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Need help troubleshooting lag


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Well, most times someone complains about lag it's because they're dealing with large ships and such... But in this case that isn't the problem, and I'm not sure what is.

So I've recently been having a bit of lag issues and noticed the mission timer in the top left corner going yellow fairly often, and so I went ahead and did a clean install... But it didn't help in any way whatsoever. So even with just a single probe body on the launch pad in a clean install of KSP is giving me that yellow timer indicating lag, it can't be my computer because I used to be able to run up to 200 - 300 parts before that timer even thought about turning yellow, and nothing has changed with my computer since then.

All in all I'm completely stumped, I have no idea what could be causing this lag, so I'm asking if anyone has had similar issues or knows anything that might help fix this?

Edited by CoriW
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  CoriW said:
Well, most times someone complains about lag it's because they're dealing with large ships and such... But in this case that isn't the problem, and I'm not sure what is.

So I've recently been having a bit of lag issues and noticed the mission timer in the top left corner going yellow fairly often, and so I went ahead and did a clean install... But it didn't help in any way whatsoever. So even with just a single probe body on the launch pad in a clean install of KSP is giving me that yellow timer indicating lag, it can't be my computer because I used to be able to run up to 200 - 300 parts before that timer even though about turning yellow, and nothing has changed with my computer since then.

All in all I'm completely stumped, I have no idea what could be causing this lag, so I'm asking if anyone has had similar issues or knows anything that might help fix this?

Are you using the same save file on the clean install? I had the same issue...then i noticed the metric crapton of debris ive left in orbit.

So i set max Debris to 0 and suddenly all my lag went away. Could just be coincidence, who knows.

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Wild and unauthoritative guess: run KSP in Admin mode. Sometimes I think a Windows PC will not write to disk after you change settings in the parameters area. Specifically the clear all debris option.

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  Space Cowboy said:
Wild and unauthoritative guess: run KSP in Admin mode. Sometimes I think a Windows PC will not write to disk after you change settings in the parameters area. Specifically the clear all debris option.

Good idea I'll try that, oh and a bit of an update is that I think I may have found part of the problem... Kerbin! It seems that if I'm in orbit, when the camera can see Kerbin it lags and when the camera is just pointing out into nothing the lag is minimal and all runs well, so I'm also going to try turning down the graphics settings a bit.

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Make sure you add an exception for your Kerbal game directory to your anti-virus program, whatever it is. It helped me.

Also if your game, try right clicking on the KErbal process and setting its core affinity to 1 core only, and set its priority to high...

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  Tollazor said:
Make sure you add an exception for your Kerbal game directory to your anti-virus program, whatever it is. It helped me.

Also if your game, try right clicking on the KErbal process and setting its core affinity to 1 core only, and set its priority to high...

For the "Kerbal Process" you mean in the task manager?

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  CoriW said:
Good idea I'll try that, oh and a bit of an update is that I think I may have found part of the problem... Kerbin! It seems that if I'm in orbit, when the camera can see Kerbin it lags and when the camera is just pointing out into nothing the lag is minimal and all runs well, so I'm also going to try turning down the graphics settings a bit.

I had that issue too. It is indeed a graphics setting, simply go into settings and turn both the Render Quality Level and the Terrain Detail sliders down. The disadvantage of this is that since the terrain is now rendered less effectively, certain Easter Eggs, including the KSC 2 end up underground. It's a small price to pay for lag, though!

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  CalculusWarrior said:
I had that issue too. It is indeed a graphics setting, simply go into settings and turn both the Render Quality Level and the Terrain Detail sliders down. The disadvantage of this is that since the terrain is now rendered less effectively, certain Easter Eggs, including the KSC 2 end up underground. It's a small price to pay for lag, though!

So I lowered all the settings... And even then while I was on the launch pad looking at the horizon my mission timer would occasionally flicker yellow for a split second :huh: and so I went even yet another step further, went into my graphics card control panel, and told it to render everything for best performance... It got to the point where I could see the lines where the skybox "images" connected, everything was blurry as hell, and even then the mission timer STILL occasionally flickered yellow while on the launch pad looking at the horizon!

KSP... As much as I like you... You can be a pain in the ... sometimes. :mad:

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  CoriW said:
Well, most times someone complains about lag it's because they're dealing with large ships and such... But in this case that isn't the problem, and I'm not sure what is.

So I've recently been having a bit of lag issues and noticed the mission timer in the top left corner going yellow fairly often

All in all I'm completely stumped, I have no idea what could be causing this lag, so I'm asking if anyone has had similar issues or knows anything that might help fix this?

Maybe this is just a typo on your part and you meant to say red. (Or a big misunderstanding on my part)But as I've understood it from reading alot of posts on here, that red indicates lag and yellow is normal.

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  Finnerty said:
Maybe this is just a typo on your part and you meant to say red. (Or a big misunderstanding on my part)But as I've understood it from reading alot of posts on here, that red indicates lag and yellow is normal.

Nope I mean yellow, whenever mine goes yellow I notice a slight bit of frame slowness, and I used to never even see the yellow until I was up to 200 - 300 parts. It was always green before.

  CalculusWarrior said:
I do see yellow sometimes when I'm not experiencing lag at all, but I could just not be noticing it, I suppose. Also, this lag problem will (hopefully) be (at least partly) solved in the 0.20 update, coming (very?) soon...

Yeah I've heard about their optimizations, that'll be awesome when it's released. I'm keeping my hopes up it'll be here by the end of the month.

Edited by CoriW
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  CalculusWarrior said:
Maybe your computer has malware or spyware or something like that? Have you installed any potentially hazardous programs recently? Did anything happen to make this change?

It appears as if nothing has changed to make this happen, I've only been on the websites that I'm usually on, haven't gotten any security warnings or anything of that sort. Also haven't changed any computer settings or anything like that, it appears this problem just started randomly and completely unprovoked to my knowledge.

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  CoriW said:
Nope I mean yellow, whenever mine goes yellow I notice a slight bit of frame slowness, and I used to never even see the yellow until I was up to 200 - 300 parts. It was always green before.

Yeah I've heard about their optimizations, that'll be awesome when it's released. I'm keeping my hopes up it'll be here by the end of the month.

You're not alone. Yellow is definitely not normal. Green is normal. I get weird things sometimes where it'll be green about 99% of the time but then every second it flashes yellow for a tiny fraction of a second and I get a lag spike and the audio jumps a bit and makes a popping noise. So annoying but I have no idea what causes it because it seems to be random. But yellow is the color of lag. Red is the color of "pretty much just close the game and do something else, you're not going to space on this computer..."

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