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TT's Mod Releases - Development suspended till further notice


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Mod updated!

Modular Multiwheels and Omniwheels v0.6.2 (TT Plugin) for KSP 0.20 and 0.19

Adds new engine types that provide more power, ideal for bigger trucks. Also some rebalancing on landing gear modules to make them more useful without additional power from other modules. Still fairly weak, but more self sufficient now.



added Flat four versions of the fuel and RCS engines

added the BDSD Engine

buffed the torque output on larger landing gears

fixed the tailwheel not using power unless opposing movement, and buffed the power output.

Adjusted the wheelmass of small landing gear and tailwheels to make them perform a bit better. Suspension might need toughening up for some purposes. Let me know if so and I'll buff the suspension, but they should be a bit quicker, and not as harsh on brakes now.

car fuel tank now attaches the right way up to start with.


EDIT: Everytime! Everytime I do an update lol.

now at version


Fixed a bug in the cfg of the BDSD engine which was preventing intake air from accumulating.

Edited by TouhouTorpedo
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One has to wonder, though. Is there a market for heavy fuel trucks capable of traveling at 215 km/h (134 mp/h)?

I'm guessing you don't use Kethane or EL mods? Heck ya we need 60m/s heavy fuel trucks, and mining rigs, and mobile refineries.....I could keep going =P

New engines out means I will be airdropping some vehicles to the north pole very soon!

Thanks TT!

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The Flat4 RCS and RCS has the same names in the name= zone

Just a bug.

Thanks, Version is now on spaceport with this corrected.



changed the name of the flat four RCS engine part in the cfg to prevent errors.

It's a fun pack to play with. They seem to not use any fuel if you go backwards though (I was just driving a 14 cylinder diesel in reverse at 533m/s by the way :))

Strange, I wonder how you've done that. The only issue I'm aware of in that regard is it is possible to get wheels where only slowing down can consume fuel. Theres some trickery in the cfg's intended to prevent that (the direction -1 thing) if you have a craft file I can look at I'd be happy to see if I can track down whats causing this.

Awesome, but:


To be honest the more likely change to happen first is that in the next major release I'm planning to either remove hinges, put them in their own mod. or write a total replacement for them so they aren't DR dependant. Theres been too much confusion and trouble caused by these.

EDIT : Version now. Not a bug with engines, but an incorrect mass on the U_NA wheel (0.5 instead of 0.05)


fixed mass of U_NA wheel

Hopefully, this'll be the last of them. I dunno why I tend to catch the majority of bugs AFTER i've done testing and released. Still, as I'd originally said - sometimes you guys spot things I might not have, like the engine I wasn't really doing much fiddling with having a buggy name.

Edited by TouhouTorpedo
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Which of the engines work in zero-atmosphere, or duna-level atmos? I am planning to send a mission to Duna in a couple chapters of my story, [AAR] Construction: A Journey to Space, and I want to know if I can send a monopropellant-powered car out there.

I might also send them to the mun and minimus- Imagine, minimus dune buggy racing.

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Which of the engines work in zero-atmosphere, or duna-level atmos? I am planning to send a mission to Duna in a couple chapters of my story, [AAR] Construction: A Journey to Space, and I want to know if I can send a monopropellant-powered car out there.

I might also send them to the mun and minimus- Imagine, minimus dune buggy racing.

RCS rovers will work on other worlds. Electric ones also. I've had some on EVE to test that and the mun.

Still trying to use Omniwheels without sucess.

Care to eleborate?

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Care to eleborate?

The placement is akward and generally the wheels at the front steer in the opposite direction from the back ones, which makes the vehicle only capable of spinning in place.

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The placement is akward and generally the wheels at the front steer in the opposite direction from the back ones, which makes the vehicle only capable of spinning in place.
Have you tried with the translation keys, it depends which way the pod is on the vehicle but generally you can drive in any direction (forward, reverse, left, right) or rotate either way.

