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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I like this thread idea. Not "great achievements" or "big fails" - just "what I did."

My main save has gotten cluttered with 34 active flights. I decided to start a new one, and go about things kind of like NASA did in the real world - unmanned first until reliable designs can be used for manned launches. Parts have to be used at least once on an unmanned rocket before being used on a manned one, and larger parts have to have the smaller version proven out first.

My first flight was a sounding rocket with a temperature and atmospheric pressure sensor on board. Using alt+right-click, I could watch both throughout the flight.

I found out that the coldest point in the atmosphere is around 8.2 km; above or below there it starts getting warmer again (at least, up to the 26 km level that this flight reached.)


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I built a fully armed and operational battlestation.

Behold: the Kerb Star!


This armoured space station has enough firepower to completely obliterate orbital debris. (The engineers are trying to fit enough RTG's inside to blow up a planet).


That doesn't stop them from trying, however. :)

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I've landed my manned rovers on most worlds in the system now (some my older 'Piranha' class and the last two my newer 'Swordfish' class). I was trying to decide whether to do Bop, Tylo or Pol yesterday and suddenly thought, why not all three! So I've launched three craft one after the other into orbit then done the transfer burns one at a time.

It was actually a fascinating experiment - they all left LKO within about 6 hours of each other. They all tried to get their burn point at the same position, yet small variations in when I started my burn have led to dramatically different transfers. One managed to get a near perfect transfer with an encounter at the apoapsis immediately, and when I corrected the normal/anti normal later it dropped into an awesome 300,000m approach with no extra work - my best transfer ever I think. The other two I somehow messed up a bit and had to spend 400 and 550 delta v fixing the approach - amazing considering they craft all had basically the same start. The arrival times also differ dramatically, with the 'worst' transfer arriving first, the other bad one about 8 days later and the best one nearly 2 weeks after that.

Anyway when I left it last night, the first one had arrived (least fuel left), aerobraked at Jool and encountered Pol and is now sitting in orbit waiting to land. The second arrived in the middle of all this so I had to juggle the two (middle fuel). The second has just reached Bop orbit and is ready to land.

Tonight the third will arrive (most fuel) and head for Tylo then I'll land all three. I'm 100% confident in the Bop/Pol landings (infact I should be able to land some 20 times over) but the Tylo one worries me. Not 100% convinced it will land at all. If it can but doesn't have the fuel I have some tanks around Laythe, so will be able to top it up first, we'll see. It's TWR is a bit low for Tylo though so I'll just have to see.

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Made some more kerbal cannons, which blew up, then played around with a neat little cart, and the KAS cables.

Then, I visited my crew on Moho, and moved them around a bit.


It's a cool place. Very, very sunny.

Edited by Tw1
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I put my Munar lander into orbit docked and refulueled for final descent. It's on a combined rescue/ exploratory mission. It has enough room to bring back the first Kerbal, who's rocket only broke two struts on landing, as well as bringing a pilot able rover to the Mun to check a strange anomaly witnessed on the surface from orbit. I can't wait to see it in person.

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Made my first rover and landed it on the Mun. Reached a 15m/s downhill . For some reason, I haven't done much with unmanned missions, this was my first one. Anyway, it worked with the stages having excess fuel but when it was dropped off from the sky crane, at about a 3m altitude, it broke a rear wheel but it managed to work quite fine with just the other 5 but it can't do any high speed turns. Now I'm trying to get another one to Minmus.

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I messed around with my Kethane refueling depot, burst the tires on one of the parts landed Jeb and Bill to fix the tires, found and fixed a problem with the docking area, refueled my space station and landed my refueling craft back at the Kethane depot.

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Decided my Duna interplanetary sat deployer should go to jool instead of coming back to kerbin. It's now my first craft to orbit duna, ike, and jool individually and can claim the only multiworld mission title (my first ship to leave kerbin soi altogether on purpose, my first orbit around another world ect)

I renamed it the Cherry

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