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Project ThunderBird

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The Latest in Space plane Technology has lead to the development of the ThunderBird Project.

Sponsored By C7

The Thunderbird Project is a Semi-Successful attempt to create an Orbital Transport shuttle.

Early Attempts resulted in near Catastrophic Failure.

ThunderBird I

ThunderBird II

ThunderBird III

ThunderBird IV

ThunderBird V

all Failed

and improvement after improvement was made directed by Jebediah

and soon Came ThunderBird VI.


ThunderBird VI was the first Aircraft To reach Orbit.

During the early stages of the flight the Crew reported that the Aircraft had a tendency to List lazily to the Right and had to be watched

it wasn\'t Until reaching the outer layers of earths atmosphere that Bill Realised that the Left Tail Wing Had Been mistakenly placed on underside of the aircraft rather then Topside where it out to be. bill soon broke down and consequently pissed his pants.

Bob quickly Came to the conclusion that this misplacement was the cause of the aircraft Listing lazily to the right which had been earlier noted and congratulated himself for being so smart.

The flight Continued and soon they neared there final destination... KSC

Due to the Mistaken Placing of the Tail wing landing the Craft was not an option and the Crew was forced to ditch the aircraft.

Luckily A new Feature of ThunderBird VI is The CES (Crew Ejectection system) which was introduced to Boost Crew Morale.

All Crew Survived

all Credit went to Jebediah.

Now Begins Project ThunderBird Mark VII.

Notice: ThunderBird Mark VII has been Scrapped Due To Aeronautical issues.


This Project Is to provide an Aircraft which has the ability to not only Orbit Kearth But return Safely and in one Piece.

Added features are

Two Extra Rear Mounted engines to increase Thrust.

Two Rear parachutes to Help Slow The AirCraft for landing.

The Mistaken Placing of the Rear mounted Tail Fin has been fixed

the Amount of tail fins has been increased To Five From the Previous three.

A canard has been used as a forward Tail fin for added manoeuvrability.

Further Reinforcements has been added since the Extra thrust Caused the Fuslage to snap in half.

RCS module\'s have been added For further stability

SAS modules have been replaced with ASAS Modules

Engineers are now Looking Back at ThunderBird VI

so far small improvements have been made but Landing still appears to be an issue.

ship saves are below.

VI - requires C7 and at least 10.1

VII- requires C7 and at least 11 x 3

Pictures are Soon to be Included

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