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Photo for my Ribbon

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As I have only just started this game, I thought I would create this thread for reminiscing over at a later date. Whenever I reach one of the goals that allows me to add something to the ribbon cluster, I aim to add a photo of the occasion. Should be interesting to see how I develop as I get to grips with the game. First few images are from the last couple of days. The Kerbin station was achieved today.

First achievement was a Kerbin orbit followed by a flight to Minmus and back, courtesy of one of the tutorials listed in the sticky at the top of the 'How to' thread.


Quickly followed by a flight to Mun


And today's launch and rendezvous of K.I.S.S. (Kerbin International Space Station)


Will add more as the events happen.

With the introduction of flags in v.0.20 I thought it only right that I should go back to the Mun to plant one. Was also my first night landing which was interesting, as the ground I landed on was 1700+ m high. Came up a bit unexpectedly.


Edited by Scarecrow88
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can now add images for my first successful attempt to put a rover on the Mun. Have also realised that I didn't take a screenshot of my craft in orbit around Duna, so I guess I will have to do that one again. Also, with the release of .20 I have revamped my space station to use the larger docking clamps, so here's a pic of the new station.




Edited by Scarecrow88
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First Duna landing


Not sure why he's looking so happy. Some fool pressed the staging button on the way down and he lost the landing gear and engines, so he's stuck there now until a rescue mission can be organised.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally managed to send a mission to Duna that returned successfully without having to send out a refuelling tanker to top them up.


Also made a landing on Ike for the first time today, but again I think I might be tight on fuel to get home as I cocked up the transfer burn to get there.


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  • 1 month later...

More achievement pictures.

In the last couple of days I have managed to successfully send probes out to the Jool system. First flights were to put satellites around the moons. That was followed by a couple of flights carrying 2 lander probes each to put a lander on all the moons except Bop (eccentric and elliptical orbit is putting me off trying for that one for the time being.)

Laythe. The atmosphere on Laythe was a bonus in helping to get my lander down safely. Aimed for the biggest bit of land I was flying over to give me the largest room for error.


Vall. Found this similar to landing on Mun, so not too many difficulties.


Tylo. Found this the most difficult as I struggled to kill my orbital speed, and the lack of atmosphere and a fairly strong gravity all conspired to wreck my attempts at a safe landing.


Pol. This I found the easiest, due to the low speeds and low gravity - very much like Minmus. Rocky terrain and trying to avoid landing on a steep incline was my only concern. This will probably be my first target for a manned landing in the Jool system.


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