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Updating engines


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So,as Fiddlestyx has guided me, Im posting my trouble with updating old engines here, these are not my own work, they are engines from the "Russian engines pack",from Vlad.JustVlad., I have done the basic part.cfg edit (changed module to part,added Modules for engines, changed visual and sound effects (from,f.x. "active" to "engaged" or "running",depending on the place), and when I put them into the game, they show up just fine, but when I place them on the pad, and give them fuel, they ARE draining fuel, but they ARENT generating any thrust, it does show a specific amount of thrust, but even an engine with 4000kN thrust is still just falling down even if its load is just the engine itself,a fuel tank,and a command pod, also, some of the engines start throtlling down on their own, after I fire them.

So, what do I have to do,to make em work? :huh:

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Ive just copied over the module engines from a diff. engine, and edited the thrust etc., but it still doesnt work....

Ill post the engine modules lists here then:



name = ModuleEngines

thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform

exhaustDamage = True

ignitionThreshold = 0.1

minThrust = 0

maxThrust = 475

heatProduction = 700

fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.5



name = LiquidFuel

ratio = 0.9

DrawGauge = True




name = Oxidizer

ratio = 1.1




key = 0 350

key = 1 320



Edited by dimovski
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  dimovski said:
Wait, the model(as in,the .dae file) needs to have an object named thrust transform?

And I hoped I wouldnt have to learn blender or something for this...

As I said, you need to tell ModuleEngines which object on the model to apply the force to. The config you posted is telling it to apply the thrust to an object named thrustTransform so if the model doesn't have an object of that name it won't work. You can add an object named that, or change the thrustVectorTransformName to name another object if there's one in a suitable position (the point at which the thrust is applied/the FX starts with it's -Z axis pointing in the direction of thrust).

If they're gimballed engines you could try changing it to thrustVectorTransformName = obj_gimbal, I believe the nozzle was called that in older versions of the game so it would be in roughly the right place.

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Kosmos Angara pack isnt working with that, but I suppose I could try it with Russian Engines Pack atleast,then.

EDIT:well the WEP works,or,better said, the RD-0120 which I tested, problem is,it seems to be applying thrust wildly and doing breakdance on the launchpad if not insta crashing after the firing cause of the beforementioned problems...Oh well...If you have an idea, Id like to make it run.

Edited by dimovski
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Finnaly managed to open it...even added an empty game object into the correct place...just...how do I save this?I mean, so that I just have to move around those 2-3 files, add them a cfg and make them work...

I suppose the correct term is exporting?but...is it even possible to export something you edited in Unity back as a .dae or .obj file?

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  dimovski said:
No idea?Anyone?Cause its really weird it starts spinning around like that.

So you do have thrust now?

It might be that the thrustTransform engine is missalligned. It should be center and the blue arrow should be facing in the direction of the thrust, if not you would get spinning and or imbalance. So select thrustTransform object in Unity and correct "position" and "rotation"

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  dimovski said:
Finnaly managed to open it...even added an empty game object into the correct place...just...how do I save this?I mean, so that I just have to move around those 2-3 files, add them a cfg and make them work...

I suppose the correct term is exporting?but...is it even possible to export something you edited in Unity back as a .dae or .obj file?

Did you get the KSP Parts Tools?

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I have .msh and .v4 files, together with a .mtl and a .obj, so what am I supposed to do with .v4 and .msh?I tried it without them and got an invisible part which sunk into the


EDIT:well, this time I did got a white cylinder, obviously I just went over the "collider" part a bit...:P, but this time I havent added thrusttransform or anything...we shall see...

EDIT2:gave the KSP to Unity guide another try...


Sooo, anyone gonna tell me why that node-collider is in fact visible?I did place it as a collider, and I did go thru all of the steps mentioned in the tutorial...but how the hell do I make it invisible?I do acctually want to see that majestic nozzle...

Edited by dimovski
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  dimovski said:
EDIT2:gave the KSP to Unity guide another try...

Sooo, anyone gonna tell me why that node-collider is in fact visible?I did place it as a collider, and I did go thru all of the steps mentioned in the tutorial...but how the hell do I make it invisible?I do acctually want to see that majestic nozzle...

Don't use the node_collider name with unity, it only causes confusion.

Assuming you're talking about a second mesh you've made then wrapped a mesh collider around then you need to delete the mesh filter and mesh renderer components from that GameObject.

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