Strange, I wonder how you've done that. The only issue I'm aware of in that regard is it is possible to get wheels where only slowing down can consume fuel. Theres some trickery in the cfg's intended to prevent that (the direction -1 thing) if you have a craft file I can look at I'd be happy to see if I can track down whats causing this.


I just got the latest version and it seems to be the same for me, I've been looking at the resource bars, forward shows 0.05 drain and reverse shows 0.00 and I've driven for a while and not used a unit of fuel. Here's the craft - I think it's rebuilt with just stock and TT.


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The placement is akward and generally the wheels at the front steer in the opposite direction from the back ones, which makes the vehicle only capable of spinning in place.
Have you tried with the translation keys, it depends which way the pod is on the vehicle but generally you can drive in any direction (forward, reverse, left, right) or rotate either way.

What he said here. Omniwheels are basically the same as using RCS in space on a spacecraft, except you're fixed to the ground. if you want to translate forward, you'll have to press translate forward, not use the rover controls. The idea is that you can use them to move ANY direction at any time.

I'll check out the craft file soon Darren, thanks!

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Engines are here! Yay! This brings the mod's powerfull-er wheels back into balance!

Looking forward to trying these when I get back.

How did you get on with them? :P

How about some (purely cosmetic?) exhaust pipes? Perhaps they could make sound as well, depending on the throttle. It feels a little strange driving my dune buggies in complete silence :P

This is something I've been considering. Sound is something I'd have the Engines make, once I work out how to do that. (I've got some idea but not put this into practice) as far as cosmetic exhausts go my idea was to make them produce small amounts of smoke under throttle.

On mod news, I've had a new fairly easy to implement idea of "lowering kits" so truck wheels can have their clearances reduced by placing a radial part on them. I can make it just vanish when in simulation, so it shouldn't be obtrusive.

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Would that impact the part count or would they actually be removed when you go to the flightspace?

They would still exist as a part unless I changed the Modular Wheels main module to allow public and persistant suspension distance (then just have the part explode or something so it no longer exists) Which I guess I could do as well, anyway.

On the brightside I figure I can turn off physics significance, the collider, the mesh renderer, and give near infinite break forces, and I think that'll probably make its effect compared to a normal part ingame near enough negligible (since there wont be any physics or rendering to do)

Alternatively I could just make 1 single part that changes the suspension height on every single wheel, and not neccesarily bother hiding it. This would slightly limit the usefulness, but reduce the tediousness when using a lot of wheels.

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If you can eliminate nearly all of it's physics impact, sounds good enough for me, but if you wanted to reduce it further perhaps look to ModularFuelTanks and how it adds an interface to the ActionGroups panel to adjust the individual properties of parts.

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For some reason, my thoughts went on a tangent this weekend. I was trying some new ideas regarding carrier aircraft, and how a parasiticly carried plane is always hard to put in a bay - why put it inside? well its unsightly stuck above isn't it? So why can't we stick it in a fuselage dent shaped for a smaller craft? AHA! I give you -

Fuselage Embedding! (there smooth adapters in the mod for MK3 and to MK2, this is an early testing picture!)



MK3 Embedded Fuselages


this is the first version of the pack partly to test the waters on the idea. MK3 Embedded Fuselages adds MK3 type fuselages with dents in them. "but couldn't I do that with a hammer?" Create finely curved 1.25m wide fuselage length dents with adapters to normal fuselages?! I don't think so! Use these to fit rockets, smaller planes, anything on top of another MK3 based aircraft. In the future, I may add other fuselage types, or embedding in different places. (say under, sides, something like that) For now the finely crafted dent sits on top. There are three parts in the mod- MK3 overhead embedded fuselage, MK3 to MK3 embedded fuselage adapter, and a MK2 to MK3 embedded fuselage adapter.

Download here! (ignore missing picture, its missing because spaceport is being terrible as usual)


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