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COLONY Concept- Mun Colonization on a Grand Scale

The Error

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Greetings, Kerbonauts, Engineers, Pilots, and Other Folks!

Seeing as I suck as interplanetary transfers, I decided to go for something simpler- the Mun. I have set colonies down on the Mun before, but only small ones with no purpose other than SCIENCE!

I figure we can go much, much bigger. My goal is to put at least 50 kerbals on the Mun, spread out over 2 or 3 "towns". While I know people have done this before, This is a bit of a more unique concept- a full city on another body.

Not a simple process, this. We need a number of ships, bases, modules, and just plain Look Cool Devices.

Alpha Stage - Scouting and Marking Sites

Alpha Stage will involve setting rovers on the Mun to scout for suitable colony locations. For this, we need rovers. Lots of rovers.

Rover- Unmanned "Watchful" class Scouting Rover.

-This rover will be small, unmanned, and self-sustaining. These will be sent up in groups, to extend coverage. They will also serve a landing beacons for future missions.

Rover- Manned "Ferry" class Personnel Rover

-This will be a larger rover, capable of moving up to 6 Kerbs from place to place on the Mun. Sent to the Mun in groups of 2, these need to be light but capable.

Rover- Manned "Dragger" class Cargo Rover

-Responsible for moving colony modules, equipment, and SCIENCE! from landing site to colony site, this is a large, 1 or 2-man rover capable of hauling cargo. Must be stable, but high speed isn't a requirement. Sent up as single units.

Then, we need to start the actual work. I'll post up details of the colony modules later today (or maybe tomorrow.) Sign up below if you're interested! :D

Current Project Workers-

-Project Leader & Starwolf Corp. CEO, Error

-Rover Engineer and Manager:

-Colony Engineer and Manager:

-Spacecraft Engineer and Manager:

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Essentially, everyone builds and contributes stuff. I'll carry out phase 1 (scouting and marking landin spots) then hand off the save file to someone else, and then we keep passing it along.

The main bit is the building the stuff, though.

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I wasn't thinking of mods. Try to keep it stok, but if you include mods, post a full list.

And if you could build rovers, that'd be great. I'm hitting a bit of a bump with my KSP not liking to function when I've got any other program open.

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So after an extensive development and testing cycle of about an hour I had free, I'd like to present for your viewing pleasure the Watchful Class Mk.1 "Starbug"

I've designed a small lander/dropship to land 4 starbugs simultaneously. Each rover is capable of sustaining itself on solar energy in daylight forever. They also have a reasonable lifespan in darkness and are fairly durable.

The Dropship in the VAB http://tinyurl.com/ncwlld6

The Dropship on the Launch Pad http://tinyurl.com/p2ey9gt

The Dropship After Deploying 1 Starbug http://tinyurl.com/ofx9h5q

The Starbug in Action! http://tinyurl.com/pcpwv7s

The Starbug with Deployed Aerials http://tinyurl.com/oyq5cp3

The dropship is available to download here. Hopefully it has enough fuel to last a mun landing! Feel free to edit as you wish and let me know what you think. I'm starting work on the other rovers now.


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