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Hey, you all dont know but i got some medical problems, which i will have all my ****ing life. You who are healthy, enjoy the day, enjoy every minute and second of it. I joined ksp in version 0.13 i think, and it rocked my life. As many othrtds i had dreams of beeing an astronaut as a child, this game game me this opportunity. First playtrough i was astroundished, lost for words. I was seeing the world,( not the real but meta speaklyingly,) I often doubt the fairness of life, this beacuse my little brother was taken from me and my family in heart diease when i was young, also those illnessess i got from my inhearitage,

I know there are worst things out here, war and other, In hard times, games, and mosthand ksp keep me to try again, and i know there are good things out there, people, games,music, places that are good and are making the days brighter =) so i guess this is a cheer for ksp, and all those good things that makes us not forget but handle the bad things better, like ksp did for me


ps i wasnt drunk when i wrote this but had an beer,ds and its true

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So sorry about your brother and your medical problems, but I'm glad you've come to find some semblance of your astronaut dream in KSP. Also, I like that word, astoundished. I think I might start using it IRL.

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Thanks for th replies, i was little drunk and angry so i needed to vent things out. Sorry to hear that chobit-389

, we will keep the dreams alive =) How do you handle the sadness and anger ? cheers for your time, the ksp community is by far the best gaming community iv been to

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I don't think I'll ever be happy about it, nor do I expect you to be either, all you have to do is just keep pressing on and maybe find a way to support from the ground, even if it's just mopping the floors at NASA JPL. All that matters is the overall advancement of humanity

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I don't think I'll ever be happy about it, nor do I expect you to be either, all you have to do is just keep pressing on and maybe find a way to support from the ground, even if it's just mopping the floors at NASA JPL. All that matters is the overall advancement of humanity

With my highly negative relationship with maths, mopping NASA-owned floors may be the only NASA job i'd be able to get. I probably can't fly air or spacecraft IRL due to my family having a hell of a history of heart disease. Oh well, I wanna drive lorries anyways. "Hello folks, this is your co-captain speaking. The captain is having a heart attack right now and we're about to re-enter. Does anybody on board know how to land a Spaceplane?"

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With my highly negative relationship with maths, mopping NASA-owned floors may be the only NASA job i'd be able to get.

Coffee runner.

Single most important NASA job there is...who else keeps the ground control crew awake for days on end?

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Coffee runner.

Single most important NASA job there is...who else keeps the ground control crew awake for days on end?

A reading from The Book Of Armaments, Chapter 2, Verses 3-10:

"Then Flyme did raise on high the Holy Coffee Pot of Seattle, saying, "Bless this, O Houston, that with it thou mayst blow thine weariness to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And Houston Did Grin. And the Astronauts did rejoice and did feast upon the Spinach and Ice-Cream and Edible Experiments and Hot Drinks and Cold Drinks and Breakfast Cereals and Fruit-Compounds and ... Now did Houston say, "First shalt thou Measurest thine Holy Coffee Grounds and Holy Dihydrogen Monoxide into thy Holy Coffeemaker. Then thou must count to Six-Hundred. Six-hundred shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be Six-Hundred. Six-Hundred and Fifty shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count Three-Hundred and Fifty, excepting that thou then proceed to Six-Hundred. Seven-Hundred is right out. Once the number Six-Hundred, being the Six-Hundredth number be reached, then takest thy Holy Coffee Pot off of thy Holy Coffeemaker, and pourest thy Holy Coffee Liquid in the direction of thine cup, which, being drunken in my sight, shall be emptied quickly."

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I know what you mean. Because of sight problems, none of my childhood dreams, and almost all adulthood ones are unreachable for me. But Chobit's right, every step on the way counts, every part of it is necessary. If you can't fly the spacecraft, you can help build it, help steer it from the ground, talk to the general population about what it's doing and why it's worth spending so much money on, or you can sweep the floors, make coffee, do boring engineering things, whatever. I'm sorry to hear your dreams didn't work out, but I'm certain you'll find some way you can help if you want to.

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