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Raven SSTO series (MAJOR UPDATE FOR 0.23.5)

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Revived from the dead, I present:

The Raven!


This incredible aero-spacecraft can reach orbit easily, has an operating ceiling of 32km(atmospheric flight), has a great design and most importantly-is efficient and STOCK!

It comes in different variants for any of your needs:



This is the very fist one built. It is not modified, it is the original craft.

Purpose-deliver 1 kerbal to orbit and back.




This is the Launcher variant. It comes with an adapter on its back and a decoupler. Comes with free satellite.

Purpose-launch payloads into LKO, possibly other planets/moons.


Download (currently has a fuel pump fault, flight is possible, though will require manual fuel transfer, fix soonâ„¢!




This is the Dockable variant. It has an inline docking adapter for docking.

Docking with it is very easy, the RCS placement is almost perfect.


Purpose-dock with other spacecraft/stations.





All variants are stock, have an ASAS unit, an avionics computer, 6 Ram air intakes and 200 units of RCS.

More variants will be developed soon.

1-toggle solar panels(RavenX only), toggle engines

2-toggle RAPIER mode

3-activate satellite(RavenL)

4-toggle intakes

Edited by iDan122
Updated RavenD for 0.23.5
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I've been toying around with spaceplanes lately and I'm curious... How much fuel do you have left after circularizing @ 75-80km with that Aerospike? With such a high cruising altitude, have you considered using an LV-N?

Also, what size payload are you carrying up? We talking .05T-ish for a probe core, solar panel and battery?

Mainly I want a good baseline of what I should be working towards.

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Well i dont know exactly but the RavenD can get into a 122x122 orbit easily,rendez-vous,dock, and deorbit without refuelling, fly 20km on its jets. I am planning on making a RavenE with a LV-N engine too. You can download the plane and see for yourself!

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I plan on downloading and trying it out when I get off work today. Meanwhile, in return for your troubles I will share with you the culmination of all my space plane effort.


2x Turbofan

4x Intakes

1x LV-N

Action Groups:

1 - Enable LV-N

2 - Toggle Turbofans and Intakes

The ascent profile for this spaceplane is like many others.

Climb at 45 degrees until 10km altitude, nose down gently while continuing to climb to ~20km, watch apoapsis and gently guide the plane up to an apoapsis of 24-26km. At this point, the fuel in the forward tank should be half or a little over half consumed. Continue to burn this fuel while gaining speed, you should approach 1550~1600m/s surface velocity.

At about 30 units of fuel in the forward tank I fire the nuke, either by staging or the "1" action group. Burn the nuke and turbofans, continuously pitching upwards to raise your apoapsis out of the atmosphere. (Your pitch should be about 30 degrees at maximum input with RCS on or off). As the apoapsis approaches 55km I usually begin to level out picking up a significant amount of my horizontal orbital velocity before completely leaving this atmosphere.

My best attempt has left me with 1700m/s delta-V when reaching orbit. or more than half the liquid fuel/oxidizer available to the nuke.

Mechanical Jeb is included on this version for flameout prevention however I've never been able to successfully use Smart A.S.S. to reach orbit, its all manual flight. For non-mech jeb use, throttle down to 50% at 26km and 25% up to 28km at which point I disable the turbofans.

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I plan on downloading and trying it out when I get off work today. Meanwhile, in return for your troubles I will share with you the culmination of all my space plane effort.


2x Turbofan

4x Intakes

1x LV-N

Action Groups:

1 - Enable LV-N

2 - Toggle Turbofans and Intakes

The ascent profile for this spaceplane is like many others.

Climb at 45 degrees until 10km altitude, nose down gently while continuing to climb to ~20km, watch apoapsis and gently guide the plane up to an apoapsis of 24-26km. At this point, the fuel in the forward tank should be half or a little over half consumed. Continue to burn this fuel while gaining speed, you should approach 1550~1600m/s surface velocity.

At about 30 units of fuel in the forward tank I fire the nuke, either by staging or the "1" action group. Burn the nuke and turbofans, continuously pitching upwards to raise your apoapsis out of the atmosphere. (Your pitch should be about 30 degrees at maximum input with RCS on or off). As the apoapsis approaches 55km I usually begin to level out picking up a significant amount of my horizontal orbital velocity before completely leaving this atmosphere.

My best attempt has left me with 1700m/s delta-V when reaching orbit. or more than half the liquid fuel/oxidizer available to the nuke.

Mechanical Jeb is included on this version for flameout prevention however I've never been able to successfully use Smart A.S.S. to reach orbit, its all manual flight. For non-mech jeb use, throttle down to 50% at 26km and 25% up to 28km at which point I disable the turbofans.

Would you like to join the Ministry of Space? We own the Raven, thanks to our engineer iDan122

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If you want to, your hired, choose your job title!

I am fairly decent at designing rockets and spaceplanes. I only have a couple good rovers, but they each have atmospheric and non-atmospheric landing variants for self deployment.

I would say I am just a regular old blue collar engineer.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Major update!

What's new:

Replaced solar panels with rtg's

Removed jet engines and aero spikes, added RAPIER engines instead

Parachutes added

Steerable landing gear

Proper aviation lights

Steerable landing gear

Wing surface adjustments

Overall tweaks with tweakables

New screenshots

New sample satellite placed on RavenD

Edited by iDan122
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