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Ksp Eras


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O.7.3-0.9: the beginnings: the start of ksp

Start of the forums: Harvester: our first forefather.

New forefathers emerge.

The first apocalypse

0.9-0.14: classic era: early rockets were built during this era

Addon empire emerges and crushes the stock empire

0.14-0.17: the golden era: which means there a alot of crazy rocket designs

Stock uprising begins and the stock-mod war begins

0.17-0.20: modern era: we see more realistic rockets

3-20-13: Colonizing period: the game is being spread out into the internet

4-11-13 forum apocalypse: new people gone extinct and the forefathers(which include me) survived.

Squad Expansion Plans: N/A: I predicted in version 0.37.

0.20-0.??: the future

new kerbal games?

0.??-0.??: the end?

I hope you enjoy this:)

Edited by ouion
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