up and no others.

The following updates will contain the mission reports as KSC receives them at random intervals as interplanetary communication allows.

Our goal, as stated above, is to visit and land on every celestial body in the Kerbol System, categorized with a death probability less than 100%. The very same ‘death probability algorithm’ has been seen to give out a probability of 75% for one destination. After various troubleshooting passes by the brightest of engineers, they have ensured that percentage was, indeed, “not too lowâ€Â. – Sounds like progress…

We have had a few vacancies, if you would like to participate, drop us a line...

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Trying to recreate after the apocalypse In April...

Mission report 1: Star date… Er Wednesday: Engineer on duty 1001sd


Our first launch to begin the much needed space station was a complete success. The Rocket was clean and elegant, but had a flaw. Although the rocket launched perfectly the station core failed to make orbit and made a spectacular reentry… Man you should have seen it. A sister launch of the one previous performed better than the first and set our first orbital body. Strange though, the moment it achieved orbit, our communication network went down completely. Not a problem, the next launching shall proceed even without communication.


With communication down, the mission was pushed forward blind. Luckily we reestablished contact right as the munar approach was taking place.


Touch down! The rover has landed!


Edited by Tobmaster
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Mission Report 2: Engineer on duty: Shand

Night started off with a bang... and a boom...


With that out of the way, the start of space station modules were sent up


A work of art


Once the first module was stationed in orbit, a few more segments were added to increase the fuel in hopes of being able to start interplanetary missions.


The last launch of the night had Bill grabbing for the abort button because of a faulty fuel line. Much to his surprise the abort button wasn't even connected to the console forcing him to wrestle the machine into a successful orbit.


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Report 3: Engineer on Duty: Tobmaster:

WIth all the successes, KSC decided to expand its influence by launching increasingly large space stations for use in the system:



Once again there was an issue with the communication network, but now with more devices in orbit, KSC was able to determine that a strange radio source was coming from Mun and interfering with their systems. A team of engineers then set out to design a rover craft capable of spending months on the surface without communications, searching for the source.


After leaving Kerbin, the team at KSC just had to wait. Weeks passed until a screeching unintelligible communication was heard over the comms. The scientists worked around the clock to analyze the transmission and found one lone picture uploaded in the stream.


The strange object they saw was presumed to be the source of the interference and a plan was devised to nullify the transmission.




With the transmission sealed off, KSC was able to receive more images from Mun and continue with their Space Program. The team's favorite was of Bob jumping like an idiot on an anomalous structure:


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Mission Report 4: Tobmaster Still on Duty:

With the threat neutralized and under study by the research base, THe teams had their eyes set on Minmus. A space station was set out to achieve orbit and await the landing crew.



The landing crew launched from Kebin just hours later, making a direct trip to Minmus orbit.



Once upon the surface, the landing team (well, one kerbal) realized just how low the gravity was and was glad the engineers designed the rover pod to self right



Although once the rover was launched, Mergel Kerman forgot about science and went for a low gravity drive


Feeling the need for more planetary landings, KSC decided to make modifications to their single launch space station for travel even further from Kerbin:


After the failure, Jeb decided that he should have sprung for the higher quality duct tape. Once that was corrected, further launches were a success.


Now they were set to start a trip to Eve

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Mission Report 5: Yet still under the watchful eye of engineer Tobmaster:

The Eve mission was started and a manned rover pod was set out in chase of the space station that left earlier in the week.


"Mission control; We are approaching Eve... Relaying updated coordinates to the rover mission:"



"Eve Station; we read you loud and clear, making our approach now."


"Uh, Eve lander... I believe you are coming in a little hot."


"You think? Our systems aren't responding very quickly in this heavy atmosphere."


Once they got the orbit stabilized, the rover lander was released from the base engine system and headed for a large island to set down.




"Man, the sunrise is pretty!"


"Copy that... Eve Station out..."

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Mission 6: Duna: Engineer on duty Austrailianfries

After the success of the Eve mission the Team at KSC gathered a crew to head to Duna for a look.




Once the satellites were deployed, the lone lander was sent down to the surface:




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Mission 7 Laythe Encounter: Engineer: Asmayus

At this point, we had lost communications with a few of our engineers and had to proceed without them....

After visiting two of only three atmospheric landing bodies, a simple probe was sent out to investigate Laythe


Once in orbit, the probe was able to send back data that there was drinkable water and breathable atmosphere on Jool's satellite.

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Mission 8: Engineer 1001sd on duty:

Now that there was a place that could support life off of Kerbin, KSC decided to continue research closer to home in preparation of a large mission to the water planet. Ksc wanted to improve the efficiency of their launches and communication network, so more missions to Mun were executed.









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Mission Report 11: Engineer on duty: Australianfries

KSC wanted to continue their studies on lander modules and life support systems and decided that Duna was a great place to test their new systems:


After the proof of concept, the lander was loaded up on the launcher stage and lifted out into the stars.


Many days later the lander approached Duna and headed down to the surface.




Great piloting skills landed the test module not far from the site of the previous long term base.


Next was a new rover design destined for the brave kerbals on Duna



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Mission 12: Engineer 1001sd on duty.

It was a hard day at KSC today. Every launch ended in failure, all because of Jeb's sudden desire to fly a plane to another planet, but then he went on vacation.

Mission 13: Engineer Tobmaster on Duty.

Another slow but necessary day, following the failed launches, happened with just the launch of a single tanker to refuel the large galactic cruiser being assembled.


Mission 14 Engineer Shand on Duty.

KSC Mission control had a complete computer failure grounding any and all launches in the test queue... a sad, sad, day...

Mission 15 Engineer 1001sd on Duty.

KSC has decided to never let Jeb have another week off. For some reason the engineers just cant get motivated. This time around, all that was launched was a simple probe... Jeb won't be happy.

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Mission 16: ENgineer Tobmaster on Duty.

After Jeb's return from vacation, he was practically foaming at the mouth when he learned how little was accomplished and demanded a plane in orbit. Of course, during the design phases, Jeb kept shouting "MORE BOOSTERS!" And it paid off...



"Oooh... Here's an idea." Jeb uttered with a smile. A second spaceplane was launched to execute his idea.


As hairbrained as his idea was, it worked perfectly and the boudle docked space plane stopped at a nearby fuel depot to top up


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Holy damn. Looks like you guys don't need the help, judging from the blistering pace.

I'm actually recreating how the missions took place since the thread was destroyed in the forum crash. It really would be something if all this was being reported on in real time...

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Mission 17: Engineer Australianfries on duty.

Jeb kept screaming about "space planes" and some other comment about a VTOL, so after he passed out from dehydration caused by his screaming, the engineers started work on something to satiate his hunger for spaceplanes.







After the VTOL test, a quick little Space plane headed for the stars


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